We're Partying In Vegas!!!!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

LarryMullen's POPAngel

Blue Crack Distributor
Jun 21, 2001
I'll be up with the sun, I'm not coming down...
Yep, that's right, everyone....Sicy is here, Hello Angel is here (thank you for feeding our addiction, girl!
), we met Elvis at the bar, this is too awesome!!!

Angel in devil's shoes
Salvation in the blues

What are you doing posting at the board then? You guys are too obssessed with this place! LOL

That is so cool! Hope all of you have a blast!

But you take what you can get
'Cause it's all that you can find
Oh, you know there's something more
But tonight, tonight, tonight

(??.?(?*?.? ?.?*?)?.??)
?.???. *Monica*.???.?
(?.??(?.??* *??.?)??.)
Damn, can't believe I waited till Saturday to go!! Save the really good stuff for tomorrow!!

See ya in a few hours. LOL

"Even Texas loves New York!" ~ Bono, 11/5/01

Thanks for an incredible day boys! Thanks for the autographs!

HI from Vegas ya'll!

The drinks are flowing, the juices are goin
Sure, go ahead and rub it in!

How do you keep a moron busy for an hour? Two words... Extreme Paddleball

"wow...look at those two birds... they look just like airplanes, the way they're flying..."

" because they are airplanes..."

And I have no religion
And I don't know what's what
April! Did you try my new favorite cocktail yet?

The one and only!
Is this post really necessary?!?! Along with random remarks on you being in Vegas and us not being there?

Atleast I won't be fighting off a hang-over and you will

Now go back to your 'Vegas' forum. Hurry along now...
Originally posted by Achtung_Bebe:
Is this post really necessary?!?! Along with random remarks on you being in Vegas and us not being there?
it inspired me to go and start the next few threads:
* I'm off to the toilet and you aren't
* woohoo I'm at work
* boy, I'm glad you aren't here

Shake it, shake it, shake it
I?m soooooo jealous!
Go party like there is no U2 show tomorrow!

Bring the goddam house down!

16 hrs away..
Leaving early Sun Am..
Had a customer hedging on a car-buying decision threatening to procastinate until tommorrow,then I explained I would be In Vegas tommorrow so he came to Jesus today and bought the car..


"...The big guy is made of STEEL." - Bono as we stood together on stage at Boston #4, June 9th, 2001.

-curious? click
links for
Bos.4 Story


*Bursts into tears*

Look...look what you've done to me...You've made me poor and infamous, and I thank you...

My name is MISS MACPHISTO...I'm tired and i want to go HOME...

"Well you tell...Bonovista,that i said hello and that my codename is Belleview" - Bono before opening night of Anaheim Elevation concert
Originally posted by SicilianGoddess:


Looks like you went to paris instead, muahhahahahahaahha, jokes on ye ye silly feckers!:p

Wouldn't it be gas if U2 cancelled?


I don't care, I have toasted sandwiches.
Shit, I'm not even in Vegas and I have a nasty hangover today.

And I have no religion
And I don't know what's what
Now this time variation still gets me. Maybe you guys are at the show right now(dawn on Monday in Oz) Great choice of pic as always Sicy. Hub had a band called MGM(Michael, Graham, Michael,,duh, we run out of ideas for names sometimes) So I can pretend their name is "up in lights" in Vegas and they are appearing just up the road from U2.
Hmmmm. Which band do I go to see? Cass' Choice.
As if you need to hear this, but here goes anyway...have fun musiclovers.

Elvis in the bar, tee heeeee.
Viva y'all.
I just talked to many lovely interference women on the phone ( and some guys too..but let's get real now). They seem to be having a good time...hope everyone isnt *too* drunk.
I am thinking of all of you in Vegas and I hope your show is totally krasno. Sorry I blarged before.


Remember the goul.

Shake n' bake
Do whatever it takes

[This message has been edited by Calluna (edited 11-18-2001).]
You guys must be having a BLAST! I am a tad jealous, but that is normal, right?
Oh God, just looked at the watch, hard to believe you are all about to see U2 (in 20 minutes) and I am sitting here trying to plot Sacramento!
Have fun, and give us all the details ASAP!
Can't wait to hear all the details of the show!
Viva Las Vegas!!!
Son of a bitch!!

They did Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses in Vegas!!!

How do you keep a moron busy for an hour? Two words... Extreme Paddleball

"wow...look at those two birds... they look just like airplanes, the way they're flying..."

" because they are airplanes..."
It's just probably a snippet at the end of Bad...at least that's the impression I got from U2tours.com

And I have no religion
And I don't know what's what

[This message has been edited by ~LadyLemon~ (edited 11-18-2001).]
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