Rank the clips

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Oct 10, 2000
cumming, ga usa
for those who have listened to all the leaked / live clips(of varying quality) what are you favorites? i think i would rank them:

1. miracle drug
2. original of the species
3. love and peace or else
4. vertigo
5. city of blinding lights
6. all because of you

i guess i am ranking them on potential / what i imagine the finished product will be.
My ranking below. This of course could all change when we hear the full CD quality versions.

1. Original of the species.
2. City of blinding lights.
3. Love and peace or else.
4. Vertigo.
5. Miracle drug.
6. All because of you.
Well, I'll rank how good I think the songs will be based on the clips.

City of Blinding Lights
Love and Peace or Else
Miracle Drug
Original of the Species
All Because of You
City of Blinding Lights = awesome
All Because Of You = awesome
Vertigo = awesome
Original of Species = hard to say.. definately emotional.. lyrics remind me of 2nd half of ATYCLB
Love and Peace or Else = break the monsters back rhyme kind of unsettling (from the new 1 min clip.. again reminds of 2nd half of ATYCLB), but from what ive heard from the spanish clips of this song is pretty good
Miracle Drug = sounds awesome from spanish clip
Last edited:
1. miracle drug
2. original of the species
3. city of blinding lights
4. vertigo
5. all because of you
6. love and peace or else
1. miracle drug
2. vertigo
3. city of blinding lights
4. love and peace or else
5. original of the species
6. all because of you
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