Question about Mothers of the dissapeared and some of the lyrics on Kite and Acrobat

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The Original, Rock n' Roll Doggie, VIP PASS
Jun 8, 2000
Hamilton, ON
depending on which melody you're talking about, I think it's the guitar. the weird clanky sound is actually Larry's drums put through really weird effects.
Originally posted by SkeeK:
depending on which melody you're talking about, I think it's the guitar. the weird clanky sound is actually Larry's drums put through really weird effects.

You know, the lead melody. At first there's some weird gun-shot-like sounds (real creepy effect) and a screeching sound similar to rainfall (probably the guitar). Then, the melody kicks in. You know, the mournful leading tune.

[This message has been edited by U2girl (edited 11-01-2001).]
It is the guitar.. but it's not his delay drenched electric this time... it his acoustic.

And I felt like a star...
Originally posted by U2girl:
Also, what is your interpretation of Acrobat's lyrics in the part "to change the cup, to fill it up, to drink it slow i can't let you go"?

Actually, it's "to take the cup..."

As for my interpretation, I think it goes along with the lyrics before those...

"Yeah, I'd break bread and wine...if there was a church I could receive in...cuz I need it now."

With the talk of the wine at church..."to take the cup, to fill it up" led me to think of it as the cup of wine at church. "To drink it slow, I can't let you go" drink something slowly to savor try to make it last. Since the wine at church is to represent Christ's blood, it could be about the need to be close to God.

Or perhaps I am reading too much into the "break bread and wine" lyric.

This is just an idea!

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."
Mothers: what is that instrument (the one that plays the melody)? That's not Edge's guitar, is it?

Kite: the part "i'm a man, i'm not a child, a man who sees the shadow behind your eyes"
What is your interpretation of it?
IMO, it refers to Bono's father (i'm a man, i can take whatever may happen with you. you don't need to act tough&strong with me, i see the "shadow behind your eyes"). Or, he said in an interview he was inspired for the song when he was flying a kite with his daughters. So, it could also be : i'm a man, ready to take on the responsibilities of parenthood (as opposed to Mofo, where Bono was "looking for the father of my two litlle girls"). You can always come to me in times of need. ("the shadow behind your eyes" part)
What do you think?

Also, what is your interpretation of Acrobat's lyrics in the part "to change the cup, to fill it up, to drink it slow i can't let you go"?

"It's about finding your way into the music." - Edge

"Something inside said this could be everything in your life." - Bono

"U2 as a band does things no one else can do. I think that is a very powerful thing." - Larry

"Adam believed in the band before anyone did." - Bono

[This message has been edited by U2girl (edited 11-01-2001).]
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