Poll: the most depressing and the most uplifting U2 song...

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The Fly
Feb 8, 2002
I have some strong candidates for each category.

Most depressing:

Elvis Presley and America
With or Without You
Love Is Blindness
If You Were That Velvet Dress
Never Let Me Go...

Most uplifting:

Where The Streets Have No Name ( especially live version )

Finally my vote goes to Elvis Presley & America and WTSHNN!
Promenade depressing? I should say NOT! It's a beautiful love song. A heartful cry to a lover.

It's all uplifting to me. Even if lyrically, the subject matter is dark... dark does not equal depressing, at least, not for me.
Originally posted by RufusYoungblood:
Promenade depressing? I should say NOT! It's a beautiful love song. A heartful cry to a lover.

I feel the same way. I alo don't feel October is depressing. In fact, to me, it's a song of hope. No matter what happens in thsi world, God lives on and on and is always there.
I don't think Jack4U's point with this post was to have all of you make judegements around his choices. What is sad to some is happy to others.
He just wanted to know what you guys find depressing/happy.

For me... a happy U2 song...

Beautiful Day (very uplifting)
and... Mofo (though not necesarily by design)

... sad U2 songs...

Shadows and Tall Trees
Love Comes Tumbling

(the above two more so because of the memories they drudge up).
Actually.....I think "ONE" is a pretty depressing song!

Uplifting-Definetly "Streets".

What are we going to do now It's all been said,
No new ideas in the house and Every book has been read....
Depressing-Peace On Earth!!
Uplifting-Out of Control!!

"OH, SINNY- er,um- SPINNY!" (freudian slip?)-JulyFly

"Here I go and I don't know why
I spin so ceaselessly
Could it be he's taken over me????
Most Uplifting: ELEVATION!!!


I think "With or Without you" is depressing and sad, contrary to what some others may think. That guitar sound in the beginning is depressing enough. In fact this song is almost scary. Look at the lyrics, "With or without you I can't live" Whats more scarier than that??? Think about it for a second.

"You gotta put the women and children first, but you've got an unquenchable thirst for New York..."
Thanks a lot for supporting me Angel...
My choices turned out to be so controversial which I hadn?t expected.
But it?s very intriguing anyway.

IMO U2 music has a powerful potential to light up every emotion.
It?s a perfect ?catalyst? ...and I often listen to the music, which is suitable for my current mood. When I?m sad it?s really hard to me to listen to the ?happy and optimistic music? because it always annoys me! I think it?s a kind of problem, because some songs makes me feel even worse! After ?long experiments? I have my favorites, which I have already listed above.

Among other things I love U2 just because of their amazing ability to capture in Their songs that feelings, atmosphere and close them in a perfect composition and words!
My question is about that created mood and atmosphere that makes You think: how the hell They knew how I feel now. You think about it because pure emotions pour out from your speakers. And when You choose suitable songs for Your actual mood You can create some kind of perfect harmony between your emotions and music that surrounds You in the same moment. I really love that feeling.

Maybe it?s stupid and trite but I?ve just want to share that with You...
Unfortuantely my poor vocablurary doesn't allow me to write exactly what I feel..
Originally posted by 80sU2isBest:
I feel the same way. I alo don't feel October is depressing. In fact, to me, it's a song of hope. No matter what happens in thsi world, God lives on and on and is always there.

Hmmmm...yes it is a song of hope, but I don't recall a mention of God in the lyrics. I think its more of yourself being able to move on and on no matter what falls around you. Along the same lines of a "Walk On" maybe.

"You gotta put the women and children first, but you've got an unquenchable thirst for New York..."
Depressing: Wake Up Dead Man
Uplifting: In A Little While

that pretty much sums it up for me.

Beautiful Day
Where the Streets Have No Name (live)


So Cruel
Uplifting: "Stuck"

Depressing: "Stuck"

"Hallelujah, Heaven's white rose,
The doors you open...I just can't close..."
Originally posted by Ana:
Depresive: Umm I actually don't think U2 have any real depresive song.


Trip through your wires
Mysterious Ways
Is that all
Where the streets have no name

I totally agree with you Ana!
'depressing': I threw a brick ...
uplifting: Rejoice

that's why those 2 songs are among my fav combinations on any album ever

Shake it, shake it, shake it
Most Depressing: Wake Up Dead Man - no contest, although I do love the song.

Most Uplifting: Where The Streets Have No Name - no contest. (Maybe honorable mention to BD)

Rock 'N Roll is the sound of revenge.
I think that instead of picking seperate songs to fit in the catagories - you should try to find one song that can be both uplifting and depressing.

My pick is "wake up deadman" and "if God will send his angels".

" You love this town - even if that doesn't ring true. You've been all over, and it's been all over you " - Bono

" Don't you know there ain't no Devil, that's just God when he's drunk " - Tom Waits
For me, "One" is one of the most gut-wrenching musical experiences I've ever had.
The song tears me up inside like no other, simply because I utterly envision the worst parts of my life throughout that song - it spells out the worst in me, but the bright spot is that "One" was the catalyst of my salvation. So perhaps it's uplifting in that vein, but only due to hindsight.

Peace on Earth
Wake Up Dead Man


Beautiful Day
Wild Honey
Originally posted by Zoocifer:
I think that instead of picking seperate songs to fit in the catagories - you should try to find one song that can be both uplifting and depressing.

My pick is "wake up deadman" and "if God will send his angels".

I honestly don't see much of a way for WUDM to be uplifting.

Running To Stand Still
Wake Up Dead Man


Beautiful Day
Walk On
Out of Control
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