Is anyone going to Little Rock?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Johnny Swallow

Bad Daddy Johnny
Aug 10, 2000
NW Arkansas
I'm thinking about it, my best friend called me and invited me to come down. I figure the odds of meeting Bono would be better than at a concert so I just might have to.
Where in Ark are you from edgeu22? I'm from Fayetteville, I'm thinking about coming down after class since I heard they might be at some hole in the wall club tonight. I think the library ceremony is probable over but I would love to see B&E play in some club. If they need a drummer I'll sit in with them.
I'm currently just north of Fayetteville.. aka "Wal-Martland".

I wonder what club they would play if this rumor were true? Juanita's?
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