HTDAAB #2 on iTunes

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


War Child
Jun 16, 2002
Midwest, USA

Just a few hours ago it was #3...

I went out tonight with my little brother and bought the booklet/DVD set...It was hilarious to sit and watch my brother turn the booklet around and around different ways as he read Edge's little word drawings lol.
There should be a law against Eminem releasing albums. Surely it counts as mass torture or something of that order.
Patience all. Just think - HTDAAB has only been live for download a few hours and it's already #2!

When we all wake up - I'm sure it will be #1. Vertigo set all kinds of digital download records when it was released and I'm sure HTDAAB is going to eclipse all records!

This is AWESOME!

BTW - I share your sentiment towards Eminem... damn homophobe. hehehe:drool:
Well Eminem does have talent, you have to grant him that. All but 2 on this list have talent. U2 is in pretty respectable company, here. (Though I will admit that, even though I love Niel Young, he was an absolute bore when I saw him solo acoustic. *snores*)
Neil Young - Acoustic - BORE?!
Must say tho that there was no need for him to release this new G.Hits, when he already has a much better one out.

As for Eminem...:madspit:
PaleBlueDot said:
Well Eminem does have talent, you have to grant him that.

In being derogatory, offensive, and crude? Yep, I'll grant him that.
Agreed Axver.
Imo, any 'artist' that calls a 'song' on their new album PUKE and has him throwing up at the start of it, should probably realise it's time to retire with their millions gracefully, as ideas are clearly lacking.
Aardvark747 said:
Agreed Axver.
Imo, any 'artist' that calls a 'song' on their new album PUKE and has him throwing up at the start of it, should probably realise it's time to retire with their millions gracefully, as ideas are clearly lacking.

That's really on the album? Oh, I am thankful that I haven't heard it! That's just ... repulsive and degrading to music. I don't know how you manage to sell it to people in your shop. I don't think I'd make a very good salesman ... I'd either say "well, if it floats your boat, good for you," or "you might want to consider putting that crap away and buying How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb by U2."
Axver said:

That's really on the album? Oh, I am thankful that I haven't heard it! That's just ... repulsive and degrading to music. I don't know how you manage to sell it to people in your shop. I don't think I'd make a very good salesman ... I'd either say "well, if it floats your boat, good for you," or "you might want to consider putting that crap away and buying How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb by U2."

Sadly, one of the biggest selling music genres in here, is Hip-Hop, so I have to 'lie' to people many a time in order to sell it! But, if they like Eminem's other stuff, they're gonna like this anyway.
It's mainly an Alternative music shop, like Metal/Hip-Hop/Punk and that, but with a bit of everything else thrown in.
I do ALWAYS keep all of U2's albums in, but not many people will come in here to buy HTDAAB. They'll just go to the nearest Woolies or HMV.
Zooropa is actually the biggest selling album of theirs in here...:eyebrow:
Has anyone bought the box set? If you burn the songs to cd then you can rip them back on to your computer to mp3. I want to hear the unreleased stuff!
I still cant comrehend why u2 and eminem were released so close together. IMO, they are the two biggest stars from Interscope, does that make sense to anyone? Good to hear we're #1 though. I'm an eminem fan, but his new album is GAR-BagE
spencr00 said:
Has anyone bought the box set? If you burn the songs to cd then you can rip them back on to your computer to mp3. I want to hear the unreleased stuff!

Anyone ?............I would also like to hear the full tracks , the 30 second previews sound great
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