How did Jonny Mosley not win the gold

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ARGH! I can't believe he didn't win! That run was amazing! Plus, he was hot!

"I think that Edge is the head of the band, I'm the heart, and Adam and Larry are the feet." - Bono, 1981
How did Jeremy Withersppon fall?

How did Jamie Sale and David Pelltier NOT win gold? Why did the Russians win yet again??!! Aggh! Don't get me started!(visit Lemonade Stand - we have a whole thread there)
He should have won but the reason he did it was because he feels his sport-- which used to be about creativity-- is now about executing tricks correctly. So he tried something different and the judges did what they always do.

Poor Jonny should do what Bono says and "Don't let the bastards grind you down." [wonder if that's enough to save this from Lemonade]
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