
The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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The Fly
Dec 10, 2000
ok...after a good temper tantrum...i've managed to pull myself together...

my computer (my brand NEW computer) completely crashed on me, and i had to reload it...which means...
i lost everything! mid-term paper that i was just about to back-up, all of my school work...yada yada yada...cry me a river...
AND all my u2 stuff

i had over 800 files of u2 on there...i was planning on burning a bunch of shows this weekend...and a bunch of videos...
but i was wondering if anyone knew of an ftp site i could download that i could actually connect to, i can never get on U2BloodRedSky...
so, if anyone has any suggestions...i would appreciate it!
thanks in advance
Damn..I have no idea, but you have my condolences. Good god! Good luck!

*It's not why you're running, it's where you're going/It's not what you're dreaming, but what you're gonna do/It's not where you're born, it's where you belong/It's not how weak, but what will make you strong*
thank you so much sicy! i'm slowly, but surely on my way to recovery...
no thanks to you baker!
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