Check it out: A small pic of the stage for SuperBowl Sunday!

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Blue Crack Addict
Nov 19, 2000
Black Lodge
Originally posted by sharky:
Yeah but the Super Bowl is indoors on astroturf. hmmm...the plot thickens.

LOL! Actually I guess I can kind of make out the side lines, I'm not sure.

Look what you did, you little JERK!

Kevin! You're such a disease!
Well, I got this pic from a legitimate source: entertainment tonite, ie: So, guess they didn't do a full check into their source of the pic or something..

I am still excited! and getting my vcr ready for sunday..

Sicy, wish i had a private jet girl, then we could be off to new no $$ no jet..guess we have to settle on the tv...


If you twist and turn away
If you tear yourself in two again
If I could, yes I would
If I could, I would
Let it go
My guess:

Legitimite picture. The production staff always practices on a different field than the super bowl is actually played on...

I would guess it is a a stadium in New Orleans (maybe a college etc...) so they can rehearse the show while not in the Superdome.

My other guess is that yes, they are going to use the heart stage, and yes Mark fisher will be involved in creating movable lights to get onto the field.

If you go to his website, you will see the links from last years super bowl that he worked on. I would guess that they will either use the same lighting rigs as last year as they were successful around the heart, or he has thought up something completely new...

That is not Turin stadium, and that is not the stage they used there...
It is definately not the Turin Italy set up. As pointed out the heart was much bigger and brown. In addition the stadium at Turin was huge. This appears to be a small college or even a high school stadium. Since the only other outdoor venue on Elevation was Slane which this is clearly not I would imagine this is the stage set up for the Super Bowl.
This will be the first time the Superbowl will air in my house since, like,
I agree with Blue Room. If that is a heart in that picture, who would they put in there? If I'm not in it, then they shouldn't have a heart at the Super Bowl.

Look what you did, you little JERK!

Kevin! You're such a disease!
Yeah, I think this is legit. There was a contest on Billboard that the winner got tickets to be "in the heart" for U2's superbowl performance. Remember last year they let a couple thousand people onto the field to surround the stage. they even gave them fake signs to hold like "Marry me Steven" like anyone wants to touch Steven Tyler with a 19 foot pole.

Who will be in the heart for this one is a mystery to me.
looks like that picture is legit....there's going to be a thing on Entertainment Tonight in a little while....the preview looked just like the photo!!!!

yep, they're practicing setting up the stage...just at another location....

[This message has been edited by jezebel (edited 01-29-2002).]
Hi all..

Just saw this pic on the net...It's real small so...sorry..but wanted you all to see it anyways..I saw it and it just got me so excited, can't wait til sunday!


Enjoy if u can ! LOL


If you twist and turn away
If you tear yourself in two again
If I could, yes I would
If I could, I would
Let it go
Originally posted by U2Fanatic4ever:
Hi all..

Just saw this pic on the net...It's real small so...sorry..but wanted you all to see it anyways..I saw it and it just got me so excited, can't wait til sunday!


Enjoy if u can ! LOL



I don't have the best eyes in the world, but I think that's an Elevation Tour pic taken before the show. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Look what you did, you little JERK!

Kevin! You're such a disease!
Originally posted by mikal:

I don't have the best eyes in the world, but I think that's an Elevation Tour pic taken before the show. Correct me if I'm wrong.

It definately looks to me like its taken outdoors and on a football field.

Wow, how I'd love to be there.
Originally posted by ramblin rose:
It definately looks to me like its taken outdoors and on a football field.

Yeah but the Super Bowl is indoors on astroturf. hmmm...the plot thickens.
Originally posted by sharky:
Yeah but the Super Bowl is indoors on astroturf. hmmm...the plot thickens.

Most of the run through stuff doesn't take place at the SuperDome, there is tyoo much other preparation going on there leading up to the game, they had the Aerosmith halftime debacle special on MTV again recently and they were never in the stadium till Saturday I believe.
More pics from the rehearsal:


The set up has to be done in 6 minutes.

The stage is on wheels for easier and faster set up.

The lucky fans who'll be int the heart, I want to be one of them!

These are video captions from the ET show last night, courtesy of

[This message has been edited by NicaMom (edited 01-30-2002).]
ok I'll be honest and say I haven't been following these superbowl threads, but what's the deal?

Why are they having a heart for that small amount of time?
Who is going to be in the heart?
I can't imagine that the football crowd are going to have U2 fanatics enough to want to be in there.
And where are those people going to be while the actual football is happening?
How are they going to get their wristbands?
Are they U2 fans just going to the game to see U2?
If the only have 6 minutes how are they going to get lal those fans in there? It took us ages to fill up the heart, especially with people like Liam Gallagher rocking up on Bono's 3rd woo hoo
Maybe its a rent a heart crowd who appear from a shoot from below the field floor.

I'm sorry Im sure this has all been discussed already.

Its all a mystery..
Originally posted by womanfish:
Yeah, I think this is legit. There was a contest on Billboard that the winner got tickets to be "in the heart" for U2's superbowl performance. Remember last year they let a couple thousand people onto the field to surround the stage. they even gave them fake signs to hold like "Marry me Steven" like anyone wants to touch Steven Tyler with a 19 foot pole.

Who will be in the heart for this one is a mystery to me.

They sure as hell wouldn't have to pay me to hold up a sign saying "Marry Me Bono"!!
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