Romanian (where else) Prostitutes

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Blue Crack Addict
Aug 24, 2002
In a frock in Western Australia
Romanian prostitutes offer discounts - again

Prostitutes in a Romanian town are cutting prices in an effort to boost their flagging business.

Some of the girls working in Bacau said they're aware that people think more about winter supplies at this time of the year.

Discounts of up to 50% are available says the Ziarul de Iasi newspaper.

One of the girls told the newspaper: "Since the fall began we have fewer clients every day. So we took the example of some shops which offer huge price cuts.

"After all we have the right to mind our business as we think better. It's a free market, isn't it?"

Glad its just the prices their cutting. :|
Do you need coupons, or are prices marked down at the register?

When does the sale end?

What a horribly vague article. :tsk:
Rono said:
Just laugh about women exploitation :up:

Yeah, really :| It IS kinda a funny article, but it really goes to show much (or little) the world cares about Romania anymore. After they executed their dictator no one paid any more attention since there are always bigger, more horrific stories elsewhere. But of course the truth is the country is hardly any better off now than it was when that asshole Ceaucescu was parading around implementing his rediculous policies like all women 25-whatever must bear children or pay another tax. :tsk:
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