Making an ass out of the justice system

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Jan 17, 2001

The star witness paced outside the courthouse Wednesday, breathing hard, his head down, an American flag bandana around his neck.

He said nothing to the media swarming around him. He just twitched his huge ears and swatted flies with his tail.

People had accused him of all sorts of things: He was loud. He was aggressive.

A Dallas judge ordered a man to bring his donkey to court Wednesday.

He smelled bad too.

He was there to show the men and woman of the jury that he was none of these things.

“Call your first witness,” said Judge Steven Seider.

“Your honor, we call Buddy,” attorney Jeff Sandberg replied. “The donkey.”

The owner of the donkey was interviewed on As It Happens on CBC radio tonight. It was hilarious. Carol Oft, the interviewer cracked up a few times.

Gregory Shamoun referred to the donkey as his ass. When asked why he brought the donkey to court, he replied " I wanted people to see my ass. My neighbour said my ass smelled and made loud noises so I wanted the jury to see my ass."

Then she asked him what does Buddy look like, he replied "My ass is about 3 feet high and weighs 300 lbs. My ass is furry and gray."

She then asked "Why did you bring Buddy to court?" He said " I wanted everyone to be face to face with my ass instead of just looking at pictures of my ass."

Carol asked "How did the jury respond?" Shamoun said "Everyone liked my ass. My ass was well-behaved and after I took my ass home"

I was almost crying throughout this interview.:lol:
:giggle: Isn't this the prior judge from the Ana Nicole Smith court circus? The one who cried and carried on in court, a wanna-be TV reality show star? :rolleyes: HE'S an ass!
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