Describe the person above you

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gheto I liked what you said about me

gheto makes me laugh and has a bad ass bitch attitude just like me that's why I like her.

She is gheto fabulous.
Sicy has had an article in the paper about her car (I saw it the first time I went to your site)

-->I did not say all the stuff that everyone else says. I was "originale" :sexywink:
I am really gonna take a nap now

ghetofabu said:
BIP reg a month after me, but I look like a posting junkie incomparason to her.

And didnt start posting until June cause I forgot about here. LOL

ABEL's avatar is also cool lol
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gheto smokes cigarettes out of her patotie.

I think its patootie not patotie btw. :crack:
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