what's the story behind this pic?

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i mean this pic....

<img src="http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e44/joolymj/larry0152.jpg" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">
Let's see..

well I have no idea.. maybe one of the other PLEBAns know...
It's part of the One (NYC bar) shoot and that picture can be found on BP Fallon's book. It is however not in the video.
SpaceOddity said:
Actually, I think it was in the video, if only for a split second. LOL.

But again, different chick, and the question was where were the initial two pictures from...

Babydoll said:
This girl gets all the good stuff! Cavorting w Larry in the vid, being personal assistant....

speaking of cavorting with Larry in a vid, don't you just envy Samantha Morton (Electrical storm)?
mjc said:

speaking of cavorting with Larry in a vid, don't you just envy Samantha Morton (Electrical storm)?

I do indeed! I wonder if she asked for retakes while doing the steamy stuff??

Ok, I'm confused...is the girl dancing with Larry Suzanne Doyle or not? thanks
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