Prayers needed for 2 special people in my life

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Blue Crack Supplier
Dec 5, 2003
in the sound dancing - w Bono & Edge :D
it's one of those Bad news/good news situations

one of my oldest friends {college - 25 yrs this yr!}

just found out................had a cancerous growth removed from her leg :crack: :huh: :sad:

but :pray: :hi5: :heart: they got it all. had NOT spread anyway/where. so no chemo or radiation.

she's been out 5 weeks and has another month to go before she goes back to work.

ahe's had 1 or 2 lousy years in a row....

he LONGtime job of nearly 20 yrs just keep stressing her out. Her & her {dear} partner lost {his originally} Upstate NYS home. they are in a smaller place, while he cpontinues to rebuild their place. Plus she has a NYC Apt of long time too since she works IN NYC.

SHE hasn't been able to help him at all in this past month plus so he;s got the extra phsyscial burden plus the emotional worry..........

prayers good thots/vibes for both of them would GREATLY be appreciated!

thanks! :heart:
You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that everything works out for you.:hug:
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