New Original Of The Species VID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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U2ElevatesMe415 said:

:yes: me to. hah

And me too. It meant more to me, I think the original verison captured the whole Original Of The Species subject better... And yeah, I missed the Edge ending, too...
But of course I liked this one as well, can I not love anything which includes the boys?!? :no: :wink:
I think I love both...however I loved seeing that much of Bono without the sunglasses, so I'm almost willing to sacrfice Edge ending for that (almost willing)

That video was very 90'sesque if you ask me...a lot of Bono shaking his head around, and his hair blends into the background so it looks like he's got the short 90s hair back ;).
I liked the new video, but I'm in the camp with those who prefered the Original (ha ha) video. I like seeing the other band members, and the visual effects were so cool.

This one seemed too Bono-centric. Don't get me wrong, I love Bono, but it's nice to see the other guys for longer than just a few seconds. His smile was really cute at times. But I definitely like the first one the best. :D
dsmith2904 said:
Funny, I thought U2 had four members.

Five, if you include Adam'.. ehm never mind.

anyway i've made some screenshots








I liked the original one better cuz even though the rest of the band is in the new one, there's like two of their heads and it's kind of distracting. Bono looks ammmmaaaaazing though:drool: My favorite part is towards the end when he sings "And you feeeeeelllll.........." and his eyes go all wide for like a split second.......replayed THAT forever! :wink:
....I definately like the old one better.... why are they even wasting their time with all this? oh... OH... apparently there wasnt enough "Bono" in the other one, so now its ALL Bono. Love the man to death, but seriously, double Bono music video kinda thing isnt doin much for me, I want to see more of Adam, Edge, and Larry....

Bono is yummy and all that (him without glasses is incredible) but I was hoping to see way more of everyone else. Cause everyone else is yummy (and incredible without glasses) too.

And the whole two of everything kinda made me dizzy.

But the head in the first one kinda scared me. :lol:
Souly said:
Man and a Woman needs to be the next video, and Adam needs to star in it.

AMEN - I agree!

And I'm a Bono-ist. :wink:

A few comments and then I'll say no more:

1) yes - that is Lucy and let's just leave it at that. (please) :yes:

2) Bono is definitely trying to tell us something in this OOTS but I'll let everyone come up with their own ideas

3) I liked the first OOTS video (the one with the butterflies and the flowers) MUCH MORE than this one

Outside of the idea that Bono is definitely trying to get a point across to us, I don't know why this version exists.

Too much of a good thing is still too much of a good thing. :ohmy:

I could comment more but discretion says no.

Bono - please always stay a child somewhere in your heart. :hug:
to be honest i liked the first video better too.

but do you guys think maybe the two things going on at once on the screen was intentional? maybe they did it on purpose to portray something in the lyrics or something? iono, just a thought....becuase it was dizzying =)
tuwie, most everything done in a U2 video has a meaning - sometimes a double meaning.

This video has them all over.

:macdevil: :angel:
Thank you so much for posting the link! :) Actually, although I never have a problem staring at Bono for any length of time, I agree that it was a bit Bono-centric. It perpetuates the myth that everyone thinks U2 is actually Bono. My mother in law refers to U2 as "him" which drives me NUTS!!! :banghead:

I also preferred the first one because it just seemed so much more emotional, and got the point across better. I think the contrast from the computer head to Bono's heartfelt expressions made more of an dramatic impact that way. I also thought the first one was more "original" in concept, a real departure. This one is more regular rock videoey. The two faces did make me kind of dizzy too!

It's a very good vid, but I definitely liked the first one better.
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: It perpetuates the myth that everyone thinks U2 is actually Bono. My mother in law refers to U2 as "him" which drives me NUTS!!! :banghead:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

i thought my dumb friend was the only one who said that... hahaha....she says "u2 would look better if he took those sunglasses off." Hahahaha.... poor girl. :lol:
u2boy_nl said:


the first one is better, but I will never complain about watching Bono. ever. especially without shades :drool: he really looks younger and sexier without them...

The overlapping got a bit tiring throughout the whole video, but it was sort of cool anyway. I thought maybe it was a symbol for the various personalities Bono has - Bono the rock star and Paul Hewson the husband and father? You know, the shades that provide the's like with the shades he's the rock star, but as soon as he takes 'em off you can see into his soul and he's his true self. I dunno. I'm probably reading too much into it :p
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