Invasion on Planet Pleba pt 11

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War Child
Dec 2, 2003
ok the last chapter after this will be big celebrations and party time:)


When the Yawneek’s arrived to find the ruckus that Bono had caused, they were not prepared for what followed.

Knowing that the Yawneeks were holding Larry and Adam there was no way were the Plebans going to let them capture Bono and Edge as well. The massive crowd of angry Plebans swarmed around the Yawneeks, who found themselves overpowered
And getting pulled and hauled and beaten to the ground until they found themselves retreating in fear for their lives.

They managed to capture one of the Yawneeks and Crimson, Galleongirl and Weldy, sat on him and threatened to do him serious injury if he didn’t tell them where they were holding Larry and Adam.

In the end the Yawneek quaking in his grey skin, blabbed, telling them that the other two band members were being held in the Pleba girl party room which their Leader had taken over to use as his headquarters.

“I guess that’s where we are heading” Bono smiled “Time to show these Yawneeks we mean business” he shouted to the crowd of Plebans who cheered in agreement. Ff The Yawneek leader would not meet their demands and free Larry and Adam, they planned to storm the building.

They Yawneeks had all fled back to their ships to recover and await for the Yawneek leader to tell them what would be their next move, but the Yawneeks Leader was having problems of his own. The Pleban Girl Party room was well guarded by the Yawneeks, but by the time Bono and Edge arrived the crowd of Plebans with them had swollen to twice the size, and they Yawneeks were easily outnumbered which made them extremely nervous as they approached the building led by Bono who came to a halt just a few yards away from them and held up his arm so that the crowd behind him came to a standstill too

“We are here to request that you release our fellow band members Adam Clayton and Larry Mullen Jnr immediately” Bono spoke up

“The Yawneeks have no right to come on this planet and force their music and way of life on innocent Plebans, and we are not going to stand for it any longer, speaking on behalf of my Plebans friends I demand you leave this planet the way you found it”

There was a loud chorus of cheers of agreement from the crowd.

The Yawneeks guarding the building just looked at each other nervously, but did not want to lose face either.

“Our leader will never surrender” one of them shouted “You will not succeed”

“That’s where you are wrong mate” Edge spoke up and turned to the Plebans, girls, show em’ what you can do”

The crowd surged forward in a screaming angry mass, and if Yawneeks could turn pale they would have been as white as snow as oncoming crowd reached them, they turned and hastily banged on the doors hoping the Yawneeks inside would let them take refuge, before the Plebans could get their hands on them.


Inside the room the Yawneek leader was nervously pacing up and down. And glared at Larry and Adam

“If they try and break in here I will threaten to have you killed if they don’t back of”
he stated.

“Not a good idea” Adam told him shaking his head

“If they are this mad because you just captured us, how much more angry would you make them by killing us” he pointed out

The Yawneek leader stopped pacing and realised in annoyance Adam had a point

At that moment several of the Yawneeks who had been guarding outside and had manage to get into the building staggered into the room

“Its madness out there, they are going to kill us all” one of them wailed falling at his leaders feet

I think its time you started to realise you are not going to win this one” Larry said

“Yes” Adam joined in, “Just listen, can you hear them all bashing on this door, it won’t be long until they break through, and when they do, I would not like to be in you shoes”

He now strolled over to the Yawneek leader “Do yourself a favour surrender and let us go free, and the Plebans just might spare your life”

“Yeah face it, you have lost big time” Larry stated “We freed the Pleban prisoners, so you can’t use them to negotiate with, and they are probably outside that door too, ready to take revenge on you for what you put them through”

“So why don’t you just give it up, make it easy on all of us eh, I reckon you have about a minute and a half before they break in here, you don’t have much time left”

The room was starting to vibrate with the sound of the Plebans trying to get into the room, and the Yawneek leader started to bite his nails

“One minute” Adam glanced at his watch and looked towards the door which was heaving with the pressure of the Plebans pushing against it

“thirty seconds” Adam continued his countdown airily

“OK, OK we surrender!” They Yawneek leader shouted.

“Right in the nick of time” Larry grinned as the door give way and the room was suddenly overtaken by Plebans with Bono and Edge in the middle of them.
Muahahaha perfect!
sitting on some ugly yawneek is the perfect way to get info! ( you know, it works with guys aswell :angel: )
I am totally :lol: ing now... I love the story... and maybe you could do a follow-up later.. ;)
and now it's time to party with Bono :drool: (you ARE going to make a chapter of that right? :wink: )
Wonderful annj:applaud: I know it is the end for now but there is soooo much more you could do with this story. Like GG said perhaps you can follow up at a later time.:wink:

I am very :hyper: about the next story you present.

Thank you annj for entertaining me(us) so well.:hug:
I am pleased to announce that myself and annj are in the process of making another story about Planed PLEBA.

annj, I've loved the story and am pleased that you want to write with me. Thanks :hug:
Yay! Oh my, isn't Adam cool counting down like that? This is great as always, can't wait to see what you and Crimson manage to cook up next!
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