In the maze of her imagination - pt 3

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Apr 8, 2004
MA - the land of every weather pattern imaginable
Disclaimer = pure fantasy.

This is a long one.....The next installment will be on Monday--going away for the weekend..whoo hoo :wink:

Bono tried the tailgate and found it unlocked. They stepped out into the late day sunlight. The dying of the day cast deep shadows all around them. They had driven all night and most of the next day! How many miles had they covered in 20 hours? Where were they?

Gioia looked around and saw that the trailer that they had been sitting in had been unhitched from the truck and left behind in the middle of the road.

Bono saw this as well and shook his head in disbelief.
“Lets go”, he said rather curtly.

Gioia gave a backward glance to the abandoned truck. She looked ahead at the unpromising dirt road weaving through the jungle and shivered. She lifted her mini backpack onto her shoulders and started in behind Bono.

Within minutes, she reluctantly mentioned to Bono that she desperately needed a bathroom. She had been holding it for so long that she was becoming dizzy. Bono chuckled and replied that he did too. They both stood there for a moment looking at each other before swinging around and heading toward two different groupings of trees.

Gioia emerged a few minutes later completely red-faced and embarrassed. She silently handed Bono a bottle of anti bacterial hand sanitizer, which he rubbed into his hands and handed back to her. She put it into her backpack. Bono eyed her backpack with interest. Women, he thought to himself, were always prepared.

The road they were on was narrowing. They were starting to wonder if the truck had continued on in this direction or somehow drove off in a different direction. They walked on through the underbrush in silence as night descended upon them. Thank goodness that the moon was bright enough to give them some light. The air was heavy, warm, and damp and the travelers were sticky and uncomfortable.

After a few hours, Gioia stopped in her tracks. Ok, so she was with Bono—alone—but reality set in and as she looked up at the denseness of the trees and felt the heavy air sticking to her skin, she started to wonder if they knew where they were going. How did they know that they were traveling in the right direction? Bono sensed that she wasn’t behind him and turned around. He was visibly tense.

“Where are we going?” She asked. She felt that they should’ve stayed with the truck.

Bono frowned. “Well, we can’t bloody stay here can we?” His voice was laced with stress and annoyance. “We’re in the middle of f*cking no where!” He waved his arm in a wide arc. “We have to keep moving, you understand?”

Gioia nodded dismally, totally taken aback by his gruff demeanor. “I-I just thought that – well maybe if you – had a plan?”
He shook his head. “No plan, none at all. You?”
Gioia shook her head.

“Very well then, let’s keep moving.” He looked grim. After a moment he let his breath out slowly. He felt like ass for snapping. He took a few steps closer to her and smiled slightly.

“We need to find civilization. Anyone. A village. A phone. I can’t wait for someone to happen upon us. Also….” He winked. “I know you can’t handle that no restroom thing again”.

Gioia realized he was teasing her. “I’ve been camping before”, she lied in a small voice.

“Not in the jungle you haven’t.”

Bono didn’t have a watch on. He had no idea what time it was or where there were. He was starting to curse his luck. He was so exhausted. They had flown in to Rio a few hours before the concert and he hadn’t had time to rest. He had been more concerned with having a decent meal than getting some sleep.

The concert had been fantastic. The excitement from the crowd had fueled his adrenaline and his energy. But after the show he was looking forward to crashing in his hotel room. Of course, he could never resist an interview with the local news media. He was always available to plug his any of his causes. He was always being accused of wanting to save the world. If only he could. It was one of his many passions. It may be exhausting giving equal amounts of energy to his humanitarian work as he did to his music but he would never stop. His love for both was all consuming.

But this time, it seemed to have gotten him in a bit of trouble. He guessed it was a long time in coming. He tended to stick his nose where many wouldn’t dare. But he knew that many people didn’t take him seriously because he was a rock star. No political power, no political pull. He was harmless. He knew he wasn’t harmless, but many groups didn’t.

So what went wrong last night? He was never given the name of the supposed reporter, if one even existed. He didn’t hear the reasons for his abduction. No names, no details. But he was sure that the master plan must’ve gone awry since now he found himself abandoned and no longer a pawn. He could handle these little mishaps, but he wasn’t in this alone.

Gioia. He had noticed her at the concert. She was right up front, looking at him with adoration. She was singing along and he knew that she felt the lyrics and the power of the music. At certain intervals he would catch her with her eyes closed, totally absorbed in the melody. When she opened her eyes to find him standing over her, he was completely captivated by the emotion in her eyes. He had found himself looking over to her continuously throughout the concert. He had wanted to pull her up on stage to dance with him during the encore, but he was asked, no not asked - told, to pull up a daughter of a local government official. He could honestly say it was the first time he had been disappointed the choice was taken out of his hands.

Gioia was also deep in thought. The initial shock of being alone with Bono was wearing off. Oh! Who was she kidding??? She was still in shock. As much as she tried to convince herself that he was an ordinary man, she knew he wasn’t! She was trying to treat him casually but everyone once in a while a screaming voice would penetrate her mind. “HE’S BONO!!!” And it would take a few moments to bring her wildly beating heart under control.

She had once thought that she would never be satisfied with an innocent meet and greet. Now, foolishly, she wondered if her wishful thinking had paid off. Now they were thrown together under strange circumstances. In a meet and greet, it was all controlled. She knew what she was going to say. She was going to tell him what a fan she was, ask for autograph and a hug. And that’s it. Simple. He would’ve never had a chance to find out how easily her foot could find its way to her mouth. Five minutes with him was all she had planned for, all that she had rehearsed for. Now she was forced to act natural around him. She needed to be herself. How could she? In a span of a day, she had been kidnapped, drooled on his jacket, received a neck massage, and had to pee in the bushes in front of him. Uh yuh! It was safe to say that she was still in shock. Still in shock and in the freakin’ jungle! What else could happen to her?

Without preamble, the skies opened up and torrential rain hammered down upon them.

Bono halted to a stop a few feet in front of Gioia . His booted feet were planted apart in the oozing mud. His head slumped down into his chest. She kept walking blindly through the monsoon and reached his side. She squinted and blinked up at him.

He chuckled and tossed his head back, face to the sky, with his eyes closed. The rain soaked him thoroughly.

“Well this f*cking sucks doesn’t it?” He opened his eyes to look at her and laughed. He mumbled something about not being surprised. “Are you alright?” He was yelling to be heard. She nodded. “Ok. Stay close to me”.

Gioia smiled slightly and adjusted her backpack for comfort. Thank goodness it was made of water repellent material. At this point, the items that it held were like gold to her. Toiletries. She was ready to go.

Bono had other ideas. He took note of Gioia’s sleeveless sweater, which was clinging to her. He took off his leather jacket and put it over her shoulders.

Gioia was touched by his chivalry. She was starting to feel uncomfortable about the clinging wetness of her top. She looked up at him and softly thanked him. His face and hair were wet and the rain in his eyes was making them blink. His black shirt was instantly soaked and plastered to his hard body.
She noticed his outstretched hand. She gripped it with her own and he began leading her through the darkened woods.

After what seemed like an eternity of walking through the mud and brush, the rains stopped and the sky began to lighten. Gioia glanced at her watch and found that it had stopped. It figured.
They had been walking side by side for a while. Light conversation had given way to silence. Each wrapped up in their own thoughts.

At one point Bono looked over at Gioia and saw that she was walking with her eyes downcast, watching the uneven ground intently. He knew that she was trying to be careful not to step in any holes after she almost took them both down awhile ago when she stumbled into a hidden ditch. Limping slightly, she grudgingly relinquished her hold on Bono’s hand and was extremely apologetic. She stopped apologizing only after he sat her down on a fallen log, taken off her hikers, and checked her ankle for bruises. In fact, she had stopped talking all together. Bono was amused that he had such an effect on her.

He was deeply concerned for her safety. She was letting him take control. That was obvious. Did he frighten her? Did she feel that she was a burden to him? He didn’t know what she was feeling, but she certainly had every right to give her opinion on what was happening to them. If it hadn’t been for her presence that ruined the plans for the renegade group that abducted him, who knew where he’d be right now.

Of course, who would’ve thought that he’d be trekking through the jungle either? He couldn’t decide which was worse since he didn’t know what the alternative would’ve been.

The sky was getting lighter and the air warmer. They were going to have to find something to eat soon. He looked over at Gioia again. She must’ve sensed his gaze because she looked up at him and their eyes met.

Pretty girl, he thought. Girl? No, remembering the vision of her standing wet in the rain, definitely a woman. Calm down Bono, he told himself. She was a fan. Hands off!

It had been nice talking to her when they were trapped in the truck. Her fascination for his tour stories made him feel important. Watching him through a fan’s eyes kept him in familiar territory. But at some points during that time he would catch a different look in her eyes. It was a look that he recognized. He was a man after all. Through the years he had been the recipient of many a fan’s look of sexual longing. But that was only on stage. On stage he was a different person. He supposed that he was always on some stage. In person they would scream his name, claw at him, or merely stare dumbfounded at him. Some have asked for hugs.

He always found that to be the most unbelievable request? The one that always humbled him. A hug. Something so sweet and innocent. His fans were special people. They understood the music and protected the band from those who didn’t. They wanted to treat him like a family member or a close friend. But when it came down to it, they were always in awe of him.

His exaggerated ego always got a kick out of it. He was always looking to top himself and always trying to make himself available to the fans. But the unpretentious side of him realized that because there were so many fans, they would always be that part of his life he could never touch in an entirely personal way.

Until now.

Gioia was a fan. That was apparent. The looks she had given him when they had first met were that of a fan’s devotion and longing. The world famous Bono!

What about now? After being together for almost two days he was fast becoming just a man she’s trudging through the rainforest with. Why did that bother him so much?

“How are you doing?” He asked her suddenly.

Gioia looked up as if surprised to hear his voice.

“What do you mean?”

He sighed. “I mean – I mean, how are you doing? Tired? Hungry?”

“Oh. I’m fine. I’m actually thirsty”.

Bono agreed. He looked up at the tall trees and endless green. Where were they? How are they going to find shelter, food, and water? How was he going to protect Gioia? Why wasn’t anyone out scouring the country looking for them?? Maybe they should’ve stayed with the truck. He sighed deeply. How did he get himself into these situations?

It was starting to get hot. His clothes felt heavy and clammy. He ran his hand through his still moist hair. He was walking a bit ahead of his companion. He wanted to be able to see what was up ahead before she did. He was trying not to think about what sort of creatures could be lurking in the greenery.

He glanced back and saw that she was keeping up the pace behind him despite the rising heat and the lack of sleep and nourishment. However, he could tell that she was getting tired. He smiled to himself. She was definitely a trouper.

He took his jacket from her since it was going to get warmer as the day stretched on. He couldn’t tell for sure, but it looked as if she didn’t want to give it up.

“So what kind of name is Gioia?” He asked.


“Mmmm – Italian, that explains it” he murmured.

Gioia frowned. “What do you mean by that”?

Bono stopped short and turned around. “Are you always so suspicious?”

She cringed that he had caught the sharpness in her tone. “Me? No! I just--” She stopped because Bono was smiling at her and was walking slowly to where she stood. He stood in front of her for a moment. He lifted her right hand slowly up to his lips, his eyes never leaving hers, and placed a feather light kiss on her knuckles. Gioia was shocked into silence and could not catch her breath. He was inches away from her and his blue eyes were bright in the early morning sun.

“I meant, Italian explains your pretty brown eyes.” He winked at her and turned back around to continue walking.

When she was actually able to string a thought together, Gioia was convinced that Bono could get whatever he wanted, just with the force of his charm. She could still feel his breath on her hand. The kiss was so light that she barely felt the brush of his lips, but his breath was hot and left an impression. Her face was still flushed from the power of his gaze.

Pull yourself together! She scolded herself. He was already a couple of paces ahead. She hurried to catch up to him.

After a few steps she felt her foot get caught on something on the ground. It was so unexpected that it almost took her down. She quickly glanced at Bono to see if he had noticed. She was still embarrassed over the last klutzing. She looked down to see what caused her break in stride, expecting to find loose roots or plant life. Instead, a twinkling on the ground caught her eye. She bent down to pick it up. It was a necklace.

She held it up in fascination. The silver chain was intricately woven and sparkled as if new. Dangling from the chain was a pale blue pendant. It was about 2 inches long and had the shape of a crescent moon. As Gioia examined it she found a myriad of blue hues in its depths. It was exquisite.

As she looked at it she started to feel a bit lightheaded and was starting to get the sensation of floating. A chill began to climb up her spine. She blinked in surprise when she saw a mist floating out of the pendant. Her heart raced as the mist enveloped her and she was floating in it. She wanted to cry out but her throat was constricted in fear. She gasped as she felt a slight burning feeling. She looked down and was shocked to see the necklace around her neck and the pendant nestled against her bosom.
She shook her head and instantly realized that the mists had disappeared. She must be hungrier and more tired than she realized.

Bono was there also, holding her by the arms. “Are you alright?”
Gioia heard the concern in his voice and tried to remember what had happened to her and what it must’ve looked like to him.
“I’m fine really”. She looked down at the necklace. It felt cool against her throat. Funny, the air around her felt degrees cooler. She felt a chill course through her entire body. Gioia felt as if she was losing control and was starting to faint.
Bono caught her around the waist and jerked her upright. She instantly snapped out of it. He put his hand on her forehead.
“You’re not hot”. He looked at her and his breath caught at the look of pure longing she gave him. The hand on her forehead gently brushed the hair out of her eyes while his other arm, still around her waist, pulled her close to him.

She instinctively closed her eyes against the emotions that were raging through her.

“Gioia”, he whispered. She opened her eyes.

“We need to keep moving, and I’ve found a path up ahead.”

Gioia snapped out of it and shook her head. What had just happened? She groaned inwardly. Did she really think that Bono was going to kiss her? Jeez Louise!! She hoped he hadn’t noticed.

He had noticed. He had wanted to kiss her. It would’ve been so easy to give into the temptation. But he couldn’t. Where would that leave them once they got back to civilization and back to their own lives? He liked her. She was sweet and trusting and completely smitten with him. The thought gave him little comfort. She still thought of him as Bono -rock star. Instead of ---?? What? Bono –hero? Bono – lover? He shook his head, trying to clear these thoughts.

Gioia was walking beside him in silence. She was thinking about the strangeness of what happened when she had found the necklace. She had gotten an overwhelming urge to pick it up and keep it safe. She couldn’t remember putting it around her neck. Stranger still, the length of the chain was not long enough for her to pull it over her head. So how did she get it on without her knowing it? Bono had noticed the chain and questioned her about it. He suggested that maybe she got dizzy and disoriented when she bent to pick the necklace up. He wanted her to sit and rest a bit but she had refused, insisting that she felt fine.

Bono was also silent. He felt dead on his feet. They were both quite a sight, almost dragging their feet in obvious exhaustion. Bono swore that they were going to stop and get some have a rest at the next safe looking tree. He hadn’t mentioned to Gioia that he too suffered a bit of lightheadedness about the same time she did. In fact, at one point he thought he was about to black out.

All of a sudden, Gioia gasped and grabbed his arm. He looked down at her quizzically and then followed her gaze up the pathway.

A few yards up the path was a thatched roof cottage nestled in a charming setting. Pigs and chickens were penned beside the home. A horse could be seen out in the distance, grazing without concern. And in the front yard was a woman dressed peculiarly in long dress and apron. She was churning butter. CHURNING BUTTER! She waved to them.

Gioia looked up at Bono wide-eyed.


He grunted, not taking his eyes off of the quaint but bizarre scene before them.

“I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore”.

Bono frowned and his jaw clenched as he nodded in agreement.
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