I threw a Tamale through a window

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 15, 2000
San Antonio/Austin, TX
lmao I was at work yesterday, I work at a grocery store as a cashier, and lots of people were buying Tamales and I couldn't stop singing in my head "I threw a Tamale through a window" and I thought that would be so funny if they changed the title to that. Then me and my friends had Christmas dinner yesterday and I took them Tamales too...and I was like "Tamales!! HOO-AH!" Oh and another thing that happened at work...Every time i'd scan a pack of tamales I'd giggle...my bagger was like. "uhh are you ok?" and I was like Yeah just ignore me LOL

The U2 revolution has been reinstated.

THE Larry Mullen Jr. Page

Meeting Larry:
*MG shows Larry poster*
*Larry reads poster*
*Larry smiles and says "Thank you that's very nice of you"*
*Larry signs paper, shakes MG's hand*
*MG almost dies then sees tearaway pants and gets bad ideas*

That's so cute.

Blame it all on Mona.

If you are really good friends with The Edge, you can just call him The~ Adam

The right side of my brain is kinda redundant~ Larry
*Echo sits on the sofa, reading Kafka and drinking Mango juice.*

VOICE OUTSIDE: I threw a tamale through a window!

*Suddenly, Edge crashes through Echo's window and lands squarely on the coffee table.*

ECHO: Well, hello. *Looks at clock on wall* Hay wait a minute. You weren't here in 30 minutes or less! You should be free!

VOICE OUTSIDE: Hey, where's my tip?

ECHO: Yeah, I got a tip for ya: Drive faster next time!

EDGE: So...what am I here for?

ECHO: Well you can start by fixing the window.

EDGE: *examines window* Do you have a piece of plate glass that big here?

ECHO: No, but there's some sand in the iguana's terrarium....you could melt that down.

EDGE: Hmm....*wanders into kitchen* I don't know if...Ooo a cuisinart...and baking soda!...This is gonna be a snap!

*Echo the Pimpstress* ... Proud Owner of Animatronic Edge!

This is it! I've been waiting two hours for this! It's a revolution! Blood runs! Flags wave! Come on everybody, throw down your tools and throw up a barricade! Run into the Winter Palace and stand on the tables waving bits of paper at each other! "Hello, are you the Czar?" "Yes, I am actually." BLAM BLAM! Ha ha! Tough luck, FASCIST! That's what happens to people who aren't working class!

Bono-Man! An Epic Superhero Adventure!

The Official PLEBA Glossary: Delicious AND Nutritious!
Originally posted by Gina Marie:
Blame it all on Mona.

Most commonly used phrase on the East Coast

~*Mona*~ Secretary of Scandalization

97% compatible with Bono

Love me, give me soul.

A little less circuitry,
a little more poetry.

"For the good of the nation, you must defile Bono!" ~Echo~

The Latin Americans have the sexy end[of Catholicism]~BonoBaby~

"Aren't you afraid someone will eat your foot???" ~ScottPhisto~
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