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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Apr 8, 2003
Back on the blue crack after a long break
I hoping that nothing screws up on here so i dont lose another chapter. Im exhausted from traveling but i need to do this to clear my mind........

Edge was behind the wheel.
Bono tried to take the job but everybdody squashed his hopes with a big loud
"She's had enough trauma for one day, feck for brains" Larry said, pushing a bit of hair out of Ria's eyes.

A beach towel was wrapped around Ria's shoulders and she lay across Bono's lap with her feet draped over Adam.
Guilt drifted around her head, nagging her.....

'Youve ruined their vacation with reporters!' over and over again.

Trying to escape the film crew, they ran to the car being followed by some sleazy looking reporters filming Bono holding Ria's hand and babbling about his "mystery woman"

Nuzzling comfortably into Bono's lap she tried to relax and ward off the nag. Cool wind flowed through the open windows, smelling of salt and citrus.

"Im sorry guys." Ria muttered into Bono's thigh.
He was stroking her hair and picking sand from her neck.

"What for?" Larry and Adam said in unison.

"Attracting reporters on your vacation. I wasn't thinking. If I could I would have left you all out of it."

Bono's hand stopped moving, resting on her neck.
Adam squeezed her foot
"Don't worry about any of that sweetheart, you did a beautiful thing out there."

Bono was strangely silent. Beginning to move his hands along her neck and head he stared out the window at all the people they passed. Not really focusing on anything in particular.

The image of Ria in the sand
clutching that child and not moving....so angelic and tragic....

Sound clips of people referring to him as saint Bono and Jesus echoed in his ears.....
maybe he had just met his match.
Looking away from the window and down at her he imagined her alongside him in Africa.
Famous in her own right, out there saving the world with him.

He laughed at his grand ideas.
Bono has always thought big....

"What's so funny?" Ria asked, craning her neck around to look at him.

"You" Bono replied, playing with her earlobe. Fingering the gauged earring in it. His punk princess.

"What did I do now?"

"Oh I think you've done enough good deeds to make it into saintdom. Maybe you just fell out of heaven and landed in my lap."

"Yeah, the halo I can hide but the wings just get in the way" she said sarcastically, jerking suddenly as Adam tickled the bottom of her foot.
With a screech, she pulled her foot away, succeeding in pulling herself farther into Bono's lap

"Didn't know angels were ticklish" Adam gave her an upside down grin.

Even amid the playful atmosphere a seriousness hung in the air that they all just chose to ignore for the time being.
Something big and important just happened, but how do you digest that all in one big chunk?
It's too big....
Ria wasn't the only one under the weight of thought

The bumpy roof of their second rate hotel came into view
Ria sat up reluctantly from her nesting spot in Bono's lap to get out of the car.

Feeling Adam's eyes on her she glanced over at him and found him studying her face.

"can I help you?" she was feeling self conscious...

"You ever wear makeup?" he asked, looking curious

"sometimes I guess. Not lately. Why?"

"Oh I was just imagining it. Can I do you up in makeup tonight?" He sounded hopeful
Ria was trying to hide her shaking legs as she stood up on the sidewalk.

"You can put it on me if I can put it on you." she gripped the side of the car

"Sure,I guess thats fair." he smiled warmly "not like Ive never been in makeup before, though we all think Larry looks best in it."

A deep blush appeared through the tough guy face Larry was attempting to pull off

"Larry was defenitely sexy in drag" Ria nodded
giving Larry a playful nudge and getting a half smile in return.

Beneath the surface, Ria was only half there with them. Wallowing in thought, she was reflective.
Of life
everything she'd done. It all seemed nothing to her
Just a pile of actions an consequences that lay behind her....

The fact that she'd saved another human life didn't seem of effect her like it should a normal person.
She didn't really care actually. If he died then she would have, but her actions in saving him seemed almost irrelevant now. He was alive, everything was fine and yet everybody was treating her like some hero.
Praise was the last thing she desired.
What she really wanted was to just collapse into Bono's body and never come out. Nothing ever felt so right as when she was just with him. Just there. Together.
All the loneliness of her past was fading away into nothing every time she came near him. Feeling the touch of his fingers on her skin.
How could it be a rock band that proved to be more a family to her than her own flesh and blood?

Before she knew it a warm waterfall washed away the salt and sand from the beach, along with all her worries.
Ria felt loved
Standing under a showerhead alone in the flurry of water and steam she'd never felt a better wave of peace inside her body.
Things would evolve how they would, and even if she could never keep this rock star of hers, there would always be the feeling lingering inside her that was invading her now.
The first person in the world that she really loved with everything she had in her....

Wrapping a towel around her body and dragging her fingers across the condensation on the mirror she leaned against the counter and stared into her own eyes.
The salt had caused red to invade the whites of her eyes, surrounding dark green and brown
'You're in love with Bono'
she whispered to herself. still staring into her reflection and smiling vaguely..

"Bono?" she called from the doorway.
No answer. He must be in another room.

Dropping her towel she peered down at the dirty contents of her suitcase and scowled.
Shit. She was going to need to either do laundry or spend more of bono's money to clothe herself.
Noticing his suitcase, she flipped up the lid and stole a pair of plaid boxers.
He wont mind she said out loud to nobody, grabbing a t-shirt and pulling it over her head.
Inhaling the shirt like a tweaker on a line of crack she smiled dreamily and flopped onto the bed with a bounce.

Wondering what he might be doing, she listened to see if his voice was anywhere near....he was there when she'd gotten in the shower.....whatever

Eyes drooping, looking out the window she followed the sway of a palm frond in the light breeze and relaxed into the pillow
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