Favourite Chat Room?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Aug 26, 2001
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hi girls!! I have a question....( yes, another one!)

Where do you usually chat? Is there any particular chat room where all the Pleba girls gather?

I'm usually at Interference and i have met some of you there but i was wondering where do you guys usually are...

Good question! I've been to the Inteference chat a couple times, but I usually don't recognize anyone. We should start a PLEBA chat! At least that way we'd see familiar faces (or screen names).

"We miss our lemon, I'd just like to say that." - Bono 5/9/01
I think a good idea would be to set up a time and date and all meet in the interference chat .... or have someone set up a chat at a seperate website?
Just thoughts!
The only prob with setting a time is that we're all in different time zones but it's worth a go

Also, it'd be nice to know what your pleba user name is if its completely different to the one you use in chat

Bonovation here, Tanya in chat.

I know Foadie and Niamh when I see them

[This message has been edited by Bonovation (edited 09-23-2001).]
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