Catching the Bonosapian (a PLEBAn tale) - Chapter 7

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Blue Crack Addict
Oct 7, 2005
Hell For Certain, Kentucky
Chapter seven, ooh la la! In case you're wondering, there will be eleven chapters total, so... the end is nigh! :tongue:


The door swung open again, and Bono raised his head, wondering what they had in store for him now. He'd begun feeling like an animal in a zoo, and he was more than certain that the large mirror on the opposite wall was really an observation window, so the knowledge that his "trainer" would be in soon was worrisome. Were they going to teach him tricks now? Did they want him to balance a beachball on his nose while standing on one foot? Well the joke would be on them, because he already knew how to do that, and anyone that had ever been to a party with him could attest that he could even do it after a couple of pints.

The woman who'd taken his blood pressure earlier was back, along with another woman. This second woman approached and introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Effanbee. I'm here to be your personal trainer."

"Oooh." Bono said, breathing a sigh of relief. A personal trainer, that was alright. The other woman, JC, was also standing beside him now, and was slipping the blood pressure cuff back onto his arm. Bono looked down at it.

"Didn't we already do this?" He asked.

"We took your blood pressure at rest before." She said.

"That's right, hop on the treadmill, Bono." Effanbee added.

Bono obliged, and when he had, JC wheeled the EKG machine over and began sticking the electrodes to Bono's chest. "We're going to do a cardiac stress test." She explained.

Effanbee turned on the treadmill and Bono began walking on it. Slowly she increased the speed until Bono was jogging steadily. Bono kept up the pace for quite a while before he began to grow tired of it. "How much longer does this test last?" He asked, panting.

"The test ended fifteen minutes ago." Effanbee said, slowing the treadmill down. "But you can never be too fit." She said, patting him on the back.

Frowning, Bono slowed back down to a walk while JC removed the electrodes. He didn't appreciate being tricked like that, and had she just insinuated that he needed to lose some weight? Sure, he liked to enjoy the occasional cheeseburger or hot fudge sundae, but people said it was good for his voice, so it couldn't all be bad.

The treadmill had stopped now. Bono stepped off and back over to the bed, where he sat down heavily. His skin was covered by a thin sheen of sweat. "Are you done with me now?" He asked.

"Just about." JC said, examining the printout sheet from the EKG. "Everything seems to be in order here."

"You made good time on the treadmill, but I'm still concerned. Are you excercising every day?"

"Well not every day. I'm quite busy, you know."

"Well, you should be. Even if it's just a few laps around the pool."

"One last thing, Bono." JC said, putting on a stethoscope and pressing it to his back. "I want to listen to your lungs. Take a deep breath."

Bono did as he was told, then took another when she moved the stethoscope to the other side of his back.

"Hmm. It sounds alright, but you really should stop the smoking. It may be sexy, but it's bad for our little Bonosapian." She said, patting him on the head like a child.

Just then there was a tapping at the door. Effanbee went and opened it, and a girl with very shiny, curly hair entered, carrying a towel and a bottle of water. "I thought you could use this." She said, handing him the water.

"Thanks." He said, reaching for the towel as well, but she didn't offer it up. Instead, she held onto it as she sat down beside him and began wiping down his sweaty chest and arms herself. "I want to make sure you're comfortable. If you need anything at all just let me know. If you get too hot or cold, I'll take care of it. My name's Mia."

"Hi Mia. You can stop rubbing my chest now, I think I'm dry now."

"Oh." She said, standing up.

Bono looked at JC. "Can I put my shirt back on now?"


Meanwhile, on the third floor, Wayne had settled himself into the control room with Bono's laptop. The control room was little more than a home office with a couple of computers set up. One was open to PLEBA, where he was keeping those members of BRI not fortunate enough to be attending this mission updated.

Opening up a can of Red Bull, Wayne flipped open the laptop and powered it up. While the PLEBAns might be more interested in whether Wayne could find any obscure photos or personal details buried in the harddrive, Wayne was more interested in one thing: The music.

Wayne opened the Documents folder and began sorting through it. The file organization was a mess. There were random documents and images scattered all over the folder. Something caught Wayne's eye though. A subfolder at the top of window was titled 'Project 12'. Tentatively, Wayne double clicked it. As the page changed and loaded, he smiled. He'd hit the jackpot.

In here, there was some actual organization. There were three folders, titled Lyrics, Jams, and Songs. For a moment, Wayne was almost afraid to click. It was such a wonderful, forbidden treasure trove. It was like stumbling upon the arc of the covenant. But after only a few seconds of stunned awe, Wayne greedily opened all three folders in seperate windows. Wayne was so enthralled by all he found, that he didn't realize the computer had wirelessly connected to the internet until an IM window popped up.


I wonder who that could be? :shifty:
Bono looked at JC. "Can I put my shirt back on now?"

I say no, right? :yes:


"We're going to do a cardiac stress test." She explained.

I also thought this said, "shes going into cardiac arrest." :lmao:
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DreamOutLoud13 said:

Yes, but I don't want Sicy to beat me with her mod-stick :uhoh:

Surely you can skirt around that issue, no? OR there is always the pleban email chain!!

I LOVE your dialogue, it is really cute and funny. So far you girls are behaving EXTREMELY well. NOW WHEN DO WE GET MORE????
blm said:

Surely you can skirt around that issue, no? OR there is always the pleban email chain!!

I LOVE your dialogue, it is really cute and funny. So far you girls are behaving EXTREMELY well. NOW WHEN DO WE GET MORE????
Well, I prefer to play it safe and leave the fics I post in PLEBA fairly innocent. Plus I'd feel strange writing anything really naughty involving my fellow PLEBAns :uhoh: I do write decidedly more risque fics from time to time, but I have a website for posting those on, instead of putting them here.

And I'll probably have another chapter of this one posted by the end of the week :)
DreamOutLoud13 said:

Well, I prefer to play it safe and leave the fics I post in PLEBA fairly innocent. Plus I'd feel strange writing anything really naughty involving my fellow PLEBAns :uhoh: I do write decidedly more risque fics from time to time, but I have a website for posting those on, instead of putting them here.

And I'll probably have another chapter of this one posted by the end of the week :)

I know you are right DOL13- I didn't mean it to the degree it sounded....just kidding around. What are your other stories about? Would you mind others reading them? You definitely have a flair for writing!! :hi5: :)
blm said:
I know you are right DOL13- I didn't mean it to the degree it sounded....just kidding around. What are your other stories about? Would you mind others reading them? You definitely have a flair for writing!! :hi5: :)
I'm always willing to share my work, although I don't really take the effort to advertise it much.

It's all archived here though:

There's a lot of different stuff in there, including some slash, and a really angsty fic that turned out to 86 pages when finished. A lot of the G-rated short fics have been posted here in PLEBA before, but other than those, none of the others have. Anything R-rated or above is friends-locked, which means you have to be added as an LJ friend before you can access them.
DreamOutLoud13 said:
Well, I prefer to play it safe and leave the fics I post in PLEBA fairly innocent. Plus I'd feel strange writing anything really naughty involving my fellow PLEBAns :uhoh: I do write decidedly more risque fics from time to time, but I have a website for posting those on, instead of putting them here.

I :love: people that follow the rules.
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