Bright End of Nowhere pt 17

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edge's girl

Jan 18, 2004
disclaimer: the product of my imagination when given pepsi

Aislinn stayed on Edge’s mind all day while he tried to figure out what to do. On one hand he understood her reasoning for wanting their relationship to work but there was also Vik to consider.

“What’s up with you?” Bono asked after the show. “You’ve been distracted all night.”

“Nothing,” Edge replied turning away from him. “I’m going out for a drink.”

“Oh good, I’ll come with you.”

“Alone,” Edge snapped.

Bono stopped walking in surprise. “What happened, Edge?”

“It’s none of your business. I just want to be alone, okay?”

Bono nodded with a frown as he watched Edge walk away.

* * * * *

Vik was busy cleaning up after the show when Bono stormed up to her.

“What the hell did you say to Edge?”

Vik stopped coiling the wire in her hand. “I haven’t spoken to Edge since just after the fight, like I was told to.”

“Then why’s he so hurt?”

“How should I know? I haven’t even seen him today.”

Bono scowled.

“Where is he anyway?”

“He said he was going for a drink and specified alone when I tried to go with him.”

Vik glanced at her watch. “Let me finish cleaning up here then I’ll help you find him.”

* * * * *

Edge hunkered in the back corner of a darkened bar. It had taken him a while to find the place but he figured somewhere that was relatively empty as well as far enough away from the stadium that they’d just preformed in would keep everyone away from him. Somewhere Bono was looking for him, at one time it would have been comforting to know that he had a friend who cared enough to turn the city upside down but right now he wanted nothing more then some time to himself to think.

A couple weeks ago it had been easy enough for him to make the decision to be with Vik but now…

He took a swig from his pint, it wasn’t fair, he didn’t want to have to make these choices, he didn’t even know how.

Aislinn had a point when she’d said that it wasn’t fair to put the kids through a divorce if they didn’t have to, but did he want to try again?

A few weeks ago he would have, no questions asked. But now he’d moved on, or at least he thought he had.

Edge toyed with the glass on the table in front of him. Originally he’d thought that Aislinn was being selfish, only thinking of herself and not him and the kids. Now he was the one with doubts about their relationship.

‘But am I being selfish if I don’t give it another try?’ he wondered. ‘Didn’t I want her to take me back just a few weeks ago? So why don’t I want it anymore?’

He knew the answer; it was Vik. Vik who’d helped him though the break up, Vik who he’d fallen in love with when he thought he’d never love again, Vik who he couldn’t see at the moment.

I sure as hell don’t fit into your world, and everyone knows what it looks like if I try. So maybe we should just forget it, save both of us the pain. Vik’s words from a couple weeks ago came back to him.

At the time he’d argued with her, but now he never saw her anyway, so maybe it wasn’t asking much just to stay friends with her and go back to Aislinn. After all if Aislinn was willing to give it another try he should to.

* * * * *
“I couldn’t find him,” said Vik collapsing exhausted into a chair.

Bono paced across the room from her. “I don’t understand, how could he just have disappeared like that?”

“Maybe he just really doesn’t want to be found.” That came from Larry who was leaning against the doorframe.

“But what if he’s hurt?” Bono asked spinning around to face him. “I should have gone after him, I shouldn’t have let him go alone.”

“Maybe so,” Adam replied. “But what’s done is done, now we have to hope that he’ll come back on his own time.”

Vik ran a hand over her eyes and glanced at the clock. “It’s four in the morning, so maybe we should call it a night and really start to worry if he’s not back in the morning.”

“Aren’t you worried at all?” Bono asked incredulously.

“Yes, but it’s a big city, especially if someone doesn’t want to be found. He’s probably hiding somewhere because he knows you’re looking and doesn’t want to talk with you about whatever’s bothering him.”

“But what if he’s not okay?” Bono pressed.

“If you’re worried about him doing something stupid like cutting himself, don’t. He’s over that, which is why I think he’s just hiding. Believe me, if I thought there was any real danger I’d still be out there looking.”

Bono nodded but he still didn’t look very reassured.

* * * * *

The next morning Vik stopped by Edge’s room and knocked on the door hoping he was there.

“Just a second,” he hollered and while Vik stood there waiting she heard him wrapping up a phone conversation.

“Sorry Aislinn, there’s someone at the door, I’ll meet you this afternoon.” Then there was a pause before he said goodbye.

Vik felt like someone had just dumped ice water on her head, what was he doing arranging to meet his ex-wife? And was that why he’d disappeared last night?

She just managed to get her emotions under control, so that they weren’t displayed on her face, when Edge answered the door.

“Vik,” he said in surprise.

“Just checking you were here. Everyone was worried about you when you disappeared last nigh and I could only get Bono to calm down enough to let us go to bed by assuring him that you’d be back this morning.”

Edge looked slightly uncomfortable. “Who did he have looking for me?”

“Just me and Adam and Larry,” Vik paused uncertainly. “Where were you last night?”

Edge definitely looked uncomfortable then. “I had to go out and think, away from everyone else.”

“What about?” Vik asked.

Edge looked at his feet, unable to meet her eyes. “Aislinn talked to me yesterday, she wants to get back together, to see if we can work it out for the kids sakes.”

Vik felt like she’d just had the wind knocked out of her. “Oh. Well good luck with that then.”

She spun away from him and headed down the hall for the elevator clenching her jaw to keep how upset she felt off her face. Once inside the elevator she leaned back against the wall and closed her eyes to keep away the tears.

‘Idiot,’ she berated herself. ‘This is why you don’t’ fall in love.’

The elevator door opened and Bono stepped in.

“What’s wrong?” he asked immediately concerned. “It isn’t Edge is it?”

“Yes and no.” Vik replied fighting to keep the emotion out of her voice.

“What’s that mean?”

“It means that it’s not in the sense that you’re thinking, but I just found out that he’s getting back with Aislinn.”

“He’s not that stupid,” Bono growled.

Vik shrugged. “Well he just told me he was, so that’s it.”

Bono shook his head. “He should know better then that, after all the shit she’s put him through. It’s just going to happen all over again.”

“Yeah, well do me a favour and tell him I’m not picking up the pieces this time.”

With that Vik exited the elevator and walked straight through the lobby and out of the hotel.

* * * * *

Edge had just finished tying his shoes when there was pounding on his door. He opened it with a frown only to be shoved backwards into the wall by a very irate Bono.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

“I haven’t done anything that I would make you barge in here like this.”

“Oh sure, what about dumping Vik for Aislinn?”

“Who told you about that?”

“Vik, you moron! She’s fucking loves you, though right now I’m not sure why, and you dump her for Aislinn who brought you nothing but pain.”

“Is this coming from the same guy who up until a couple weeks ago wanted me to have nothing to do with Vik,” Edge asked sarcastically.

“Well since then I’ve realised that Vik loves you. I may not know much about her but I know that. Plus I’ve said all along that you need to get over Aislinn because all she caused you was pain. Why the fuck do you want back with her anyway?”

“Because I have kids, Bono, and it would be a lot easier on those kids if we stayed together and Aislinn agrees.”

“Sure, because she was so thinking about them when she threw you out. Tell me, Edge, who’s idea was it to get back together, yours or Aislinn’s?”

“Aislinn’s,” Edge snapped. “Though I don’t see what that has to do with anything.”

“Everything! She’s just jerking you around again, everyone can see that..” Bono shook his head angrily. “Oh and a message from Vik, she’s not picking up the pieces when Aislinn breaks you heart again. And for that matter neither am I.”

With that Bono stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him.

* * *
and i'll leave it there, feedback always welcome, both the good and the bad.
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