Bootlegs(Wow...there's a topic we've never seen before)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Jun 19, 2001
Down by the River
Ok, before I ask, I just want you guys to know, this should probably go in the "What do you Want" topic, but since it seems to be devoted to tickets these days, I thought I would throw my self at the mercy, and limitless knowledge of my PLEBA compatriots! I am looking for two bootlegs for my friends for Christmas, they were their forst U2 shows. I need one show from ZooTV, 9/25/1992(atlanta) and PopMart 5/14/97(memphis) Can anyone help me? Thanks girls!

Fishy <><

The Bedazzled Merch-Maid and Fashion Chair of Orgasmatron
The Original Hot Potato of LAYS

You put on the leather pants and the pants start telling you what to do. -Bono
check this thread in MP3 section:

I already downloaded some stuff from there.

I want to play
the guitar very badly and I do play the guitar very badly
- Mr. B

time exists just on your wrist so don't panic...
fishy - email me at

I have the Atlanta zoo boot and I'll be happy to share. (I was at that show too).

I have also been looking, for years and years, for a Memphis PopMart boot. The show was not that great (the crowd was pretty thin - I was also there lol) but it is the only U2 show I have been to that I haven't been able to find a copy. So if you do turn one up, I'd appreciate you letting me know.


She's gonna dream up a world she wants to live in / She's gonna dream out loud.
Visit my web page at
Originally posted by CatDubh:

You are soooooooooooo my hero!!

This really should go to Mike P !!!
He's the man behind all those cool mp3s!!!


I want to play the guitar very badly and I do play the guitar very badly - Mr. B

time exists just on your wrist so don't panic...
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