Bono screaming photo

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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Dec 19, 2002
Santiago, Chile
there an elevation era photo of Bono screamin with his hands wide open (hands, not arms... let's not recall the first C word)

I'm looking for something like that... thanks :)
Is it this one?

I've been searching for a while now for a better quality one with no luck , but I found this one , love the sleeves on that jacket .:drool:

:scratch: so which version is the right way around??? Because of the writing on my one and u2trinitys, should he be facing the right??
Well I'm looking at his earring... That's his left ear we can see... so I think it's correct now. :yes:
bonocomet said:
Well I'm looking at his earring... That's his left ear we can see... so I think it's correct now. :yes:

you've got it right , they must have just fliped the image on the one I posted .
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