Ahhh, it's FINALLY back! The MacPhisto Society!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
*Edge and Echo are sprawled on her spacious bed, listening to her records. It's difficult for Edge to keep up; he's hardly gotten into a song before Echo squeals, "Oh, you've got to hear THIS track!" and changes the songs - or the CD. Discs and booklets are strewn all over, artists from Kamera 2 to NOFX to Silent Voices to Rufus Wainwright, who they began with and who they have returned to.*

STEREO: ~~ I dont want to hold you and feel so helpless
I dont want to smell you and lose my senses
And smile in slow motion with eyes in love

I twist like a corkscrew, the sweetness rising
I drink from the bottle weeping
Why won't you last?
Why can't you last?
So I will walk without care,
beat my snare
Look like a man who means business
Go to all the poshest places
with their familiar faces
Terminate all signs of weakness ~~~

ECHO: Beautiful, isn't it?

EDGE: Kind of like if Burt Bacharach were a twenty-something gay Englishman.

ECHO: Precisely. *The CD ends. The room is silent.* Are you still afraid of me?

EDGE: *looks down at his hands. He doesn't know what to say* Echo, what are YOU afraid of?

*Echo leans over, puts her hand on his shoulder. She deftly takes his earring between her teeth, giving it a gentle tug, and whispers in his ear.*

ECHO: I'm not afraid of anything.

*Edge doesn't move. Echo waits, the suspense devouring her, for him to accept her or reject her. He reaches up and grips her hand, removes it from his shoulder. Echo's stomach drops, until Edge rolls onto his back and pulls her on top of him.

*Echo can feel his heat all up and down her body. She straddles him and leans down, pressing her stomach to his, pushing his shirt up so he can feel her bare skin. She does her best to memorize every sensation, every little noise of pleasure he makes as they explore each other's mouths and skin. Sliding one hand down until she feels denim...then a little lower...*

*There's a knock at the door. ScottPhisto doesn't wait for an answer, he walks in.*

SCOTTPHISTO: Echo, are you in here? I -- Oh my god.

*He turns bright red at the sight before him and darts back out, slamming the door.*

ECHO: Scott! Wait! Oh no... *She leaps off the bed and follows him.*
*Bluephisto could not believe what she was feeling in Bona's abdomen. This was horrific. Everyone pressed around her asking what was going on, but she had no time to explain tactfully*
Bluephisto: Bona, I have to abort it.
Bona: WHAT!?
Bluephisto: It's self cauterizing from the inside, that's the burning. You're going to die if I don't. This is going to be painful, I'm sorry, I'm not an angel anymore, but I think I can save you. *Bona starts to cry in shock and Larry turns white* Adam, Bono, hold her down. Wait, Bona first you should get the dress off and lie under the sheet, Larry help her quickly. Macphisto, MAC!
Macphisto: *Still pretty toasted* Me? What would you like?
Bluephisto: Go get The Fly.
Macphisto: *petulantly, he has no idea how serious the situation is* Oh I don't like him much, can I get someone else?
The Fly: *Entering* Bluey? What's going on baby?
Bluephisto: Thank God, hold Bona down, I'm operating.
The Fly: Operating?
Bluephisto: Yes, in about five seconds. Macky...
Macphisto: Yes dearest?
Bluephisto: Will you go find me one of those lovely black roses from your garden?
Macphisto: Black rose?
Bluephisto: Yes, please darling? *She kisses his cheek and hurries him out of the door. He is quite happy about the kiss on the cheek and sets off to find his fiance her rose. she shuts the door and locks it, steeling herself for what she has to do.*
The Fly: We need some magic rose for this?
Bluephisto: No that was just to get him out of here. *The Fly smiled slightly and took his place around the bed*Bona, honey... Don't be scared, but this might hurt, I have nothing to give you for anesthetic. You're probably going to pass out and that's good. Love you. You're very brave. *With that Bluephisto sliced through the sheet and sliced Bona's abdomen open with her finger, and Bona screamed and tensed, the men held her down and Larry cried, whispering words into his wife's ear. Bluephisto had no idea how to do this kind of surgery as a devil. She was just trying to remember how she did it as an angel, and adapt as she went, but the bottom line was she was the only chance Bona had of surviving. She parted the skin and Bona relaxed immediately, Bluephisto looked up. She was still breathing, she had just passed out from the pain, thank God. She opened the womb very, very carefully something writhed in a sea of amniotic fluid. With a large, sterile siphon from an emergency kit Adam procured, Bluephisto suctioned out some of the fluid, setting it aside. She flinched at what she saw*
Bluephisto: Oh my God...
Larry: What?
Bluephisto: Just wait...don't move, anyone.
*Bluephisto could not believe her eyes. Around a preturnaturally developed demon child was a snake. Fang marks lined the walls of the womb. Bluephisto felt the floor move beneath her and she wavered. The Fly was quickly behind her.*
The Fly: Baby, honey, don't pass out now. Bona needs ya. Come on, sweetheart wake up.
*Bluephisto started to sink towards the floor, her knees gave way. Surgery always exhausted her as a healthy, strong archangel...she hadn't stopped to think what it would do to her in her illness. She wondered abstractly if it would kill her. The Fly's voice snapped her back to consciousness*
The Fly: Holy SHIT! What is that thing!?
*Bluephisto pushed herself away from The Fly and towards Bona again. She just had to get the surgery done, think about everything else later. The Fly stood behind her, regarding the snake in the womb.*
The Fly: Bluey, honey, what the hell?
Bluephisto: Fly, can you go stand by Larry?
The Fly: Why?
Bluephisto: Calm him down.
*She really just wanted to make sure he wasn't bit by the trashing serpent, which already had it's fangs drawn and regarded Bluephisto coldly. How to get it out? It seemed to lock eyes with her. She could hear The Fly trying to calm a panicked Larry at the head of the bed.*
The Fly: It wasn't that bad Lar, I've just never seen a baby before.
Larry: You can see my baby?
*Bluephisto lunged at the snake with a speed only matched in her days as an archangel. It started to stike at Bona but Bluephisto grabbed it by the neck and yanked it out of the placenta, snapping it's neck with her hands. The snake hung limp and wet, poison dripping from it's fangs even in death. Larry passed out. Bluephisto threw the corpse into the fireplace, the flames flared as it consumed the snake.*
Adam: *Shocked* What was that?
Bluephisto: A snake. It was a snake that was in the womb with the baby, probably *Bluey closed her eyes and leaned against the fireplace weakly* caused her pains tonight.
Bono: Are you going to be okay? Blue?
Bluephisto: *She took a deep breath before opening her eyes and returning to Bona* I have to finish this.
*Adam and Bono looked at each other, concerned. They knew that as an arch angel stronger than both of them, this kind of surgery made her so weak she passed out afterwards. They didn't know what it would do to her now.*
Bluephisto: I might be able to fix this. *She peered into the womb. The baby lay there, preconscious and in the fetal position. It was definitly a demon, and had already developed two small horns on it's head. Otherwise, miraciously, the baby and the womb were normal.*
Bluephisto: Adam...come here a minute.
*Adam shuffled over and Bluephisto explained what she wanted to do. He nodded slowly and she began. Bluephisto carefully parted the incision wider as Adam reached in and with a supremely gentle touch slid both horns off the baby's head. The small figure shuddered a second and then Adam closed his eyes and laid a hand on the forehead of the tiny child. There was a glow the color of candlelight and Adam removed his hand, smiling. Bluephisto smiled too with tired eyes*
Adam: Well, I don't think that's ever been done before.
Bluephisto: *Yawning* It's a first...*Her moment of self congratulation over, she replaced the amniotic fluid and looked at the tiny figure for a second before beginning to cauterize the tissues back together. She was done*
Bluephisto: Adam, take away some of her pain and make sure those sutures hold, okay?
Adam: Alright, great work Bluey.
*She sat on the edge of the bed beside the unconcsious parents. She was grey and shaking like a leaf. The Fly knelt in front of her.*
The Fly: Honey, you kick ER's ass! That was amazing! Are you alright sugar?
Bluephisto: I feel better than I thought I would.
The Fly: You should rest honey. *He kissed her on the cheek and hugged her. He felt her go almost limp in his arms. Adam and Bono were both in the nearby bathroom getting towels and fresh water to clean up.* Come on, let's put you to bed...
Bluephisto: No, I want to be here when Bona wakes up, really. I'm fine.
The Fly: Okay, okay whatever you want honey.*He helped her to a nearby couch and sat down with her, she was still trembling and the color of ashes. She laid back on the couch, shivering. The Fly found a blanket over a chair and covered her with it.*
Bluephisto: Fly, come here.
The Fly: down there?
*She moved over to make enough room for him to lie beside her. He laid down beside her and she covered him with the blanket too*
Bluephisto: *Weakly* Put your arms around me... *The Fly happily wrapped his arms around her, not knowing what to expect. She sighed and relaxed, resting her head against his chest* Thank you.
The Fly: Anytime, honey, anytime.
Bluephisto: *Her voice was a whisper* Fly, I'm sorry..
The Fly: Sorry for what gorgeous?
Bluephisto: I couldn't say no to Mackie, you know I couldn't...*She fell asleep there in his arms, with Macphisto's ring on her finger. The Fly lay there, running his fingers through her hair sadly*
The Fly: I know you couldn't baby, I know...
*Bona woke up in Larry's arms, still wrapped loosely around her. Immediately her thoughts flashed to the baby and she felt along her abdomen, as if she could feel the baby there. She remembered what Bluey told her... "I'm going to have to abort it..." and tears started to fill her eyes. She sniffled and rolled over, attempting to bury her face into Larry's chest. He awoke and she looked up into his eyes*
Larry: You okay?
Bona: Yeah. I think so... God, Larry, did she...
Larry: I don't know.
Adam: No, she didn't abort it.
*Adam had seen the couple awaken and sat down on the edge of the bed. Larry and Bona looked at Adam then back at each other and laughed and wept from happiness, drowning each other in an embrace. They parted, and Bona turned to Adam, throwing her arms around him out of happiness. She let him go, and Adam held out his hand, open.*
Bona: What's this?
Adam: Look at it.
*In Adam's hands were what looked like two very tiny horns, no bigger than rice grains. Bona gasped.*
Bona: Those aren't...
Adam: They are.
Larry: What are they?
Bona: Larry, those are horns.
*Adam took Bona's hand and put the horns in it. She and Larry examined them closely and Bona looked up at Adam*
Bona: Does this mean...
Adam: The baby's healed.
*Bona throws her arms around him, and Larry hugged her from behind. From across the room, Bluey had woken up and now stood next to Bona. Bona rose off the bed and gave Bluey a hug.*
Bona: Thank you so much, Bluey... I would have died...
Bluey: I know.
Bona: How are you feeling?
Bluey: A little weak, but okay.
Bona: I'm glad.
Larry: Blue, I don't know how to thank you.
Bluey: *She gives Larry a kiss on the cheek* It was all I could do.
Bono: Hey, where's Mac?
Bluey: I sent him out to find roses, remember?
Bono: That was hours ago. He still hasn't come back.
Bluey: We'd better find him, then. Can't leave a drunken angel alone for long.
Adam: I keep forgetting he's one of us now.
Bluey: It is a bit hard to believe. Larry, help Bona back into her dress and you better get back to the reception... what's going on in there now?
Larry: I think we've got Aerosmith playing a small set, holding everyone over.
Bluey: Wow. I love them... that was one hell of a distraction.
Larry: Well we needed something. I mean we couldn't have had 1000 people banging on the door...
Bona: Larry, help me with this...
Bluey: *calling out to Bona and Larry on her way out* Oh and by the way...
Larry: Yes?
Bluey: Your baby is beautiful.
Adam: *ahem* Your son is beautiful.
Bona: It's a boy? I thought you couldn't tell this early in the pregnancy...
Adam: *grinning* An angel has his ways.
Bona: *looks at Larry with a smile, then back at Bluey* Thank you.
*Larry wanders over to a half naked Bona, who stands with her dress half on, and Bluey and Bono walk out into the garden in search of MacPhisto. The back of Bona's dress is totally undone and Larry runs his hand down her back before starting the buttons. Bona sighs and Larry plants a kiss on the back of her neck, then on her shoulder and he pulls her closer to him*
Bona: Mmmmm... Larry my dress...
Larry: Right...
*He finishes the buttons and the couple head back out to the reception, Adam closely behind*
*MG had quietly followed bluey to the room and watched as she went in, hearing Bona screaming in pain*

MG:*gasp* Oh my God, What's going on? *quietly sneaks into the room without anybody noticing her although Bono and Adam know she's there*

*MG witnesses the surgery, hearing Bona's screams*

MG:*to herself* Oh God poor Bona, and poor Larry, look at him...I wish I could go over and hug him.

*suddenly Bluey pulls out the snake and MG can't stand the sight of it and passes out*

Bono:*senses MG hit the ground and slowly, walks over to where she is and takes her in his arms, trying to wake up* Cristy, wake up please honey. I don't want them to see you here.

MG:*wakes up and looks at Bono* What was that? It was *pauses* evil.

Bono:Look Cristy please go back to your room and don't tell anybody what you saw here ok?

MG: Ok Bono. *hugs him* Tell me if anything else happens ok? *walks out into the hall* Oh my God, I hope she'll be ok. *stands up against the wall looking up* Please God, help Bona and her child. *walks down the hall into her room*

The U2 revolution has been reinstated.

THE Larry Mullen Jr. Page

Meeting Larry:
*MG shows Larry poster*
*Larry reads poster*
*Larry smiles and says "Thank you that's very nice of you"*
*Larry signs paper, shakes MG's hand*
*MG almost dies then sees tearaway pants and gets bad ideas*
*The Fly lay with Bluey on the couch in Bona and Larry's room after the operation for almost an hour while Bona and Larry still slept. He ran his fingers through Bluephisto's hair, and watched color return to her grey skin like spring. The Fly always thought that she was adoreable while she slept, she was so un-posed, so vulnerable... Sometimes she would mumble incoherently, at times in english, at times in languages The Fly had never heard. He couldn't believe she was engaged, again. She couldn't say no to Macphisto, she had confessed to him before falling asleep in his arms. Fair enough, fine... The Fly was acutely aware that she had never said that she loved him. Not once, not even when she was going to marry him what seemed like years ago. He chided himself for ever thinking that she could, but he did not move. He just lay there, cherishing the warmth of her body on his leather clad arms. She moaned a little and shifted, stretching.*
The Fly: Hey, baby...morning.
Bluephisto: Morning...Where are we?
The Fly: Still in Bona's room.
Bluephisto: Oh...right. How is she? sleeping?
The Fly: Yup, both of them are still conked out. How are you feeling beautiful?
Bluephisto: Pretty good considering, you? *His sadness was apperant to her...*
The Fly: Great! I feel just...Awww, Bluey. You had to say yes? Again? *He stands up quickly*
Bluephisto: Fly, I couldn't say no -
The Fly: I know. I know... I'm sorry. I'm just being selfish. I just want you to be happy, and as long as he makes you happy, well then I'm happy...or at least I won't whine about it too much. Look...honeychild, *He removes his shades and looks at her with very serious brilliant blue eyes* You know I love you right? I mean you are aware that I am really in love with you? And it doesn't matter who the hell you marry, even if you marry me...I'm still going to love you. Seriously.
Bluephisto: *Smiling at him* Yes, of course I know that.
The Fly: Well, *He takes one of her hands and holds it in both of his* You remember when I told you that if you didn't show at our wedding I would just keep waiting at the altar in different places? This is me waiting at the altar in Bona's room. I'm a stubborn son of a bitch honey! I'll wait forever if I have to, I'll wait in a million different places...I don't care. Do whatever makes you happy. I just want you to know where I am, and where I'm gonna be. *There is a moment of electric tension between them and then Adam opens the door, carrying fresh towels*
Adam: Oh, sorry didn't know you were up Bluey.. How are you feeling?
Bluephisto:Good, pretty good.
The Fly: I'm going back to the party.
Bluephisto: What are you going to do there?
The Fly: *Turning and smirking under his shades as he exits* Wait, baby...I'm gonna wait.
*He shuts the door still smiling at her mischeviously, and struts down the hallway back towards the party. He stops for a second in the empty hallway in front of a mirror to straighten his shades, when he sees a reflection behind him that he recognizes*
The Fly: Hey! *He feels something break over the back of his head and everything goes black. His body falls limp to the ground and is dragged into an empty room.*
*After a highly unsuccessfull search of every inch of the mansion, Bono and Bluephisto cannot find Macphisto anywhere.*
Bono: Well he can't have just dissapeared, he's not that advanced yet.
Bluephisto: Tell me about it.
Bono: We've checked the wine cellar, the attic, the pool, the garden, the kitchen...I can't think of anywhere else.
Bluephisto: Me neither. Just a minute, let's sit down.
Bono: Are you okay?
Bluephisto: Yeah, just a little tired, that's all. I just need to sit for a second.
Bono: Want me to carry you?
Bluephisto: *Laughing* No, that's not necessary.
Bono: Ahhh, come on. *He leans down and picks her up, carrying her back to the party*
Bluephisto: *Laughing harder* Great, if you carry me into the party like this, everyone's going to think we're sleeping together or I'm almost dead...*Her voice trails off* I mean, that shouldn't be happening for another eleven months or so.
*They continue in silence until they reach the threshold of the party. Bono sets her down gently*
Bono: I'm sorry I carried you around just now, I mean if it makes you feel...
Bluephisto: No, you were just being sweet. It's fine.
Bono: I just felt something creepy about that room, like we were being watched. I just wanted to leave.
Bluephisto: Thanks Bono...*She takes his arm and they enter the reception together. Both The Fly and Macphisto are conspicuously absent.*
AnPhisto: *laughing her ass off* Oh My Evilness! Mackie is giving quite a show tonight! *takes a drink from her XX lager* He must be drunk...
Fly: He is ... *sitting destroyed near An*
An: Oh! Fly! You are here. *kneels* How are you feeling, darling?
Fly: *taking An's beer and drinking from it* How do you think I feel, An? He asked her to marry him, damn it!
An: But he is drunk, Fly. Remember?
Fly: Yeah. He's drunk. But that doesn't make any difference. And you know it.
An: But you knew she loved him. Why do you feel this upset? I thought you were prepared for something like this.
Fly: I wasn't. I'm still not giving up. I'm so close to making her love me and...
An: I can't believe what you're saying! You're being very selfish, Fly.
Fly: I'm not being selfish! I only want the best for Bluey and...
An: you think you are the best for her??
Oh Please Fly! Give me a break.
Fly: But I'm better for her than Mac. ME is what she really needs.
An: Let me break these news to you dear but: Let her decide what she needs. And most importantly: what she WANTS. You don't have any right to be that nosey just because you're in love. That, Fly: Is being selfish.
Fly*standing up from the couch* And that's why I hate to talk with you. You make me feel like a fool, An.
An:But you're not. I know you'll do just fine.
Fly: I hope so. I really do. I'm going to talk with her. We really need to chat a while.
An: Very well. Good luck, Fly

*AnPhisto walks to the exterior of the mansion, and sees A.E. and Scottphisto walking towards her*

An: *grinning* Hello, darlings! My A.E. You sure are looking handsome on that hat.
A.E. *bluuuuuuuuush*
Scottphisto: Excuse me but: Do you have any leftovers from last supper.
An: *puzzled* Umm.. I believe I don't. I left them on my plate, Scottphisto.
Scottphisto: *sigh* O well. So have you seen Echo/
An: I'm affraid not. The last time I saw her, she was running after Edge.
Scottphisto: Pretty much what I was picturing. But Oh well. So: Where are you going?
An: I just came out to breath some fresh air. I'm feeling kind of bored. I'd like to have some real fun
Scottphisto: We can give you some fun. If you like, of course. Right, A. E.?
A. E. : *nods*
An: I'd love to hang with both of you for a while. So what are we doing?
Scottphisto: Hmmm.. Let's see...
*Macphisto sighed, he had been looking for that damn black rose for almost an hour, stopping only to visit his wine cellar for a fresh bottle, when he realized that there were no black roses. He had never had any black roses. Then why in the world would Bluephisto ask him to get one for her? It dawned on his wine soaked brain slowly, she just wanted him out of the room. She wanted to get rid of him! Well! Macphisto talked to himself drunkenly in the garden about this for quite a while, waving a wine bottle around, before returning upstairs with an evil, but not too specific plan... he had to remove The Fly from the picture all together. He had to make Bluephisto fall out of love with that sunglasses wearing bore. It wasn't a very logical plan, but at this point Macphisto was so drunk, he was lost in his own house for quite some time as he ruminated and had to ask a gold lamp for directions. The lamp was very helpful.
He staggered back to Bona and Larry's room and was just about to knock when The Fly emerged from the room, saying something about waiting. Macphisto knew he had to take his oppertunity, he followed the oblivious Fly as quietly as he could. The Fly stopped to look at himself in a mirror and saw Mac standing behind him*

The Fly: Hey! *Macphisto grabbed a large black vase from the table and swiftly broke it over The Fly's head. The Fly crumpled to the ground*
Macphisto: Well...that was easier than I thought. One little vase over the head and you're out like a light. Humans... *He grabbed The Fly's ankles and dragged him with some effort into a dressing room.The Fly was unexpectedly heavy to drag, unconscious people were always harder to handle than even partially conscious people. He shoved the leather clad body into a corner and shut and locked the door to the dressing room behind him. He bent down, unsteadily and removed The Fly's shades, examining them.*
Macphisto: *Sigh* You know Fly, I really hate to do this but... What can I say? I hate losing to you.
*The "angel" knelt beside the rock star's body, wrestling his leather clothes off and his black shirt. Soon The Fly lay unconscious in his underwear in the corner and Macphisto emerged from the adjoining bathroom in the black leather clothes, his make up scrubbed off and The Fly's shades on. He looked identical to The Fly...Even The Fly's mother, had she been there would not have been able to tell the difference. He grimaced as he looked in the mirror*
Macphisto: Who would go out like this in public? Ah well, I'll have all this back before he even wakes up. *He lit a cigar and stumbled out of the dressing room, calling over his shoulder to the unconscious man in the dressing room* Don't worry, I'll be right back!
*Macphisto left for the reception to find Bluephisto*
*Bona and Larry walked arm in arm back into the reception just as Aerosmith was between songs. Steven Tyler glanced over and upon seeing the happy couple, said into the mic*
Steven: Alright! Look who's back! Ladies and Gentlemen I give you the new! The beautiful! The one and only Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mullen Jr!
*The crowd cheers and Larry laughs at the rock-starish way their introduction was done.*
Steven: They're making their way to the floor for their first dance of thier married lives and here to sing it for 'em is a band that highly influenced the eighties and recently made a huge comeback. Give it up for Bon Jovi!
*Jon Bon Jovi came and sat down at a piano as Bona and Larry made their way out to the center of the floor. The crowd cirlcled around them as the piano made its intro, and after a few bars Jon's voice came in softly, sensually*
Jon Bon Jovi: *singing* This romeo is bleeding, but you can't see his blood. It's nothin but some feelings, that this old heart kicked up. It's been rainin' since you left me and I'm drownin in the flood. Now I've always been a fighter but without you I give up...
*Larry took his wife around the waist and pulled her into him and their eyes locked*
Jon: Now I can't sing a love song like the way it's meant to be... I guess I'm not that good anymore but baby that's just me...
*Larry started to mouth the words in Bona's ear*
Jon: And I will love you, baby... always. And I'll be there forever and a day... always. I'll be there till the stars don't shine, till the heavens burst and the words don't rhyme, I know when I die, you'll be on my mind and I'll love you... always.
*A happy smile spread across Bona's face, knowing that Larry picked the song and these were all things he wouldn't say unless he meant it. For the next song, the bridal party was to join the couple on the floor. Bono and Bluey paired up for a song, and Adam grabbed Fishy and the bridal party enjoyed a dance. The rest of the guests joined after that.*

*About a half hour later Andre wheeled out a rather large wedding cake. Larry's eyes widened and he eyed the cake mischeviously. He casually wandered over to the cake and cut a piece, putting it onto a plate and then Bona cut her piece, doing the same. She picked up the fork and took a significant piece off the slice and then changed her mind: She wanted to feed it to him by hand. She moved the piece toward Larry's mouth and fed it to him innocently enough, but wiped the frosting off her fingers onto his cheek. He retaliated by smashing the piece he'd torn off gently onto her face and the war was on. The end result was Larry's face covered in cake and cake all over Bona, her shoulders and her perfect ringlets littered with frosting. Larry had also somehow managed to get cake down the front of her dress and after fishing that out, the crowd was on its feet, everyone laughing their asses off. The couple retreated into the kitchen to clean up and after Bona washed the frosting out of her hair they headed back out into the reception.*

*The Fly wandered into the room, at least what looked like the Fly, and approached Bona, who was standing at one of the tables talking to some guests and leaning on Larry.*

"The Fly": Hey, Bona baby, can I have this dance?
Bona: Sure, Fly...
*He lead her out to the dance floor...*
Bona: Are you alright, Bluey?
Bluey: I... I don't know.
Bona: *to the Fly in Mackie's spot* Mackie, what's wrong?
The Fly: Shh!! It's not Mackie... it's me.
*Bona looks closer and sits back in an "oh well now it's obvious" kind of way*
Bona: I should have known... I know Mackie better than he does sometimes. *she leans in closer* Why are you dressed like him?
The Fly: Because he did it first... *gestures to the table where Mackie and the rest of U2 sit*
Bona: But why though?
The Fly: Not a clue.
*The sound of forks clinking against glasses cuts their conversation short and Larry stands, making a motion like "C'mon, louder! Is that all ye've got?" and it crescendos into a roar. He grabs Bona and smiling, kisses her deeply. She mockingly pulls him down under the table and the crowd roars. A few seconds later they pull themselves back up to their chairs laughing and brushing themselves off, straightening their clothes. Larry puts his bowtie back on much to the crowd's amusement.*
Bluey: It's about time for the bouquet toss, isn't it?
Bona: Yes, I suppose we should do that...
*Garbage finishes their song and Bona rises and walks to the center of the floor, her bouquet in hand. Shirley Manson makes an announcement for all single girls to come out to the floor and as they all file on, Elton John moves up to the piano and starts playing some random piano song which no one recognizes. Bona looks behind her and then turns her back on the crowd.*
Bona: Are you ready?
Crowd: *cheering*
*With a swift motion, Bona tosses the bouquet over her head and into the crowd. There is a commotion and Larry looks on with amusement. When the crowd parts, Echo stands holding the bouquet sheepishly. She had caught it in mid air and stood glancing around, avoiding Edge's shocked stare...*

*Across the room, a Screwtape stands in the corner, watching the elated bride carry on with the nonsense. Her eyes drift breifly to Larry, but his attention is distracted when he sees Bluey move across the room for a drink. He slowly makes his way over to her, and MacPhisto (still dressed as Fly) stands sharply and slowly walks behind Screwtape, following him over to Bluey...*
AnPhisto: *pats her shoulder* Great catch, Echo!
Echo: *confused smile* Uh? Oh! Yeah, sure, An. Thank you.
AnPhisto: *with a concerned look* Are you Ok Echo?
Echo: *distracted* Umm. Yes, Of course. Will you excuse me? *walks away with bouquet on hand*
AnPhisto *shrugs* What's wrong with everybody tonight? *she heads to the terrace and finds Mullen-Girl standing alone in the dark*

An: Hi, Cristy. Not feeling well?
MG: I'm actually not. I thought I could handle this, but now I see it's hard to let go of someone you really love.
An: *sighs* I can relate to that, darling. I love Paul muchly. But still, I know we do not have any future together, at all.
MG: But your case is different than mine. I can't take choices as you. I have to deal with things , like it or not.
AnPhisto: Not because I can take choices, means that is less painful that dealing with what I didn't chose, my dear Cristy. The suffering, I believe, is the same.
MG: *embrasing herself*The only thing I know is that I still have real strong feelings for Larry, but are not reciprocal.
AnPhisto: And the only thing I know, is that time can heal the wounds made by the power of love. Sooner or later, your heart will be mended, and you'll be ready to love again.
MG: *hugging An* Thank you for the comforting words, AnPhisto. I only wish my heart will mend sooner than later. This gloomy feeling is kind of killing me.
AnPhisto: I can understand. I also hope as you to be ready to let go of the sentiments I have for Paul. I trust in time.
*both girls shed tears*

AnPhisto: Now, now . We must not cry. We have to be strong . Can you imagine anyone being interested in us with ruined makeup? I don't think so
MG: *laughs* You're right. We must be presentable for these army of single men.
AnPhisto: That's the spirit, Cristy! So: Ready to have some fun?
MG: I'd really like to have some more time for myself, if you don't mind. If you need me for anything, I'll be here.
AnPhisto: Of course I don't mind. You stay here while I look for some "decent speciMENs" . If I find any, I'll come back for you. Agree?
MG: *smiling genuily* Agreed!
*they hug and An enters looking for a phone*

AnPhisto: Where can I find a bloody phone? Oh there is one!
*takes the phone and dials*

AnPhisto; Come on, come on pick up, pick uuuuup

*on the other side* Hello?
*Macphisto had finished another bottle of wine, making him even drunker than he was at the beginning of the reception. He had good reason, she didn't love him. Bona tossed the bouquet. Bluephisto didn't even try to catch it, she stood there with her arms crossed, unsmiling. She applauded a little for Echo and then walked towards the bar.*
Macphisto: *Drunkenly to himself* Well, damn her anyway. Who needs her? *Suddenly his mouth dropped and his pulse shot up to twice it's normal rate as a tall figure began to follow her through the crowd. * Fuck! *He was on his feet in a second, adrenaline pumping through his body and pushing the haze of the alcohol away. Screwtape was following her. She stopped at the bar, her back to the demon behind her. Macphisto was just preparing to grab Screwtape by the neck when the devil turned slightly to look at someone and cursed under his breath and then just dissapeared...it seemed like he vanished into thin air. Macphisto spun around. Screwtape was gone. He looked up, The Fly, still wearing Macphisto's clothes was at Bluephisto's side, chatting to her. Macphisto realized then...Screwtape was afraid of him, he saw "Macphisto" and vanished. The Fly took a completely unaware Bluephisto by the hand and they rejoined Bona and Larry at the head table. Macphisto kept searching the room for Screwtape, He must be here somewhere. He had to tell Bluey, Screwtape was back, he was after her. Macphisto just started to approach the head table when the festivities began again.*
Adam: We would like to invite the bride and groom up now to speak and then we will open up the dance floor for the rest of the night. Thank you.
*Adam sat down and Bluephisto fumed in her seat. Macphisto was staring at her from his table making some sort of gesture, trying to get her to talk to him in private. She looked away, annoyed. What did he want this time? She had never been so angry at him, kissing and groping other women was one thing, but she had never imagined even he could be so manipulative.*
Bluephisto:Fine, I'll show him how it felt. *Bluephisto moved her chair closer to The Fly during Bona's speech and started to wind her fingers through her "fiance's" hair. The Fly sighed and closed his eyes. She then leaned over and began to whisper into his ear, he smiled a little and then wider as she began to kiss his neck. Under the table, her hand was on his thigh. Macphisto clenched his jaw, she was just doing this to make him jealous, she still thought he was The Fly...Bluey began to run her hand up The Fly's leg, Macphisto could see him biting his lip to stop from moaning during the speech. The Fly was in heaven, he knew what she was doing but he was just happy that she was doing it with him. Bluephisto stole a glance at Macphisto in the crowd. He was visibly angry...good. Full of anger she turned and kissed The Fly full on the lips, but as soon as she did, all her anger dissolved...he kissed her back softly, parting her lips with his tounge. She forgot about Macphisto entirely, completely overwhelmed by The Fly. She melted into his arms, and he pulled her over to him so that she was sitting on his lap. They still hadn't broken the long, intense kiss, which had interrupted Bona's gracious speech as the entire crowd stared at the oblivious lovers. Very few of them understood what the kiss really meant.*
Adam: We would like to invite the bride and groom up now to speak and then we will open up the dance floor for the rest of the night. Thank you.
*Bona and Larry rose and Bona took the mic.*
Bona: First, I want to thank you for coming tonight. This is an amazing day for Larry and I, we really couldn't ask for anything better. It's amazing to think that Lars and I have only known each other for a few months. I'd seen him around when Mackie was working for U2, but back then he and I just clashed I guess. But I have to admit, even then there was something in Larry that caught my eye. And it wasn't just the fact that he was drop dead gorgeous, but there was something beyond that, something inside of him that caught my attention and held it. Now in any devil temptresses career that'd have been a clear signal to go after him, and I knew exactly what I had to do to get him to snap for me but I couldn't. I respected him too much. Seduction was my job then, and already Larry had somehow shaken me so much that I couldn't even do my job. Now within a matter of months he's become my best friend, a teacher, a councelor, my rock and my strength, everything I have now is because of this amazing man, the father of my child whom I just married. And I guess indirectly I have Bluey to thank... *She turns her head and gestures to the couch where Bluey sits... making out with The Fly. She freezes and disbeleif and anger overtake her.* Bluey?!?!
*The couple stops their makeout session and Bluey turns, suddenly embarrassed and ashamed.*
Bluey: *looking around* Bona...
Bona: I can't believe you would do this! How can you be so inconsiderate?
*MacPhisto smiled from across the room, strangely satisfied to see Bluey chastised for her actions*
Bluey: Bona, I'm so sorry.
Bona: *sigh* I'll talk to you about this in a minute... *she continues her speech* As I was saying, I have MacPhisto to thank indirectly for this, being that he introduced Larry and I so many years ago. *she pauses* Love is a very strange thing... it's the one thing in your life you'll never be able to explain and the one thing you can't live without. There are millions of times when you think you're "in love" with someone, and then you realize years later it wasn't love at all... I couldn't really define love until I met Larry. I don't have a lot of answers about my marriage to Larry yet or how it will go, but I can promise that it won't be easy, and there's going to be days when I wake up and wish I was anywhere else, there's going to be days with him gone on tour and me missing him so much I lose sense of what to do with myself. But I can tell you this: love is selfless, forgiving, it tries to understand before it retaliates or condemns, it accepts unconditionally. Love puts its object before itself, it discards what is superficial and worries only about what's eternal... all this Larry has done for me. Thank you all for being here to witness our making it official.
*The crowd cheers, barely a dry eye in the room and Larry steps up to the mic.*
Larry: Thanks. I love Bona more than anything, and she's right, I did meet her in 1993 when MacPhisto was working for us and then I couldn't see past the fact that she was the epitomy of everything I hated. *the crowd chuckles* I never bothered to go beyond that until one night, a few parties ago I was dancing with her and MacPhisto planted a kiss on Bluey. I looked over and caught a tear falling down Bona's cheek. I remember thinking, Wow, there's a heart there. And once I started to dig into what was beyond the surface, I saw beauty there. I saw something that had an incredible potential to be beautiful and I set out to teach her about what she'd been missing. I fell in love with her in the process. Sometimes what you start out avoiding becomes the one thing you can't live without. I don't think there's much more I can add to what Bona's already said. In another 8 months there'll be three of us instead of just two. Thank you for being with us while we start our journey together.
*He turns to her and kisses her, and the crowd cheers. Bona runs a hand down his cheek and whispers in his ear that she'll be right back.*

*She moves over to Bluey and pulls her into a separate room*

Bona: Will you please explain to me what you were thinking?
*Bona moves over to Bluey and pulls her into a separate room*
Bona: Will you please explain to me what you were thinking?
*Bluephisto is severly flustered, and blushes*
Bluephisto: Thinking? Umm, I don't know..
Bona: You were making out with him in the middle of my speech! Do you have any idea how long that took me!? Everyone was looking at you two, you know.
Bluephisto: Really? Oh... *Bluephisto sits down faintly on one of the couches, Bona softens for a minute*
Bona: Bluey? Hey...
Bluephisto: I started to touch him to make Mackie jealous, just to make him jealous, that's all. It wasn't going to go that far! But then...
Bona: Then???
Bluephisto: I kissed him, and it was like... I don't even know what it was like! It was like...heaven. And I've been there! That was exactly what it was like.
Bona: Bluey? What are you saying?
Bluephisto: It was...*She shakes her head and laughs* I love him Bona.
Bona: I know you love Mackie, honey, he'll understand. Now come on, let's get back...
Bluephisto: *Very serious*No. Bona. I love The Fly. I mean I love him. I don't know how I could have missed it for so long. Oh my God...
Bona: Bluey, maybe it's just because he looks like Mackie now. It was like kissing Mackie, but with The Fly...you know?
Bluephisto: Yeah...whatever. *Bluephisto looks kind of pale again, beads of persperation have collected on her skin, and Bona is sorry she yelled at her. Bluey lays down on the couch and looks up blankly at the ceiling, not really seeing Bona at all.*
Bona: Bluey, do you need some tylenol? You look kind of, strange.
Bluephisto: *Not making any sense* Yeah...okay, sure. That's great.
Bona: Okay, stay right there, I'll be right back.
Bluephisto: That's great...
*Bona leaves the room quickly, looking for help. She arrives in the ballroom to find Macphisto and The Fly in a heated argument. She sighs to herself heavily, and tries to break it up to get one of them to help Bluephisto, but it isn't easy. They are beginning to shout at each other, and guests have begun to stare*

*Bluephisto lies on the couch in the drawing room. She feels cold and dizzy and weaker than ever. Her breathing becomes shallow and she can feel a chill move across her limbs like a shadow. She closes her eyes and falls asleep, unaware that a tall figure is locking the door from the inside and moving towards her with a smile*
*MacPhisto and the Fly are fighting furiously, and Bona is screaming at them, trying to tell them that Bluey's in trouble but they're not listening.*
Bona: MACKIE!!!! Don't you HEAR me? She needs help!
MacPhisto: *To Fly* You have some nerve you disgusting leather-covered moron, in the middle of the Bride's speech!
The Fly: She was coming on to me!!
MacPhisto: You could have resisted her!
The Fly: She's a fuckin' temptress, Mac. No man alive could resist her.
*Larry steps in and separates the two rivaling suitors and once they've quieted, Larry says quietly*
Larry: For the past five minutes, my wife has been trying to tell you that the very woman you're arguing over needs help. If you really loved Bluey you would have heard Bona the first time.
*The Fly and MacPhisto regard each other coldly and calmly walk toward the room where Bluey lies, Larry carrying a bottle of painkillers. The Fly tries opening the door, and discovers it's locked.*
The Fly: Bona, did you lock this?
Bona: No. I left it open, matter of fact.
The Fly: Bluey, open the door!! It's me, baby...
*there is no response*
The Fly: Baby? It's me... open the door!
*still no response*
MacPhisto: Bluey?!
*The four begin to panic.*
MacPhisto: Bona, you're sure it was this room?
Bona: Yes! This is where I left her!
*Suddenly a scream comes from inside the room and MacPhisto loses his patience and rams a shoulder into the door, breaking it open. They enter and the room is empty.*
MacPhisto: Bluey?
The Fly: Baby?
Bona: She was lying on the couch!
*Smoke rises from the couch and MacPhisto's eyes narrow. He immediately knows what's happened*
MacPhisto: Fly, give me my clothes back.
The Fly: Proudly.
*The two men change clothes, although MacPhisto goes straight back to his room to get a fresh suit. He couldn't stand being in a suit covered in Fly's grime... and especially after probably went on in those pants. The thought disgusted him and he changed suits. He hurried quickly back into the room where Bluey'd disappeared and then had a sudden realization*
MacPhisto: I can't go after her. I still can't go after her... *he sank down on the couch and buried his head in his hands.*

*Larry and Bona have returned to the reception as not to cause a panic and Larry has gone to the bar.*
Bona: *in a playful mood, leaning in and biting Larry's ear lobe gently* I'm going to go see what Mac and Fly are going to do... don't you go anywhere, Mr. Mullen.
Larry: *turning to her and brushing his lips across hers, whispering* I won't move.
Bona: *kissing him, his guinness-scented breath on her face* I'm glad.
*She walks across the room casually and heads down a hallway, and passes the room where Bluey had last been seen. On the couch, alone sat MacPhisto, his head in his hands. Bona entered quietly*
Bona: Mackie?
MacPhisto: I can't go after her...
*Bona shuts the door and sits beside him on the couch, rubbing his back for comfort*
Bona: Oh, Mackie...
MacPhisto: And this time I don't know what he wants... I don't even know how he's still alive.
*MacPhisto exhales and leans his head against Bona's bare shoulder. She strokes his silky hair just for the sake of comfort, the mother in her coming out more and more by the day. In this manner, she plants a kiss on top of his head*
Bona: It'll be okay, Mackie... somehow.
MacPhisto: Thank you, Bona...
*Instinctively, he wraps an arm around her waist. There is a moment of silence and she whispers to him*
Bona: I still love you, Mackie.
MacPhisto: I know... I love you too.
*There's another awkward pause*
Bona: What are you going to do?
MacPhisto: Nothing.
Bona: No, I meant about Bluey.
MacPhisto: *choking up* I don't know if there's anything I can do... *sigh* It seems like it's impossible for her to love me anyway... should I just leave this to Fly?
Bona: You love her more than anything, Mackie. You're going to regret it if you just give up...
MacPhisto: You always were the more logical one...
Bona: That's why I'm a woman.
MacPhisto: *laughing* And one hell of a woman at that... *nostalgically tracing her shoulder line with his fingers* Larry's a lucky man...
Bona: Mackie... you really should stop. You're still pretty drunk...
MacPhisto: *still running his hand over her shoulder* Why? I've lost everything... *kissing her shoulder lightly* What do I have to save it for?
Bona: Bluey, for one...
MacPhisto: She doesn't love me. She loves him.
Bona: Bluey loves you. I know she does.
MacPhisto: But she wants The Fly... *drunkenly kissing her shoulder again* You love me though...
Bona: Mackie, I just got married.
MacPhisto: Married?! When?
Bona: *looking into his eyes and realizing how fargone he is* Oh my God... Mackie... you really need to get some rest and sober up... you're talking nonsense.
*MacPhisto has started to run his hands over her chest and has planted his lips there. Bona is tempted, but rises quickly and pulls him up off the couch. He's so drunk and miserable he can barely stand anymore and it doesn't seem like he wants to much. She leads him out into the ballroom and plops him down onto a couch and sits next to Larry, who's sitting on another couch across the room chatting with Edge. Larry's shirt is open a little and Bona sits on the back of the couch and runs a hand down the inside of his shirt, over his chest and rests her head on his shoulder*
Edge: Hello, Mrs. Mullen.
Bona: *not used to being called that yet and laughing a little* Hi, Edge.
Larry: What's going on?
Bona: I've never seen MacPhisto like this...
Larry: What'd he do?
Bona: He's so incredibly trashed... and miserable on top of it.
Larry: What happened?
Bona: He started hitting on me after he realized he still can't go after Bluey and he came to the ridiculous conclusion that she doesn't love him and now he thinks he's got nothing to live for...
Larry: Great...

*Adam has approached MacPhisto, who is almost passed out on the couch.*
Adam: Mac?
MacPhisto: Yes?
Adam: C'mon. We need to talk.
MacPhisto: Whatever for?
Adam: Just follow me.
*Adam helps the miserable MacPhisto up and drags him to his office, sitting Mac down on the couch where he slumps over and lays down. Adam gets a glass of a mysterious liquid and hands the glass to MacPhisto. He drinks deeply, and suddenly shoots up in his seat, 400% sober.*
MacPhisto: My god, what the hell is this stuff?
Adam: Something to sober you up.
MacPhisto: Wow...
Adam: Ehm, Mac... I've got some news for you.
MacPhisto: Yes?
Adam: Listen, I just got off the phone with Jesus... they know that you've been drinking.
MacPhisto: Oh no...
Adam: They're turning you back into a devil until they decide what to do with you. This may be only temporary, it could be permanent.
MacPhisto: I never meant to become as bad as I was...
Adam: I know that, but rules are rules...
*MacPhisto buries his head in his hands and runs his hands through his hair to discover that his horns have grown back on his head and his wings have gone. He rises and heads back out to the reception, part of him glad to be back to what he was used to, but very disappointed that he now had dishonesty to deal with... He fixed himself a martini and disappeared into his bedroom, catching Bona's eye on the way out, she's still leaning on Larry's shoulder and planting kisses on his neck.*
Originally posted by Echo:

ECHO: Scott! Wait! Oh no... *She leaps off the bed and follows him.*


*Echo catches up with Scottphisto*

ECHO: Hey, where are you going?

SCOTTPHISTO: *Coldly* Out.

ECHO: *Surprised and confused by Scottphisto's demeanor* Okay?something wrong?

SCOTTPHISTO: Nah. I'm fine. Just need some air.

ECHO: Okay, well, before you do, I've got to tell someone*Excited*?I think this is it! I have him right where I want him!

SCOTTPHISTO: *Again, coldly* Yeah, right between yer legs.

ECHO: *Taken aback* I...well?I suppose you could put it that way?

SCOTTPHISTO: *Interrupting* Congratulations. *Starts to walk away*

ECHO: What's with you? I thought you'd be happy for me?

SCOTTPHISTO: *Rising anger* Yeah, Ec. I'm real happy for you. You've managed to seduce a musician who'll only break yer heart when he's gotten what he wants. A musician who can have any woman on earth, and yet he doesn't even see what he's got in front of him! He can't see your light, but he can see your tits! That's not what you need, Echo! He can't make you feel whole! He doesn't love you! Not the way I do!

*Echo's eyes widen as she hears this. So do Scottphisto's, when he realizes what he just said.*

SCOTTPHISTO: *Under breath* Feck.

ECHO: What did you say?

SCOTTPHISTO: *In a jam* I?that is?*Sigh* Dammit, there's never a pissed off, axe wielding, Hungarian chef around when you need one!!

ECHO: Scott?do you?love-

SCOTTPHISTO: That just slipped out! I mean, as a friend! I?

ECHO: *Sees it in his eyes* Scott, tell me the truth.

SCOTTPHISTO: I?I gotta go?

*Walks off, wiping his eyes*

ECHO: *Softly* Scott?

*Echo slowly turns around and walks back to her room*

ECHO: Sorry about that Edge, but-*Edge is gone*

ECHO: *Looks down* Dammit.

*Echo goes downstairs, searching for Edge. Hears the last few chords of "Milk", then Shirley Manson makes an announcement*

SHIRLEY MANSON: Alright, all you single ladies! Get on out there on the dance floor, 'cause it's time for?

[This message has been edited by Scottphisto (edited 12-05-2001).]
*Bona and Larry resumed their seats at the head table and the guests burst into cheers. They smiled, doubly happy to be married and to have a healthy child. Larry kissed Bona with none of his former embarassment, he was just too grateful that everything was well to care. The guests went wild. In the wedding party's abscence, the elegant predinner arrangements had turned into an impromptu rock concert, with some of the more notable guests clearing a space and plugging in minimal equipment and ruining everyone's eardrums...not that anyone minded. Garbage was currently pounding out "Only Happy When it Rains".
Bluephisto sat on a couch alone, enjoying some peace, and a glass of champange when a familliar voice turned her head, it was The Fly leaning against the back of the couch and smirking at her*

Macphisto: Bluey...*he paused, what would the Fly say here?* ehm...baby. How are you?
Bluephisto: I'm feeling alright, sleeping helped. Why did you run away so quickly?
Macphisto: *Sitting beside her* Ehm...I don't know. Hell, I don't know why I do anything, I just do all sorts of stupid things...baby.*Macphisto decided that from now on when he didn't know what to do he would just throw a "baby" in the sentance. He slid an arm around his fiance, to see how she'd react. She didn't move away. He frowned a little*
Bluephisto: Are you drinking wine?
Macphisto: Yes, I mean..yup. *He looks at the bottle he's holding and wishes he had a glass, but thinks that the mannerless Fly would just drink right out of the bottle, so he grimaces and takes a swing out of the bottle.*
Bluephisto: You don't like that kind of wine.
Macphisto: Ahh, you know me. I'll drink anything. Wine, bad scotch, pedantic brandy, windex. Doesn't matter to me, darling.
Bluephisto: What?
Macphisto: What?
Bluephisto: You never call me darling.
Macphisto: I didn't.
Bluephisto: I heard you.
Macphisto: No...I said...darlin' *He pronounced the last word with a strong southern accent and shuddered inwardly. How could The Fly stand being The Fly? This was horrible.*
Bluephisto: Oh, alright, sorry. I'm hearing things now too. *She closed her eyes for a second and Macphisto could see she was tired. He almost put his arms around her, but he stopped himself. His job here was not to make Bluephisto fall in love with The Fly.*
Macphisto: Are you okay? Not that I care...
Bluephisto: I'm fine. *She laughs* You're very funny.
Macphisto: *Denfensively* No I'm not! Don't you find me boring?
Bluephisto: You are also surprisingly modest for a rock star, but then again, you've always done well at surprising me. *A slower song begins, Rufus Wainright has taken the stage.* Fly, would you like to dance?
Macphisto: *What is she doing asking him to dance with her!?* Sure...baby. *She takes his hand and they join the other couples on the dance floor. Macphisto thinks of tyring to dance very badly on purpose, but Bluephisto winds her arms around him and rests her head on his chest. Macphisto, happy to be near her again, but troubled that she doesn't know who he really is, holds her close and dances with her. She is totally relaxed and happy, and looking down at the unfamilliar look of contentment on her face, he begins to wonder how much she would let the Fly get away with...He tips her face up to him and leans down to kiss her. Before his lips touch hers, she pushes him back not looking at him. Macphisto has never been so happy to be rejected*
Macphisto: Baby...what!? What'd I do? Why not?
Bluephisto: *She steps closer to him and they start dancing again, but her face is troubled* Fly...everyone here thinks I'm engaged to Macphisto. Not here.
Macphisto: *His heart sinking* Aren't you??? I mean, I thought you were...engaged to Macphisto.
Bluephisto: *Quietly* That's what I tried to tell you before I feel asleep on the couch. Fly, I couldn't say no to him. He asked me in front of almost a thousand wedding guests, and he was terribly drunk, you know he would have made a huge scene right there if I had said no.I didn't want to embarass him. I have to talk to him later when he's sober and not going to do anything rash...but I haven't seen him anywhere since Bona's room.
Macphisto: *He is absolutely crushed, and lets go of Bluephisto* Don't you love Macphisto? I thought you did.
Bluephisto: *She sighs deeply, taking him back into her arms and swaying to the music as she talks* I did...I mean I do. I don't know, I just don't know. He confuses me.
Macphisto: He loves you. It's obvious.
Bluephisto: I do love him... but he's so frustrating sometimes. He says one thing and then does another. He says he's concerned about me and wants to take care of me but he's only worried about himself. He's exhausting, and confusing, and I know he says he loves me but I just don't know what that means coming from him.
Macphisto: You don't want to marry him?
Bluephisto: I don't want to marry anybody right now. Honestly, I just want to go to sleep for a really really long time and not have to worry about stepping on anyone's toes. *She pauses and closes her eyes* I really don't want to hurt him. I just don't know what to do.
Macphisto: *He lets her go abruptly, his heart breaking. He backs away* I have to go. Sorry...baby.
Bluephisto: Fly...
*He is gone, absorbed in the crowd. Bluephisto makes her way back to the couch, confused. That wasn't like The Fly at all...Her eyes found him in the crowd again, in a corner kissing a girl fiercely, running his hands down her body. Bluephisto gasped. he broke the kiss with the stunned girl and took a long drink from a wine bottle, walking up to another girl and kissing her too. He pulled the girl onto a couch with him and made out with her, touching her everywhere, desperately. Finally he pulled away and without saying a word to the shocked woman on the couch, ran to a room and slammed the door so loud that heads turned at the sound.*
Bluephisto: Oh my God. *She could not believe how much that hurt her. She trusted him...but with what? She was engaged to another man, and yet she felt this seeing him with another woman? Tears sprang to her eyes, and she turned away from the guests, with her head in her hands. Why did that hurt so much? It was even worse than when Macphisto and Bona...*
Bluey? Honey? What's wrong? *Bluephisto looked up, Macphisto was sitting on the couch beside her, his eyes full of concern.*
Bluephisto: Nothing, nothing...I'm jsut tired.
*The Fly, uncomfortable in Macphisto's gold suit was really worried. He had never seen her so upset, and he wished he was dressed like himself again but when he woke up in the dressing room, all his clothes were gone and Macphisto's were left on the floor. he wrapped a blanket around himself and stepped out of the room, watching the party from the balcony above. Macphisto was sitting on the couch, dressed in his clothes talking to Bluey...* Fine, The Fly thought If you want to make me look like an ass...two can play that game!*The Fly returned to the dressing room, and with the help of a little makeup, he entered the party as Macphisto. He just wanted to scare Macphisto into giving him his threads back, sort of use his precious reputation as a hostage and have a little fun with him, but when he entered, there was no Macphisto to be found and Bluephisto was crying alone on a couch.*
The Fly: No, really...what happened...*What would Mac say here?...* umm, darling?
Bluephisto: Nothing, nothing. Just...
The Fly: Just what darling? Do you need a drink? *Bluephisto nodded and The Fly crossed the room to the bar, all the guests smiled and nodded at him and he smiled and nodded back, with more friendliness than they expected from Macphisto. He took a glass of water from the bar and walked back to Bluephisto, tripping over a set of steps, landing on his ass. He managed however to save the water. Everyone looked at the suddenly clumsy host, he got up ungracefully and brushed it off*
The Fly: I'm fine everyone, just fine...Who put that step there? Damn these high heels!
*He returned to Bluey and handed her the water. She had stopped crying and was now just looking at the floor, very sadly*
The Fly: Darling? What's wrong? Did something happen?
Bluephisto: Would you like to dance?
The Fly: Of course, darling.
*They walk arm in arm to the dance floor and The Fly wraps his arms around her. It's a slow waltz, and Bluephisto is confused*
Bluephisto: Mackie, isn't this a waltz?
The Fly: *He can't waltz* Yes, I think it is.
Bluephisto: Why aren't we waltzing then?
The Fly: *Looking at the whirling couples around them* Ummm... I'm just too old for that. *Bluephisto laughs. He tightens his arms around her and they stand almost still in the middle of the spinning crowd*
Bluephisto: Mackie?
The Fly: Yes?
*Suddenly they both see Macphisto dressed as The Fly walking by, holding some other anonymous girl's hand. His face is grim. Bluephisto's eyes tear up again and she looks at the floor. The Fly clenches his jaw as he puts two and two together*
The Fly: Did The Fly do anything to upset you? Tell me the truth...darling.
Bluephisto: *Still looking down* Yes...
The Fly: What did he do? Come on, you can tell me anything. *He brushes her cheek and she feels like she really can tell him anything. With a heavy sigh, she confesses*
Bluephisto: Mac...I'm so sorry. The Fly and I were dancing and he ...he walked away and I looked up and he was *Her chin trembles* kissing some girl, and then he just grabbed another, not even looking at her and they started kissing! *The Fly's eyes widen and his fists clench* Mackie...I'm so sorry, I have to confess. It made me jealous to see him with those girls. *She sighs and closes her eyes* Mackie...about our engagement, I only said yes because you would have been embarassed if I said no. I don't think I can marry you. I'm so sorry.
The Fly: Why not?
Bluephisto: I think I'm in love with The Fly.
The Fly: *Trying not to smile* Oh my God...are you serious?
Bluephisto: *Crying again* Yes. I love him very much. I can't help it, that's why it hurt so much to see him do that, he's usually so sweet! I'm sorry Mackie, I'm so sorry. I'm such a fool, and maybe I should just leave.
The Fly: Baby! Wait! *She turns, surprised at this unusual phrase from Macphisto. He grabs her wrist.*
The Fly: Honey, it's me!
Bluephisto: Mackie, what?
The Fly: *Stepping closer* Baby, honey, it's me...The Fly. I'm just dressed up like Mac! He knocked me out and took my clothes and I woke up and wanted to play with him a little so I took his clothes and I had no idea he was going to do something like THAT!
Bluephisto: What's going on? Mackie, stop joking.
The Fly: No! It's me...Fly. I can prove it. You kicked my ass at Sonic the Hedgehog and you love twister! Remember? Honey?
Bluephisto: Oh my God...So you are Fly and that was....Mackie?
The Fly: Yeah, exactly honey, exactly. I'm so sorry he did something like that.
*Bluephisto remembers her conversation with Macphisto and freezes... No wonder he snapped and started kissing women. Just then it is announced that the reception is beginning again and Bona waves Bluey and "Macphisto" back to their seats at the head table. The Fly doesn't know what else to do so he takes his place beside a shell shocked Bluephisto at the table. She is staring at Macphisto who is sitting in The Fly's spot with the rest of U2*
The Fly: *Rubbing her back gently* Baby, hey...it's gonna be okay.
*The reception resumes*
*In the drawing room, Bona goes on and on about something...Bluephisto has no idea what. She feels her consciousness slipping away, but she still mumbles half hearted responses to Bona's questions. She's never felt this sick before, her heart pounds hard and fast, she can't catch her breath and she's cold all over. Then all is blackness.
Bluephisto's eyes open slowly, someone is there, sitting on the edge of the couch facing her. A long, thin hand covers her mouth tightly, she finally focuses on the figure.*

Screwtape: *Leans down and speaks calmly to the barely conscious temptress on the couch* Hello, my girl. I've heard you don't like to sleep alone, I thought perhaps I could keep you company. Bluephisto's eyes widen. She is terrified, and keeps telling herself that it's another dream and any second now she will wake up in Macphisto's bed, feeling like a fool.* Now, why are you afraid of sleeping by yourself? Hmmm? Having nightmares? A big girl like you having nightmares? *He leans closer to her and slides a cold finger down her bare arm* Now why would that be? *At his sickening touch, she summons all her strength and fights him, pushing him away, but she is so terribly weak that he holds her down with one hand with such ease that she wonders if he has any idea she's fighting* I've been waiting a long time to say hello to you again, my girl. You left me in such a hurry last time, not to mention you blew my head off with a gun. I was angry for a while, but I'm better now...*He looks at her body appraisingly* and I know how you can make it up to me.
*There are knocks and shouts from the door. She can hear Macphisto calling her name and banging on the door. Screwtape turns his head at the sound for an instant and his hand moves from her lips, Bluephisto screams as loud as she can*
Bluephisto: MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAC! *Screwtape has shoved his hand back over her mouth vey tightly and shakes his head dissaprovingly*
Screwtape: That was foolish.
*They dissapear into Hell, leaving only smoke rising from the couch*

*The Fly pounds his way down the stairs to Macphisto's basement. He hasn't stopped running since he got his clothes back and has been dressing as he runs downstairs. He is wearing his leather pants and his jacket and is wiping the makeup off of his face with his t-shirt, tossing it aside. It was hot where he was going anyway...He had no plan. He just assumed he'd think of something along the way, he always had before. The Fly reached the basement and found the right room, sprinted across the floor, ripped open the doorway to Hell, and ran down the thousands of stairs. All he knew was he wasn't coming back without her.*

[This message has been edited by blueeyes (edited 12-06-2001).]
*From where she sat on the couch, Bona startled as Macphisto walked by, smirking at her with a martini in his hand.*Were those horns?*She excused herself from Larry, walked quickly down the hallway, her wedding gown swishing, and knocked on Macphisto's bedroom door. After a moment, he pulled the door open. He was a devil again, all smoke, style, and swaggar.*
Macphisto: Bona, dear.
Bona: Mackie, you're a...how did you?
Macphisto: *Sighs, but speaks quickly* Seems they don't let you drink on the job up there. Just as well, my halo was on a little too tight.
Bona: How did you sober up so fast?
Macphisto: Adam... He gave me a drink I hope never to meet again. *He lit a cigar, smoking seductively in the doorway, mind you, like this, almost everything he did was done seductively. His ice blue eyes were worried. It was nice to be back, this was familliar to him...he felt so bland when he had those wings. But most importantly, he could go to her* Darling, excuse me. I have a business trip to make.
Bona: Are you going after her?
Macphisto: *Sarcastically, a little tense. He snaps at Bona, annoyed that she is keeping him away from Bluey* No, I thought that I might lounge around and play a few Sinatra records first, while they are torturing her, or God knows what! Sorry dear. I really must go now.
Bona: You still love her? Like this?
Macphisto: There are some things that not even God can change, I suppose...*Sadly* Yes, I really do, damn her. Now if you'll excuse me...*He shut his bedroom door. Bona knocked, there was no answer. She opened the door. There was smoke arising from the carpet in one spot, but Macphisto was gone*

[This message has been edited by blueeyes (edited 12-06-2001).]
*Bona sighs and walks back into the reception, Mac still on her mind. She'd forgotten how seductive he was as a devil and she was ashamed to think that when he'd opened the door the first thing she wanted to do was push him inside and... she shook the thoughts from her mind and walked back into the ballroom. She's shocked and amused at what she sees: Larry's standing on the bar, guinness in one hand, bowtie barely hanging off his collar, shirt unbuttoned and he's belting out "dirty old town" at the top of his lungs. Bona keels over laughing and walks over to the bar, at the foot of where Larry's standing.*
Larry: *singing* I kissed my girl by the factory gates. Dirty old town...
*Like a crappy strip show, once Larry looks down and sees her, he gets down on his knees on the bar and leans in toward her, but she pulls away and someone hands her a 10 dollar bill. Bona proceeds to undo Larry's belt buckle and slip the bill down his pants. He's shocked at the action, but he jumps off the bar and fixes his pants and follows her out of the ballroom. She's still laughing as she pulls him into a room and shuts the door. Larry wraps his arms around her and kisses her hard, but she pulls away*
Bona: Larry, Bluey's in serious trouble...
Larry: *kiss* Isn't Mac taking care of that?
Bona: And the Fly... *kiss* But I'm worried about her...
Larry: *breaking away from her* So what do you want me to do? Go in after her too?
Bona: No, Larry... I'm just a little uncomfortable with partying while she's down there in the pits of Hell...
Larry: Would you rather we sit here and mope?
Bona: Larry... *she walks over to him and runs her fingers down his back, which is too her.* I just feel like it looks like we don't care if she's down there suffering more than you or I ever will and we're here drinking and acting like nothing's wrong. Every time I've ever been sick she's been there. She saved our child after all...
Larry: But what can we do?
Bona: I don't know... it seems rather unfair to me...
Larry: No, you know what's unfair? You take off my belt and stuff money down my pants then pull me into a room and shut the door. And instead of what I'm expecting you tell me how worried you are about Bluey? That's not fair...
Bona: I suppose that was cruel, wasn't it?
Larry: Yeah.
Bona: *moving around him and running a fingernail down his chest* Can I make it up to you?
*Larry just smiles and pulls her into him, resuming the kiss he started when they entered the room. She starts to pull his shirt off all the way and he walks her back and presses her against the wall, deepening their kiss...*
Bona: *moving around him and running a fingernail down his chest* Can I make it up to you?
*Larry just smiles and pulls her into him, resuming the kiss he started when they entered the room. She starts to pull his shirt off all the way and he walks her back and presses her against the wall, deepening their kiss...*

*Feverently, desperately they undressed each other and their lips barely parted for more than a second as they did so. Larry's mouth trailed its way down to her neck and shoulders and he laughed as he pulled the $10 dollar bill out of his underpants before pulling them off and sliding with Bona down to the floor. His arms surrounded her and she wrapped herself around him. His mouth came down on hers again and she muttered his name as he made love to her...*

*Bono was behind the bar in the ballroom when Larry and Bona came in again, obviously still glowing from lovemaking. He watched the happy couple as they began to dance, Bona burying her face into his shoulder as the music continued, soft.*
Bono: *thinking* Thank God the baby's okay again...
*Bono tunes into the baby just for kicks and a tiny voice startles him*
Voice: Hi.
Bono: *thinking* Where's that coming from?
Voice: It's me...
Bono: This is odd... where is it coming from? *he looks around him*
Voice: Nope. You're way off... *Bono looks toward the dance floor*
Voice: Closer... *Bono focuses on Bona and Larry* Almost... alright, I'll help you. You vowed to protect me?
*A startling thought occurs to Bono*
Bono: The baby?
Voice: Bingo. Hi.
Bono: How can that be?
Baby: You're an angel, you can see things everyone else can't.
Bono: Of course. Why are you contacting me?
Baby: You're going to have to be my medium between me and my mum and dad until I can speak for myself.
Bono: Well, I did promise you I'd be your guardian, that's fair enough...
Baby: You gotta do me a favor...
Bono: Sure...
Baby: They're discussing names. I have one already. Most kids don't get an angel to convince their parents not to name them anything stupid...
Bono: Aw, come on. You trust Bona and Larry's judgement, right?
Baby: Well, mum's yes. Bud Dad wants to call me Elvis...
*Bono looks over at Larry and Bona and they are talking sensually and Bona keeps planting kisses on Larry.*
Bono: Okay. I'll help you... *as he's walking over to Bona and Larry* this is the weirdest thing I've had to do...
*Bono walks up to Larry and Bona and nervously taps Bona on the shoulder. She unburies her face from Larry's shoulder and Larry looks at him*
Bona: Hi, Bono! How are you?
Bono: Fine...
Larry: What's going on?
Bono: Ehm... I need to talk to you two...
Bona: Sure...
*They follow him into another room and the couple sits*
Larry: What can we do for you?
Bono: It's about your baby...
*Bona's eyes widen*
Bona: Oh, no, what happened?
Bono: No, nothing's wrong. It's just that... I can sense your baby.
Larry: You've always been able to do that.
Bono: No, I can hear his thoughts.
*Bona and Larry's jaws both drop*
Larry: You're kidding, right?
Bono: No, I'm not. I mean it shocked me too at first... but I can hear your baby's thoughts.
*Bona and Larry regard each other. Larry is a little skeptical, but Bona believes him and is hopeful.*
Bona: *to Larry* He can't lie, Lars.
Larry: True... Is there a specific reason why our child...
Bono: Yeah... you were discussing names earlier?
Larry: How'd you know?
Bono: The baby can hear you...
Bona: We were thinking David...
Larry: No, Elvis...
Bono: Actually, he has something he wants to be called...
Bona: Really? What would that be?
Bono: *thinking* What do you want to be called?
Baby: Joshua.
Bono: He wants to be called Joshua...
*Larry rolls his eyes*
Larry: After our album?
Baby: No, after Jesus... his hebrew name was Yashweh, remember? That translates into english as Joshua...
Bono: No, after Jesus.
Larry: *realizing* Yashweh... Joshua.
Bona: *gently to Larry* If that's what he wants...
Larry: Okay. Joshua it is.
Baby: Thank God. Thanks, Bono.
Bono: No problem, Josh.
Larry: So he knows who we are?
Bono: Yes...
Baby: That pounding I kept hearing earlier... was that Dad?
Bono: *Thinking* You can hear the drums?
Baby: Is that what that was?
Bono: He can hear your drumming, Larry.
*A wide smile comes across Larry's face.*
Larry: Really?
Bono: Really...
*The heat of Hell hit her like a fist. Bluephisto staggered back, but Screwtape's arm forced her to remain standing. Before she could get her feet under her again, she was being dragged down a hallway, she kicked and pushed but he kept pulling her along with the casual force of a malevolent train. One of her shoes came off and laid on it's side in the hallway. His fingers still covered her mouth, but it was useless to scream down here anyway. No one who heard her would help. She went limp in his grasp, exhausted and shaking with fear.*
Screwtape: Here we are...*She heard the jangling of keys and a door open* Ladies first. *He threw her into his office. She landed hard by the desk, memories came flooding back to her of being on this floor and she stood up quickly, looking once again for some way out. He was suddenly beside her, his face inches from hers, staring at her with those unblinking predatory eyes.*
Bluephisto: What do you want?
Screwtape: I missed you my girl. *She shudders and moves away, still looking for some sort of weapon, her knees turning to water and her stomach churning...*Don't panic, don't panic, keep thinking!
Screwtape: And I think you owe me...you did kill me twice. If I didn't know that you could offer some sort of compensation, I'd be quite angry. You see, killing just doesn't do it for me anymore, it's just too...*He searches for the right word* clinical. *Bluephisto starts to cough, she doubles over and can't catch her breath. Screwtape observes her academically* You're quite ill. Sorry about that, but now you know...*He grabbed her and pushed her against a wall, sneering at her* You know what happens when you disrespect me, don't you my girl?
Bluephisto: *Weakly* I'm not your girl. *With all of her remaining strength she takes a swing at Screwtape, hitting him squarely in the jaw. He staggers back and lands against the desk, she runs to the door but just as her hand touches the knob Screwtape yanks her backwards, holding her against him tightly. Bluephisto, desperate to escape stops resisting and lets him push her closer to the bookcase, she uses the shelves as stairs, running up the wall and flipping over his head backwards. The bookshelf teeters and falls on Screwtape. Bluey lands in a heap on the floor and forces herself up and back at the door, but with a creak of wood, the demon throws the bookshelf off of him and leaps in front of the door, blocking it. He is bleeding from the mouth and furious*
Screwtape: That...was not very nice, young lady. *Bluephisto starts to cough heavily again from the activity and leans against the desk. She is coughing up blood. She can hear the deadbolt sliding into place in the door and looks up, wiping her now bloody hand on the silver skirt of her dress. Screwtape is removing his jacket and walking towards her slowly, a thin smile winding it's way across his terrible face.*
Screwtape: Enough of this nonsense.
*He grabs the weak temptress by the shoulders and throws her to the ground, unbuttoning his shirt*

[This message has been edited by blueeyes (edited 12-06-2001).]
Baby: That pounding I kept hearing earlier... was that Dad?
Bono: *Thinking* You can hear the drums?
Baby: Is that what that was?
Bono: He can hear your drumming, Larry.
*A wide smile comes across Larry's face.*
Larry: Really?
Bono: Really...

Bono: And he can hear you when you sing, Bona.
Bona: I was hoping...
Josh: I hope she sings me to sleep like that...
Bono: He says he wants you to sing him to sleep like that.
Larry: Great... my son likes opera already...
Joshua: HEY! Opera's almost even more beautiful than you keep telling mum she is...
Bono: Don't get defensive, he is your father after all...
*Bona rises*
Bona: We really should get back to the party...
Larry: You're right... let's go.
Bona: *walks up to Bono* Thank you... I'll have to talk to you more about this later.
Bono: Whenever you need me...
*They exit the room and head down the hallway, and about halfway there they pass Adam and Fishy, walking hand in hand*
Bona: Hi, Adam, Hi, Fishy!
Adam: Hi, Bona. How are you feeling?
Bona: Wonderful.
*Bono mouths to Adam "I can hear the baby's thoughts" and Adam's eyes widen.*
Adam: You can?
Bono: Yeah. It's quite odd...
Adam: I can imagine.
*Bona and Larry chat with Fishy and Adam for a few minutes*
Joshua: Hey, I know that voice!! Bono, who is that?!
Bono: *thinking* That's Adam... he's an archangel.
Joshua: He saved me earlier, didn't he?
Bono: Yes, he did.
Joshua: I remember that!!
Bono: Adam...
*Adam looks at Bono, able to hear the baby's thoughts as well and he's astonished.*
Adam: He remembers that?
Bono: Apparently.
Joshua: There was a woman there too, I remember...
Bono: Who, Bluey?
Joshua: Yeah, that's it... How's she doing?
Bono: Well, she's very sick...
Adam: That's incredible...

*They head back into the reception, and Eric Clapton is on stage. He has just started singing "Wonderful Tonight" and Larry grabs Bona, pulling her to the dance floor and holding her closely. Bona can smell his cologne and she buries her face into his neck and breathes him in. Suddenly Larry is a little more gentle with her, because he doesn't grip her around the waist as tightly, though she still presses into him with as much force.*
Larry: So Joshua... what about a middle name?
Bona: Larry, we have 8 more months to think about that...
Larry: I know, but no harm in talking now, is there?
Bona: Of course not... I've always liked Liam...
Larry: Joshua Liam... doesn't sound bad. Or we could go Joshua David...
Bona: After Edge?
Larry: And Bono, don't forget.
Bona: Oh, right...
*She breathes in deeply and plants little kisses on Larry's neck, unnoticable to anyone who happens to be looking on and Larry leads her by pressing one leg against the inside of her thigh and the newlyweds are lost in each other again, until U2 gets up on stage and Elevation-Era Bono takes the mic.*
EBono: Hey, Lars! Get up here!
Larry: *reluctant to let Bona go* Aw, what do ye want?
EBono: We need you to do some drumming!
Larry: *Walking toward the stage, Bona close behind* Call my agent!
EBono: Somebody requested a few more songs... and again this one is my personal present to the Groom and his stunning Bride...
*A roadie hands Larry his drumsticks and the band breaks into "Even Better Than The Real Thing."*

*Adam and Fishy are dancing*
Adam: You really do look wonderful...
Fishy: Thank you, Adam.
Adam: No, thank you. This entire time has been incredible.
Fishy: *kissing him* Yes it was.
*Adam pulls her closer and holds her a little tighter*
*The Fly gasped at the sheer volume of stairs that stretched ahead of him. He was out of breath from running and for a moment, bent down, gasping for air. He looked up at the bannister, sleek and dark. A slow grin spread across his face and moments later he slid into Hell, leaping off of the bannister at the end of the staircase. He chuckled to himself as though sliding down the bannister was a small victory*
The Fly: Heh, heh...Me: 1, Hell: 0. Now where the Hell is she? *He wandered up and down the empty hallways...where was that little clerk demon when he needed him? Why don't they sell maps down here?* Ah well... *He just started opening doors* Bluey? HoneyChild?*The first room was just a big room full of green fire. He held out a cigar and lit it, puffing the cigar as he shut the door, unfazed. He opened another door, there was some sort of demonic board meeting going on, everyone turned. He waved.* Hey...nice graph. *He shut the door on the bewildered devils and their pie charts* He came to a door with a gold sign on it..."Web Mistresses"*[/b] Hmmmmm, sounds promising. *He opened the door to find several young women collected around a computer with a blue screen*
Opal: refresh! Refresh damnit!
Olive: Hey...look.
The Fly: Hey there little mamas! Achtung Babies!
MoCool: Ummm...hello. What are you doing here?
The Fly: I'm lookin' for a temptress named Bluey, she's my girlfriend, *He holds out his hand at chin height* 'Bout this high, real pretty? No?
Olive: *Blocking the screen* Did you see this screen?
The Fly: What screen? You ain't seen her?
Opal: No, so sorry.
The Fly: Okay, babies...thanks anyway. Hey! *He spots a drink on the desk* Fuzzy navel! No way! *He takes the drink, sipping it on the way out and shuts the door*
Olive: That couldn't have been who we think it was, could it?
MoCool: It was The Fly!
Olive: *Looking at the screen* Didn't he and Macphisto switch?
MoCool: He talked like the Fly.
Opal: Ah, so...The Fly has to be the Fly!
*The Fly continued opening and closing doors, seeing all manner of obscure goings on in Hell. A familliar face shuffled past him in the Hall. The Fly smiled widely and grabbed the clerk roughly, knocking all the papers out of his hands and hugging him. The clerk hung his head in despair*
The Fly: Hey! Just who I wanted to see! Miss me? *The clerk just glared* Yeah, I missed ya too. Anyway, I'm in a hurry here hombre, I need to see blondie again.
Clerk: You mean The Father Below?
The Fly: Blonde hair? Big throne? Yeah that guy.
Clerk: He might not be avaliable.
The Fly: We go way back, he'll see me.
Clerk: I don't know...
The Fly: *Sneering at the pathetic little clerk through his glasses* Do you have any idea who the fuck I am?
Clerk: No.
The Fly: I'm a rock star...*the clerk stares at him blankly. The Fly sighs and repeats the words louder and slower* ROCK. STAR. I can see who ever I want whenever I want baby. Let's go, watch and learn pointdexter. *The small clerk sighs and shakes his head*
Clerk: This way, follow me.
The Fly: *Slapping the clerk on the back*Thanks man, that's great. Hey...you ever had a Fuzzy Navel?
Clerk: No.
The Fly: Want some?
Clerk: No.
The Fly: Hey...maybe you know. Have you seen a really pretty devil? Black hair? Blue eyes?
Clerk: *Automatically* No. *He stops and thinks for a minute* Was she wearing a silver dress?
The Fly:*Very excited, grabbing the clerk* YES! That's HER! Where is she?
Clerk: I saw her with undersecretary Screwtape just a while ago.
The Fly: Where is that? Where is he?
Clerk: Oh, I...that's not a good idea. He hates to be interrupted. No.
The Fly: *Grabs the clerk by his black shirt and talks desperately to him* Look, Hombre, you and I, we have a beautiful friendship here. I respect that. But if you don't take me to her right fucking now I am going to make you wish one of your demon buddies was taking you apart instead. Capeche?
Clerk: Capeche.
The Fly: You'd better not fuck with me here. I really love this woman, and if anything happens to her...
Clerk: Well, it may be too late for that. Follow me if you must, but it's your funeral.
The Fly: Whatever, just get your ass in gear.
*Hell was just as he remembered it. Hot, dark, dusty. Macphisto appeared in his long abandoned office, lined in mirrors and liquor cabinets. The glass from his last martini still sat abandoned and ancient on his desk. A song that the band was playing back in the mansion before he dissapeared rang clearly in his head as he ripped the door open and started running to Screwtape's office*
All my life, I worshipped her
Her golden voice, her beauty's beat
How she made us feel, how she made me real
And the ground beneath her feet
And the ground beneath her feet

*Bluephisto was choking. She was coughing blood from her lungs, which bubbled up in her throat but she couldn't turn her head or sit up, Screwtape was holding her down. She struggled, desperate for air, the burning in her lungs surpassing all other needs. He moved a hand away to remove his shirt, it was all she needed...*
And now I can't be sure of anything
Black is white and cold is heat
For what I worshipped stole my love away
It was the ground beneath her feet
It was the ground beneath her feet

*The Fly and the clerk hurried down the hall when The Fly heard his name and Macphisto grabbed him by the collar almost dragging the rockstar down the hallway in his haste and rage.*
Macphisto: Screwtape...
The Fly: I know.
*The Clerk slowed and stood alone in the hallway watching the desperate men turn the corner...*
Clerk: You're going the wrong way!
Go lightly down your darkened way
Go lightly underground
I'll be down there in another day
I won't rest until you're found

*Bluephisto grabbed Screwtape's arm, twisting it back, throwing him off of her. He yelped in pain as the tendons in his shoulder tore, but rounded on her, angrier than ever. She was trapped between Screwtape and the desk...*
Screwtape: You stupid bitch.
*He lunged at her, she grabbed the heavy antique phone behind her and hit him across the face with it, and doubled over again, coughing blood into her hands. Screwtape swore and fell back. Bluephisto made a break for the door, but gasped at sudden pain shooting though her stomach and fell. Screwtape stood over her, shirtless, holding a gun, one of the guns she used on him last time. Blood spread over her silver dress like a virus.*
Let me love you, let me rescue you
Let me bring you where two roads meet
Oh come back above
Where there is only love
Only love...

*Macphisto reached Screwtape's office first and kicked the door in. It was empty.*
Macphisto: What the?
The Fly: *Catching up* Where is she?
Macphisto: It's empty *There was no furniture* She could be anywhere...
Clerk:*Rounding the corner, out of breath and severly annoyed* He changed offices!
Macphisto: Where is it?
Clerk: *Panting* This way...
Let me love you true, let me rescue you
Let me bring you to where two roads meet

*Bluephisto lay bleeding on the ground, the bullet that pierced her lay beside where she fell...it went clean through her...She couldn't move, she could barely breathe. Screwtape swept everything off of his desk with his good arm. All she could do was murmur in protest. He hauled her off the floor and threw her onto the desk top, undoing his belt with one hand. She started to cry...He hated crying and hit her with his belt across the face. She cried harder and he grabbed her pulling her up to him roughly and shouting in her face*
Screwtape: STOP THAT INFERNAL CRYING YOU STUPID -*The door burst open and before he knew it, Screwtape was on the floor clutching a broken nose. He looked up and gasped*
Screwtape: Mac, how did you...? *He was thrown against a wall. Through the blood, all he could see was a pair of hands reaching for him and pulling him up to face a murderous pair of shadowy wolf blue eyes.*
*The Fly ran immediately to Bluephisto lying on the desk. He could never have imagined anyone treating her this way.*
The Fly: Bluey? Baby! Baby, it's me, it's us...
Bluephisto: Fly?
The Fly: Come on honey, it's okay *He gathered her into his shaking arms, his jaw clenched. As he held her clammy body, he felt something warm and wet against his skin. He looked down. She was bleeding all over him.* FUCK!!! Honey, what happened?
Bluephisto: He shot me...I tried to get away, and he shot me.
The Fly: Lay down honey...just lie still.
*He looked up, Macphisto had Screwtape in the corner and was elliciting screams of agony from the shirtless demon. The Fly saw the gun lying on the floor and grabbed it,*
The Fly: Mac! *Macphisto turned, still holding Screwtape by the throat* He shot her! That bastard shot her, she's bleeding all over. *Macphisto looked at Bluephisto laying limp on the desk, her silver bridesmaid's gown now a dark red*
Macphisto: Darling...*Screwtape took his oppertunity and swung at Macphisto, knocking him back into a chair. Screwtape moved towards the desk, but Macphisto broke a small table over Screwtape's head, making him turn back to Macphisto in surprise. The Fly pulled the trigger three times, burying three bullets in Screwtape's chest. Screwtape fell, deflated to the blood soaked carpet, with a sickening gurgelling noise. Macphisto stood over the wounded demon, his lips a thin grim line and his eyes bitter.*
Macphisto: Fly...bring Bluey with us.
*Macphisto wrapped a hand around Screwtape's neck and pulled him out of the room. Screwtape began to panic as he realized where Macphisto was taking him, but could only wheeze in protest. Macphisto dragged Screwtape's body through the hallways of Hell, leaving a black blood trail behind them. Finally he stopped and opened a door, The Fly, with Bluey in his arms, recognized the green fire he had seen before. Screwtape also recognized it and gurgled in protest, grabbing desperately at the wall, but Macphisto held him by his shoulders and whispered into his ear before he dropped him into the inferno*
Macphisto: You are never returning from where I'm sending you, you son of a bitch. *He dropped him, and shut the door. Screwtape was extinguished. Macphisto wiped his brow with a hand, and turned, leaning against the wall. The Fly was shaking Bluephisto*
The Fly: Bluey...baby! Wake up! BLUEY! WAKE UP! Oh Christ! Mac! SHE'S NOT WAKING UP!
Macphisto: *He rushes over, his beloved is grey and limp, she is not breathing* Get her upstairs...GO!
*They run to the nearby stairs and stop. A man with blond hair in a black suit stands at the bottom of the staircase. Macphisto gasped, it was The Father himself.*
TheFatherBelow: Macphisto. How nice to see you, and The Fly, always a pleasure...

[This message has been edited by blueeyes (edited 12-06-2001).]
NOTE: These events took place before Adam approached Mackie.

*On the other side of the line* Hello?
AnPhisto: Joe? Joey is that you?
Joe: Yeah. AnPhisto?
AnPhisto. The one and only. Listen I need a huge favor and...
Joe: I'm not showing up. I've told you before I don't like partys.
AnPhisto: Oh! C'mon , Joe! I know you'll like to have some fun.
Joe: Aren't you supposed to be with Paul?
AnPhisto: I was. But not anymore. I dumped him.
Joe: You what? Please, An. You almost lost your temptress job just because of him. I don't buy it.
AnPhisto: Well now I've decided to forget about him. He's not worth it you know?
Joe: I'm glad to hear you say that. I was starting to think you were falling for him.
AnPhisto: *remaining silent for a moment* No. Never. How could I be truly interested in some old man?
But anyway: I called you for a favor and I will not hang up until I convince you to come to Mackie's Mansion. You don't know what you're missing! *giggles*
Joe: What am I missing?
AnPhisto: A lot, Joey! Trust me! And also I'd like to introduce you with someone who will might fullfil your deepest desires and dreams.
Joe: *snicker* Oh really? How can you be so sure?
AnPhisto: A hunch, my dearest. A big hunch . So: Are you coming or not?
Joe: Well...
AnPhisto: Oh Please, Joseph! Don't say no. I'd love to see you have some fun. You really need it.
Joe: *sigh* Ok, Ok. I'll be there in about half an hour.
AnPhisto: Great! I'll be waiting for you. See you later!
Joe: Later!

*she hangs up the phone. AnPhisto heads to the bar when she passes by the drawing room and hears everyone shouting Larry's name. The guests want to hear a live U2 performance and he's the only one left to take his place on the drumset*

Bona : Why not, Larry? This could be fun *kisses him softly*
Larry: But this is our wedding, Bona!
Bona: *now kissing him passionately* Would you do it for me? *gives him puppy eyes*
Larry: *grinning happily* How can I resist that? *kisses her on the forehead* For you I'd do anything, my love.
Bona: *helping him to stand up* I know. *whispering in his ear* And that's why now you own me. *bites his earlobe*
Larry: *huge malicious grin* You sure you want me to play? We might as well...
Bona: *pushing him to the improvised stage* No, Mr. Mullen. We can do that later. Now you have to play!

*Larry walks to the drumset while the guests applaud and rave loudly. He makes a "raising the roof" gesture with a wide smile on his newlywed face.
Adam and Edge are tunning their guitars and Paul takes the microfone*

Paul: I hope you're happy people! *the crowd laughs* You forced us to play and maybe we won't stop. So get ready to be rocked!!!!! *the crowd raves happily* But before we take any requests, we *gesturing him and his bandmates* would like to play a song chosen by the Groom, as a present to him and his glamorous and may I say amorous *Bona laughs* beautiful wife.
*the guests applaud with intensity*

Paul : This is for you Lars and Bona: T R I P T H R O U G H Y O U R W I R E S!!!!!!!!!
*the crowd almost goes mad and An still is standing there, waiting and wanting for U2 to play. The song starts and everyone sings alone. Everyone dances to it's rythm and enjoys it widely*

Angel or devil
I was thirsty
And you wet my lips

I'm waiting for you
You set my Desire
I trip through your wires

*everyone is having the time of their lives. AnPhisto smiles a little thinking that Paul is a great guy. He's charming, attractive, has a great voice and makes everyone shiver when he sings. She notices her compliments to him and rapidly pops them out of her head. She can't be with him. She must forget about him. And thinking about how great he was , would not help a bit . Her distraction is interrupted by the Exhilarated crowd. They were singing at the top of their voice, as Bono sang a particular and quite sensual part of the song*

All I need
All I need
All I need
All I need
All I need
All I need
All I need yeah yeah!

Thunder on the mountain
There's a rain cloud
In the desert sky

In the distance
She saw me coming down
I was calling out
I was calling out

*applauses can be heard all over the mansion. Bona runs to Larry and kisses him with total passion. She hugs him an then hugs all of Larry's bandmates, giving them thanks for the original and special wedding present. AnPhisto still is applauding with shivers all over her body. She loved that song. And hearing it live almost made her pass out from emotion. Paul knew she had to be around. It was her favourite song and she couldn't have missed it. He searched for her with his sight when he finally spotted her standing near the bar's entrance. She was staring at him but when he saw her, she rushed to the bar. He felt dissapointed and wanted to explain... What to explain? They both knew they couldn't be together as a couple. He understood her reasons to get apart from him, but the feelings where still there. It hurted him to not be able to hug her, to kiss her, to feel her warm skin. He wanted to talk with her, but couldn't. Then he saw her coming out of the bar with a martini and heading to the garden, not even trying to look at him. People were still raving about the performance, when he took the microphone as AnPhisto passed by*

Paul: *On the mic* My Angel... *everyone stares, including AnPhisto* My Angel or my Devil...
I'm still thirsty
And I'm still waiting for you, precious *He sends her a sad look and walks towards the bar*
*AnPhisto still in awe runs with tears on her eyes to the garden. While the confused guests wonder what's wrong with Paul*
*Fishy stood by the bar waiting for Adam and an explanation. He had just run off on her almost everytime they got talking. He was gorgeous and sweet but there was something aloof about him. He probably thought that he was better than her. Fishy didn't take rejection well, and she pouted into her margarita adored with umbrellas and straws (the drink that is, not the lovely Fishy)*
Fishy: To her drink* Well, Miss Margarita, it looks like it's just you and me now. *She didn't even feel like talking to Bluephisto who seemed to have left after a very steamy and very public make out session with Macphisto. From the effect the kiss seemed to have on him, Fishy was really expecting them to just go at it right there on the couch in front of everyone, Macphisto was already starting to take his clothes off before the kiss ended! Thank the Father Below Bona said something... mind you Fishy did have her camera with her....ahhh, blackmail. Bluey had left and Macphisto, after collecting himself for a minute slowly got up to follow her, but a very very angry Fly stopped him and they got into a shouting match. Fishy sighed, Bluey was a sweet girl but being friends with someone who always had guys fighting over her was a pain in the ass. Fishy continued to converse with her drink.*
Fishy: Yeah Miss Margarita, I could have guys falling all over me too! I could if I wanted them too, but I just don't need any right now. Nope. Not a one. Not even an angel who does my hair...stupid angel, always taking off and leaving me here with you. I'm sorry Miss Margarita, I mean you're a great listener and all, but it's not the same. *She sighed* And now, my little friend, I'm going to drink you. Sad but true, you are going into my tummy, yes. *She took a long drink of her margarita and jumped as she heard a laughing voice behind her*
Adam: Do you always converse with your drinks?
*Fishy jumped, her drink went up from her hand jerking and a straw went up her nose. This was only slightly less bad than setting herself on fire earlier. Adam stared at her, Fishy froze, straw up her nose.*
Fishy: *To herself* What do I do?*She pointed at the corner of the room excitedly and when Adam looked, she pulled the straw out of her nostril. Adam looked back at her confused, and was relieved to see her drink was not piercing her anymore*
Adam: Oh yes, the corner. I've always liked that corner too.
Fishy: *Sniff* How long were you standing there?
Adam: Long enough to know that we should go somewhere private...So we can talk and not be bothered for once. *Fishy chewed her lip*
Fishy: Alone is good. *She went to take another drink from her half downed margarita and paused...should she pretend the straw wasn't up her nose and drink from it? Or should she acknowlege the fact that it had been in her nasal cavity and take it out of the drink first? Adam sensed her thoughts and laughed. He took her drink and set it down on the bar*
Adam: Let's go. *He took her hand. She was adoreable, and so funny. It was a great relief to distract himself from the fact that Bluey was in Hell. Fishy saw his face sadden*
Fishy: Adam? *He loved how she said his name* What's wrong?
Adam: *Pulling her into what he thought was a room but turned out to be a broom closet.* This is as good a place as any to tell you...we don't have to stay here.
Fishy: Oh I love broom closets, very romantic.
Adam: Bluephisto is gone. She's back in Hell.
Fishy: NO! Oh God...
Adam: Mac and The Fly are already down there. I wish there was something I could do...I don't feel powerless very often, you know. It's not a very nice feeling. *He looked like he was going to cry*
Fishy: Adam...darling, don't cry.
Adam: I'm ...okay. It's just that she's my best friend and I have barely seen her and now she...I don't know what's going to happen to her.
Fishy: Adam, you aren't in love with her are you?
Adam: Me? Oh no...never in a million years. Bluey is like a sister to me. Why? You thought I was in love with her?
Fishy: It just seems like everyone is.
Adam: Not everyone.
Fishy: Well...you know. Hanging around with someone like her, you just accept that any guy you're interested in is going to go for her first.
Adam: No Fishy, I'm just interested in you.
Fishy: You are? really? *She jumps up a little and knocks Mona's toliet brush off the wall, she tries to dodge it and runs into a bucket, tripping and falling with a clatter and a moan* Oh HELL! I'm such a klutz...I'm sorry Adam, this isn't the time or the place for me to be like this...You must think I'm- *Her words were stopped by Adam's lips covering her mouth. Fishy stopped fidgiting and closed her eyes in bliss. He took her in his arms and pulled her up to him, pressing her back against the door and kissing her with the kind of passion that not kissing anyone for 3000 years can bring. Fishy locked the broom closet door with her free hand and helped Adam undress with the other...*
*Fishy and Adam swayed to the music so slowly that they were barely standing. Fishy was elated...and still glowing from their encounter in the broom closet. In all her years of being a temptress, she had never experienced anything so heart-stopping. She held Adam close, resting her head on his chest...she could tell he was depressed. Bluey was still gone, and Adam felt guilty for making love with Fishy while she was probably being tortured. He couldn't help it, Fishy was just so cute and funny and endearing and then after he kissed he...one thing lead to another. Fishy raised her head and regarded his sad eyes*
Fishy: Hey, Adam honey...
Adam: Sorry. I can't stop thinking that I should be doing something.
Fishy: Honey, there nothing you can do!
Adam: I know. I just wish I knew what was going on...I'm sorry. *He took her hands* I am happy. About us I mean...I mean, assuming there is an us *He blushed at his angelic assumption that because they slept together, they are a couple. Fishy laughed*
Fishy: Oh you better believe there's an us! There is SO an us!!!
*Adam kissed her again and smiled.*
Adam: I have to go talk to Bona a second. I'll be right back..
Fishy: Sure thing, yeah, I'll be at the bar, you know, find another drink to stick up my nose!
*As Fishy walked towards the bar she groaned. OF COURSE! How dumb could she BE!? She was a demon...Bluey was in Hell. It was like having your best friend held hostage in your office bathroom. She made her way into Hell without Adam noticing. She probably couldn't actually see Bluey, but maybe she'd talk to someone who knew something, and she could at least tell Adam what was going on with his best friend. Although, from what she knew of Hell...it might be better to lie. Nevertheless, she made her way down the stairs*

*Macphisto, and The Fly, still holding Bluephisto's limp body stood before The Father Below at the foot of the stairs*
Macphisto: Father...
TheFather: Macphisto, so glad to see you've returned. I was quite displeased when you became one of them.
Macphisto: *Smoothly* I came to my senses. *Macphisto was stunned. No one had seen The Father...the Fly boasted he had, but Macphisto dismissed it as a lie. The blond man stood before them, placid as a statue*
The Fly: Hey, blondie. We, uhhh.. need to use those stairs, my girlfriend's been shot.
Macphisto: Girlfriend!?
The Fly: Yeah...you gonna start something with me right here?
Macphisto: I might.
*The Father Below was pleased at the bickering. The girl was dying as they fought over her, excellent*
TheFather: This is your girlfriend? *He leaned over her, examining her. Macphisto gasped, full of dread.*
Macphisto: No. No, she's not.
The Fly: *Bitterly*Can I have her then?
TheFather: She's very pretty...really too bad she's bleeding to death.*Both men looked down at her, her lips had gone blue and her skin was cold.* I can help her, you know.
The Fly: REALLY!? Oh God! *The Father flinched at the word* Thanks!
Macphisto: *Cynically*What do you want?
*The Father smiled...Macphisto had been in Hell long enough to know how it worked*
TheFather: Let's discuss that afterwards, shall we? *Macphisto swallowed, The Father Below was the one being in the universe that intimdiated him, and he was preparing to refuse him.*
Macphisto: No. Let's discuss it now.
*The Father turned, shocked by Macphisto's insolence.*
TheFather: I said we would discuss it after I have repaired her. It's like a mechanic, I charge you after the work is done, my boy, not before. Now hand her over. *The Fly had never seen this side of Blondie before...he was kind of an asshole.*
The Fly: Nah.
TheFather: WHAT!?
The Fly: *Holding the nearly dead Bluephisto closer to himself* Nah! You heard me you dumb blonde...NAH. *Macphisto's eyebrows raised...The Fly just called the Lord of all Evil a "dumb blonde"!?*
TheFather: *Tensely* Macphisto, tell your little friend here to hand her over.
TheFather: WHAT!? *The Father below was not used to being disobeyed and mocked in such a manner. He scowled and reached for Bluephisto himself, but Macphisto stepped between him and The Fly.*
Macphisto: With all due respect,...Over my dead body.
TheFather: Easily arranged young man, easily arranged. *The Father reached for Macphisto's neck but Macphisto dodged out of the way and belted The Father across the face. The Lord of all Evil fell back and Macphisto shoved The Fly up the stairs*
Macphisto: GO! Get her to Adam! *The Fly began to run with Bluephisto in his arms. The Father saw the escaping Fly, and slowly looked at the disobedient Macphisto.*
TheFather: You're going to regret that.
*The Father below reached for a phone on a small table, Macphisto knew it was to summon his infamous security. Macphisto grabbed the phone first, ripped the chord out, and threw it far away. The Father growled and grabbed Macphisto by the collar, slamming him against the wall hard enough to knock the breath out of him and to shake the light fixtures.*

*Fishy could swear someone was running towards her on the stair, carrying someone. Her eyes widened, it was The Fly with an unconscious Bluephisto in his arms. He recognized Fishy, even though he was totally out of breath and near hysterical. She ran upto them and he placed Bluephisto in her arms shouting at her as he ran back down*
The Fly: Fishy!!! Take her upstairs, give her to Adam, she's been shot!!! GO DAMMIT GO!
*Fishy started running, made strong enough to carry her virtually lifeless friend by sheer adrenaline.
The Fly raced back downstairs, ripping a spindle from the long bannister and descended into Hell for a third time.*

*The area at the foot of the stairs was nearly demolished, and littered with broken mirrors, chairs, and splintered tables. Another mirror broke as The Father threw his disobedient demon into it. Macphisto was losing. It was getting more and more difficult for him to keep standing up again. Glass crunched under The Father's boots as he walked up to the wounded Macphisto, who was struggling to his feet again.*
TheFather: You know, Macphisto...I am quite dissapointed in you. You were so full of promise, I had great hopes for you, and now look at you. You're going to die painfully, fighting me for a woman? For love? You are the worst excuse for a demon I think I've ever seen. Why couldn't you be more like Screwtape? He had the right idea...
*Macphisto's eyes blaze and he straigtens up quickly and throws a shocked Father Below into a wall, denting it. The Father paused, shocked, but only for a second before the two demons began fighting again. Soon, The Father had Macphisto pinned to the floor, and was choking him with his hands when The Lord of Darkness stopped, grinning.*
TheFather: I have a better idea.
*He began to drag Macphisto towards the room of green fire. Macphisto panicked but was far too broken to stop The Father, he felt the heat of the flames as the door swung open and soon he was being held up by the lapels of his suit swung towards the green flames, he closed his eyes and felt himself falling* At least she got away *He hit the floor...the floor? Macphisto opened his eyes, The Fly stood over an unconscious Father Below, gripping a heavy piece of wood. The Fly saw The Father move after he hit the ground so he wound up and cracked him one again. The demon moaned in pain and The Fly hit him hard again. The Father stopped moving. The Fly leant down...he was still breathing. The Fly wound up again*
Macphisto: Fly...where's Bluey?
*The Fly looked down, Macphisto was battered and weak, sitting against a wall. The Fly dropped the stick and helped Mac to his feet*
The Fly: I gave her to Fishy, she's probably upstairs now.
Macphisto: I have to see her.
The Fly: *Looking back at The Father, unconscious on the floor But...
Macphisto: *Clutching his side and grimacing*Leave him, let's go...come on.
*The Fly nods and drapes on of Macphisto's arms around his own shoulder, supporting his weight as they climb the long staircase.*
The Fly: You really gave your boss a beating!
Macphisto: I suppose so...
The Fly: What an asshole.
Macphisto: You could say that.
The Fly: I'm starving.
Macphisto: How can you think of food at a time like this?
The Fly: Excuse me! ... Hey, are you all broken and stuff?
Macphisto: A little.
The Fly: Wanna hear a joke?
Macphisto: Young man, if you don't shut your mouth I'm going to beat you senseless and die happy.
*They climbed the rest of the way in silence and soon they entered the ballroom where all the other guests had been ushered out and Adam and Bono hovered over Bluephisto who was lying in a pool of dark blood. Larry was holding a weeping Bona and Fishy was crying too...All heads turned to face the men who rushed (as well as they could) to Bluey's side.*
Macphisto: How is she?
*They climbed the rest of the way in silence and soon they entered the ballroom where all the other guests had been ushered out and Adam and Bono hovered over Bluephisto who was lying in a pool of dark blood. Larry was holding a weeping Bona and Fishy was crying too...All heads turned to face the men who rushed (as well as they could) to Bluey's side.*
Macphisto: How is she?

Adam: She's not well, Mac. We may lose her.
MacPhisto: No...
Bono: It's likely she'll die...
The Fly: You can't let her die!!
Bono: We're working as fast as we can, please just relax. You won't help anything by panicking.
*Adam and Bono begin to operate and MacPhisto turns away*
MacPhisto: I can't watch this... I'm sorry. I'm going into my bedroom. *turns to Bona, still crying in his arms* Bona, darling please come get me as soon as there's news...
*He walks off, and Bona catches a tear trailing down his cheek.*
Bona: Maybe he has a point... maybe it would be easier for Adam and Bono to work if we all left the room.
The Fly: I won't leave her side!
Adam: Fly, believe me. Mac was right, you really don't want to see this.
The Fly: *disappointed* Fine, I'll go. But I want to hear as soon as there's results!
Bona: *brushing a hand across The Fly's shoulder* Come on, dear.
*Larry takes Bona's hand and The Fly follows them out, letting Fishy cry on his shoulder.*

*They get halfway to Bona and Larry's room when Bona stops.*
Bona: I really should go to Mackie... he shouldn't be left alone.
Larry: Go then. If you need me...
Bona: I'll come get you.
*She makes her way down the hall and knocks on MacPhisto's bedroom door. After a minute he answers, holding a martini in one hand and a cigar in the other. He leans against the doorframe, and Bona notices he's shaking*
MacPhisto: Bona...
Bona: Mackie, are you alright?
MacPhisto: No, I'm not fucking alright! The woman I love is out there dying and there's nothing I can do about it. Do you think I'd be fucking alright?!
Bona: I'm sorry, Mac. Stupid question. Can I come in?
MacPhisto: Sure.
*He moves into the room and sits on the bed. Bona sits next to him...*

*Adam regards Bono and gives him a nod as if to say "Here we go." He makes an incision in Bluey's chest and carefully extracts the bullets. He heals what damage has been done to her heart and gets the blood and oxygen flowing to the remainder of her body and he closes her chest. For the next few hours he spends his time healing each system of her body, stabilizing each one until the color in Bluey's skin returns to a healthy color and she only appears to be sleeping.*
Bono: What about the cancer?
Adam: I can't do anything about that... I couldn't figure out how to heal it. But she is starting out quite a bit healthier than she was when she entered Hell... *swallowiing tears* I couldn't reverse its effect on her... it's still going to kill her.
Bono: You did your best...
Adam: One more thing... I think this is best for everyone...
Bono: But if she's human...
Adam: It'll actually take longer to kill her if she's human. There's something in this cancer that is more potent on a non-human body. Trust me, Bono. This is necessary.
*Adam reaches up and takes grip of the horns on her head. With a bit of a struggle, he manages to pull the horns off and Bluey's body shudders as it changes from devil to human, then she finally settles and lies in the middle of the ballroom floor.*
Adam: Bono, go get MacPhisto and the others, I'm taking her to a seperate bedroom.
*Bono rises and heads to Bona and Larry's bedroom.*
*The Fly and a sobbing Fishy stumbled to a sitting room. They both collapsed into a couch and sat silently for several minutes. Fishy eventually turns to regard The Fly who has removed his shades and is pacing up and down the polished floor. She has never seen anyone look more worried, and is surprised to find such an expression on the usually frenetic rock star's face.*
Fishy: *gently* Fly, are you okay?
The Fly: Yeah. Yeah, baby. I'm fine. She'll be fine, right? She's strong, she's a strong girl. Adam handles stuff like this all the time.
Fishy: Yeah. I'm sure she'll be fine Fly.
The Fly: *He stops, images from Hell replay in his mind* I'll never look at a desk the same way again.
Fishy: What?
The Fly: Nothing, nothing. *He swallows hard* Fishy, have you ever regretted anything?
Fishy: I guess so, why?
The Fly: Because *His voice trembles* I've wasted so much time. I mean look at how much time I've wasted bickering with Mac over her and now...*He stopped, his eyes tearing up at the realization:* Bono said she probably wouldn't make it didn't he?...Oh God, what if she dies? Her last words to me would have been "He shot me". I should have told her I loved her, but we were running and I just didn't think...I mean, I thought she was gonna pull through this. I really did.*Fishy stands up and hugs the distraught Fly* Fishy, you think that she knew, that she knows how much I love her right? I mean she knew that, right?
Fishy: Yes, she knew. Anyone looking at you looking at her knew that.
The Fly: Thank you. *He sits on the couch, holding his head in his shaking hands. Fishy pours him a drink.* Thanks. *He sits, drinking and crying for a long time.* Fishy, did she say anything when you had her? Did she wake up?
Fishy: No. She didn't wake up at all.
The Fly: *Nods slowly, wiping his face on his leather sleeve* You know the stupidest thing Fishy? The thing I'd regret the most if she dies? *He pulls a piece of paper out of his jacket pocket* I have this stupid poem that I found for her. I never got to give it to her.
Fishy: What poem is it? Can I see?
The Fly:*Nods, and sniffles and unfolds the paper handing it to her. Fishy reads the poem, copied down in The Fly's scrawling writing and as she does The Fly recites it, with his head in his hands, from memory*
If we could do it all again
motor bike though roman cities in the rain
watch the cats chase lizards in the forum
and drink bad wine from mouth to mouth

I probably would try
to love you harder than I did
I probably would smile a smile
much better than the ones you knew

for I was just rehersing then
imagining what easily might happen
in years to come.

It is not just you I love
(or even Roman rain)
or all the times you rattled on my window
after twelve o'clock.

I love the smell of rooms -
where you have been
the foreign touch of things I never knew
until you came along.

I even love your enemies
because they drive you to my arms
for comfort.

*Poem completed, Fishy and The Fly sit in complete silence in the room for hours as rain begins to fall against the windows in the darkness.*

[This message has been edited by blueeyes (edited 12-07-2001).]
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