need help with watermarks

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Mar 14, 2004
Boardman, Ohio
Hey, guys! I already posted this over on Pleba, but I figured this might be the right place. I need some help removing the watermarks from this great pic of Larry I recently found. If anyone can help me with this, I will be eternally grateful. Thanks, ladies!
The watermark is there because the owner doesn't want the picture tampered with.

Maybe contact the owner and ask if they could send you a copy of it minus the watermark? If you're only after it for personal use, they may not mind, but it is their choice - not really ours to be messing with.
Actually, if you go and vist the site these came from, you will see they're professional and actually for sale. The photographers themselves own automatic copyright and these are to stop people from taking them without paying - sans watermark.

I'm not sure if removing the watermarks themselves is illegal (immoral probably) but using them without permission is. Sorry if this sounds very picky, but this is from the point of view of the artist (photographer).
I understand, sorry. I'll see about contacting the owner or purchasing the photo. Didn't mean to cause any trouble. :(
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