can't find the iPhone app

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Jun 3, 2005
East Point to Shaolin
not getting any response in the dedicated thread.

my app wasn't working the other day, so I deleted it and then went to reinstall it, except I can't find the app. searching the App store doesn't work, it doesn't come up. googling it provides a link, but then the link goes nowhere when you click it.

it's really annoying not having the app. I have this OCD thing where I check FB, Twitter, Instagram and then the forum. like all the time. also my the presentation and layout of my apps have been thrown awry.

please help.
i didn't wanna respond since i had nothing to add, but i'll reply anyway and say yep, can't find it either. you can search for it on google and it'll take you to the link in itunes, but it says the app is not available in the us.
Thanks, Sicy.

This is not aimed at you (we tight, catspotting et al), but is there any word? It's extremely annoying. Many people are still using the app. I would love to but cannot and I'm frustrated that there doesn't appear to be any remote care or concern from the developers or whoever is running the show.
I just updated my phone from an iPhone 4 to a 5S and when I installed my iPhone 4 backup to my 5S, the app was still there. I would try restoring an old iPhone backup if you have one.

Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
I just inquired again. The developers are actually a completely separate group of people than Interference staff so that could be the reason for the delay.
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