AOL / Compuserve Users - Must Read !

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA
AOL Users - Must Read !

It seems we have been having some problems with AOL users not being able to log in, post and/or vote in polls. :|

A suggestion to fix this problem may be:
Use Internet Explorer or Netscape (both are free, and Internet Explorer comes with Windows) to browse the forum, while logged into AOL, instead of using AOL's built-in web browser.

The AOL built-in web browser apparently has problems with 'cookies' which are used on the forum.

You should also contact aol to tell them how much their browser sucks.

Also, make sure both of your cookie options are set to YES in your usercp.
I was asked to post this by a friend who emailed me. She uses AOL and has not been able to get into the forum for days. She asked me not to mention her by name. She couldn't log in. Then she read this thread and thought her problem was solved, but even though the explorer windows opened, and the forum came up, it would not let her get into it! It went right from the white welcome page with the olives to 'this page cannot be displayed' and the more she clicked 'refresh' it still said it. :huh: At my suggestion, she even tried clicking on a link somewhere in the forum and typing in that window but it came up as an AOL thing that had no addy window! This is really frustrating the person. She can read the forum on AOL, so she can see this, but she can't sign in to post because it only boots her out. Any advice?

Yes AOL does suck! :down:
Desire4Bono said:
I was asked to post this by a friend who emailed me. She uses AOL and has not been able to get into the forum for days. She asked me not to mention her by name. She couldn't log in. Then she read this thread and thought her problem was solved, but even though the explorer windows opened, and the forum came up, it would not let her get into it! It went right from the white welcome page with the olives to 'this page cannot be displayed' and the more she clicked 'refresh' it still said it. :huh: At my suggestion, she even tried clicking on a link somewhere in the forum and typing in that window but it came up as an AOL thing that had no addy window! This is really frustrating the person. She can read the forum on AOL, so she can see this, but she can't sign in to post because it only boots her out. Any advice?

Yes AOL does suck! :down:

Tell her to try running 'Windows Update' and updating Internet Explorer. If shes still using a REALLLLLLLLLLLLY old one.... I can imagine that she may have problems. Browsers are free.... my advice is.. UPDATE often! :)
I now have a cable modem, but not so long ago I used AOL as my ISP. However, after I logged in, I immediately minimized the AOL window and used other programs to surf and download.

AOL's browser is horrible. Don't use it. Just log on to AOL so you are on the 'net. Then use IE or Netscape to go the the sites you enjoy. I've never had any problem accessing any site this way - whereas with AOL's browser, I have.

Also, as Joel said, update your browsers often. They are free downloads and well worth the time (and $$, depending on your service) to acquire.
AOL's browser is an embedded IE browser. So saying AOL's browser sucks is saying IE sucks. There can be some AOL related timeouts when connecting through dial up. I would tell her to use an external browser for sure.

Make sure her client is up to date or do what Joel says and get an updated browser. Do you know what version she is running? Tell her to go to the Help menu, select "About America Online" and get the revision #. I might be able to help her further if needed

BTW - newer releases of AOL and CS are based off the same code base. So if you have issues with both that is why.

- DiGi
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I stil have problems

I am using IE as my browser, is up to date, and still have the I can login and brwose forums but this is the first time Ive been able to post for awhile now.
april - you and your earthlink..why I oughtta

hey you guys...Id like to come back..if I could only post....and here I thought you were keeping me out on purpose...
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