Welcome to Feedback!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA
Welcome new members!

Come on in, make yourselves comfortable and tell us a little about yourselves! Feel free to ask questions if you like. :)

Take a moment to look at all the forums we have here. Talk about U2 in "Everything You Know Is Wrong", talk about politics and spirituality in "Free Your Mind", talk about what you're listening to besides U2, or what your favorite movies, tv and actors are in "Lemonade Stand", talk about the band members in "PLEBA".. post your confessions in "Zoo Confessionals" ... take a look around, there's something here for everyone!

Please take a moment to read through our community rules so there is no confusion on how this site is run and what is or is not allowed.

Interference Community Rules

Thank you and enjoy yourselves :)

Moderators and Administrators are here to help.


To corroborate what Sicy said - Welcome Everyone!

Interference is a top-notch U2 community of very friendly people.

Make yourself at home! And of course, always feel free to contact the Mods, or post a question if you need assistance! :)
omg WHAT a good idea for a forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*posts Neon signs pointing all newbies here*

;) :)

p.s. Welcome all!! :D :bono:
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*pulls out welcome mat*

Hi everyone! welcome to the board!!
Oh, Swallow, you were once a newbie too...and don't deny it!!!!!! :p

Welcome to everybody! I remember when I was a newbie...back in the day...*lol* :D
look how I'm all grows up...

new people beware, this place can get a bit weird at times.

(but it smells reall nice...)
Welcome welcome!

Don't be intimidated...we're actually quite a nice bunch of crazies. You're sure to make some friends and have a good time. :)

If you need any help feel free to PM me. Always happy to be of assistance. :D
How long are you being considered a newbie in here??? :)

Coz I'm a newbie too according to Elvis. LOL
I subscribed during the last month but I feel quite at home already and I have become a real Feedback addict too...

So am I still a newbie??? :)

you're a newbie as long as you are worried about the status of newbie. ;)

No seriously, there is no hard and fast rule. lol. Just hop into life here and don't fuss about it. There is no graduation...your transfer from newbie to reg just...happens. A mystery it is. :D *yoda*
Wow...so many new people around i better greet all of them right here.

Welcome, newbies! Hope you have fun here.
Johnny Swallow said:
Newbies is anyone registered after August 2000, including Sicy.


Actually once you pass Babyface status I would say you are no longer a newbie.

Golly I'm nice. :tongue:
DoTheEvolution said:

Cool! I have evolved to a FLY!:eyebrow:

after a fly I think you Evolve to a warchild....seems there a couple steps in the evolutionary chains skipped there or something!
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Basstrap said:

after a fly I think you Evolve to a warchild....seems there a couple steps in the evolutionary chains skipped there or something!

War Child? *PPFFTTTTT! :madspit: I go from a FLY to a WARCHILD!:tsk: This is not how evolution works people! Will I ever evolved into Mrs. Vedder? :scream: :scream:

thanx for your hallo!!!!
i'm chiara, i'm an actress and i'm living in rome.
it's the first time i've a chat with somebody
by e-mail and above all
it's the first time i've a chat in english
so, sorry at first for my english!!!!!!
i love u2, i love so mutch bono's words
and i think in an another life
i'm gonna to married with him,
what do u think about?
Hi Chiara!

My mother was born in Rome.. I am Sicilian.. :macdevil: but born in the states.

Benvenuto !! :D
Hi there

I certainly am a newbie because its only my fourth post - but I too wish in another life to be married to Bono - the man is a god!

I think I like this place!
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