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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Dec 1, 2003
New Kaiser Chiefs album due for release in October, to be released on the same day as the new Keane album, one week after the new Oasis album, and two weeks after the new Travis album.


1. "Spanish Metal"
2. "Never Miss A Beat"
3. "Like It Too Much"
4. "You Want History"
5. "Can't Say What I Mean"
6. "Good Days Bad Days"
7. "Tomato In The Rain"
8. "Half The Truth"
9. "Always Happens Like That"
10. "Addicted To Drugs"
11. "Remember You're A Girl"

First single to be Never Miss A Beat, which supposedly features Lily Allen.

These blokes are exhillarating live. You gotta check them, and Ricky Wilson has got to be one the most exciting frontmen in many a year.
New Kaiser Chiefs album due for release in October, to be released on the same day as the new Keane album, one week after the new Oasis album, and two weeks after the new Travis album.

I predict a riot...

in England with all of these albums coming out so close together.

First single to be Never Miss A Beat, which supposedly features Lily Allen.

That's cool. I like Lily. Probably a good move by the Kaisers if that is true.
Cheeky boys. With a name like this, the album better be good, otherwise the critics will quote it ad nauseaum, :mac:

I loved Employment, but I didn't think they quite beat the second album curse with Yours Truly, Angry Mob, which in the end was more of the same but not as good. Hopefully the new album will deliver.
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