Interference Random Music Talk Part XV - We're using Charlie Rose tinted glasses

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phils fan i always thought it was only spelt 'cancelled'. you learn something new every day.

It's exclusively the American spelling, as far as I can tell.

Spelt, on the other hand, isn't the proper spelling of "spelled" in any country, however. :wink:
A friend of ours grew up in Memphis, where his dad and uncle still own a motorcycle shop that built custom bikes in the 70s. Apparently they built some insane trikes for Elvis back in the day. I found out today that these two guys threw the Sex Pistols out of their shop once.

/Sex Pistols talk
I see the topic of U2 was brought up while I was away, so here's my ever evolving two cents:

Best album: Joshua Tree. Achtung Baby probably has better songs, so it's my number two, but as I've expressed before, it's consistently marred by Edge's guitar being way too low in the mix.

1. The Joshua Tree
2. Achtung Baby
3. Boy
4. The Unforgettable Fire
5. Pop
6. No Line on the Horizon
7. October
8. Zooropa
9. How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
10. War
11. Rattle and Hum
12. All That You Can't Leave Behind
It's exclusively the American spelling, as far as I can tell.

Spelt, on the other hand, isn't the proper spelling of "spelled" in any country, however. :wink:

yes, i was debating in my head whether it was right. didn't think so.

just something i wanted to ask - a lot of people here complain about AB's production, with pfan being one of its biggest detractors. now i'm not an audiophile (i couldn't really see the difference between remastered JT and the old one, aside from the obvious) but when i put on UTEOTW today it sounded, 'tinny', for lack of a better word. not crystal clear. is this people's problem with it?
I see the topic of U2 was brought up while I was away, so here's my ever evolving two cents:

Best album: Joshua Tree. Achtung Baby probably has better songs, so it's my number two, but as I've expressed before, it's consistently marred by Edge's guitar being way too low in the mix.

1. The Joshua Tree
2. Achtung Baby
3. Boy
4. The Unforgettable Fire
5. Pop
6. No Line on the Horizon
7. October
8. Zooropa
9. How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
10. War
11. Rattle and Hum
12. All That You Can't Leave Behind

Cocktober above Cockropa = FAIL.
I see the topic of U2 was brought up while I was away, so here's my ever evolving two cents:

Best album: Joshua Tree. Achtung Baby probably has better songs, so it's my number two, but as I've expressed before, it's consistently marred by Edge's guitar being way too low in the mix.

1. The Joshua Tree
2. Achtung Baby
3. Boy
4. The Unforgettable Fire
5. Pop
6. No Line on the Horizon
7. October
8. Zooropa
9. How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
10. War
11. Rattle and Hum
12. All That You Can't Leave Behind


1. Achtung Baby
2. The Joshua Tree
3. The Unforgettable Fire
4. Zooropa
5. Boy
6. Pop
7. October
8. No Line on the Horizon
9. Rattle and Hum
10. War
11. All That You Can't Leave Behind
12. How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb

Well, I suck. Of course, "spelt" is already its own noun, so "spelled" would be a way to avoid confusion there.

just something i wanted to ask - a lot of people here complain about AB's production, with pfan being one of its biggest detractors. now i'm not an audiophile (i couldn't really see the difference between remastered JT and the old one, aside from the obvious) but when i put on UTEOTW today it sounded, 'tinny', for lack of a better word. not crystal clear. is this people's problem with it?

My problem with it is that the outro is so heavily layered that the whole mix becomes indistinct, guitars especially.
1. Achtung Birdie
2. The Joshua Cock
3. Poppycock
4. Cockropa
5. No Net on the Horizon
6. How to Manhandle An Atomic Serve
7. BallBoy
8. Shuttle & Bum
9. All That You Can't Leave Courtside
10. The Unforgettable Liar
11. CockWar
12. Cocktober

As you can see, I prefer my Shuttlecock a little more sophisticated.
I don't like Joshua Tree nearly as much as most seem to, overexposure has killed it for me. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but compared to the rest of their work, I rarely listen to anything from it.
I don't like Joshua Tree nearly as much as most seem to, overexposure has killed it for me. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but compared to the rest of their work, I rarely listen to anything from it.

When you're riding around on your horse, and a cannon blows you to smithereens....know that it was me that fired it.
1. Achtung Baby
2. Pop
3. The Joshua Tree
4. No Line On The Horizon
5. The Unforgettable Fire
6. All That You Can't Leave Behind
7. Boy
8. Zooropa
9. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb
10. October
11. Rattle And Hum
12. War

I like them all until number 9 and then they become rather weak.
1. Zooropa
2. The Joshua Tree
3. Pop
4. Achtung Baby
5. Boy
6. War
8. Passengers
9. The Unforgettable Fire
10. Rattle And Hum
13. October

'90s U2 is pretty OK by me.
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