MERGED ----> In The Name Of The Father, The Son, And Bono + English Churches...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Blue Crack Addict
Nov 30, 2002
Edge's beanie closet
In The Name Of The Father, The Son, And Bono

I'd love to go to this..

In the name of the Father, the Son, and Bono
'U2 Eucharist' a growing trend

PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island (AP) -- As the electric guitar in the U2 anthem "Pride (In the Name of Love)" faded from four speakers, the Rev. Robert Brooks welcomed worshippers to Grace Episcopal Church with an unusual suggestion: He warned them to protect their hearing.

"If the sound's an issue, we do have earplugs available," he said.

Ushers handed out earplugs and fluorescent glow sticks for the "U2 Eucharist," a communion service punctuated by the Irish rock band's music. Episcopal parishes from California to Maine have hosted similar events, weaving U2's tunes -- laced with biblical references -- into the liturgy.

Streamers flew over worshippers' heads at the recent gathering in Providence. Children danced by the altar. Plasma-screen TVs illuminated the gothic sanctuary. Some people sang and clapped, while a few looked puzzled.

Brooks said the evening was designed to invigorate his once-aging congregation -- attracting young people and those interested in social activism. "We absolutely need to grow in order to survive," he said.

Weeks before the service, church members conducted what Brooks called "guerrilla marketing," posting fliers at coffee and sandwich shops, bars and colleges. About 130 people showed up for the Friday night service, roughly the same turnout as a Sunday morning. The event included an offering for local charities and enlisted volunteers for the One Campaign, an effort to alleviate global poverty backed by U2's lead singer, Bono.

A similar U2 Eucharist in November proved popular at All Saints' Church in Atlanta. Organizer Laurie Haynes Burlington said she and her husband planned on 300 worshippers. About 500 showed up.

No one tracks how many parishes have hosted similar events, but the service in Providence was based on a playlist created by the Rev. Paige Blair, a parish priest in York Harbor, Maine.
'Liturgical resonances'

Her format has spread by word-of-mouth and on clergy e-mail lists. She's received calls from more than a dozen interested churches and helped put on the service in Providence. (Episcopal parishes seem to be the only ones that have latched on to U2 in such an organized way.)

Christian Scharen, 39, a Lutheran pastor and professor at Yale Divinity School, said he's often argued to older colleagues that U2 is heavily influenced by Christianity. He wrote a book on the subject, "One Step Closer: Why U2 Matters to Those Seeking God," and says it doesn't surprise him that some congregations have caught on.

"People who have these liturgical resonances in their bones, they go to a U2 concert and they just get it," Scharen said.

Bono, meanwhile, has told interviewers that he worships God through music. He once belonged to an ascetic Christian community, and in February, he spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast. The band's early tapes were sold in religious bookstores.

Still, the band members are traditional rock 'n' rollers -- they swear, drink and sing about sex. It's also not known whether U2 endorses the services using their songs: Blair said she received permission from U2's publishing company to use the group's music, but never talked to the band. Representatives for U2 did not return phone calls seeking comment.

In Providence, Blair delivered a homily to pitch the One Campaign, which the Episcopal Church supports. She ticked off statistics about poverty and infant mortality in Africa, underscoring her points with equal parts Bono and Bible.

"If you're a Bono fan, you know the next line: Where you live should not determine whether you live or die," she said, then reminding worshippers of a Gospel passage warning that taking care of the needy is what will separate the good from the bad at the final judgment.

The opening hymn was "Pride (In the Name of Love)," an early hit. As the music played, pictures of famous believers including Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. flashed on a 10-by-14 foot screen set up behind the church's altar.

Several songs included in the service sound more like angry lamentations than hymns of praise. "Peace on Earth," inspired by a deadly bombing in Northern Ireland, questions why God won't halt human suffering.

"Jesus can you take the time to throw a drowning man a line," Bono sings.

Some Christians might not be able to relate to the shades of doubt and anger, but Blair said that struggle is evident in the Bible.

For example, Bono echoes the 40th Psalm in the opening lines of the band's song "40," belting out, "I waited patiently for the Lord. He inclined and heard my cry."
some photos from Yahoo



As i said in another post... yet another example of evangelicalist happy-clappy 'religion' destroying proper faith. What ever happened to good true Catholicisim?
There isn't such a thing as "proper faith" in my opinion. After all, we are all equal in the eyes of God. I am Catholic and I reject any notion that we are superior in any way, shape, or form. Far from it. Each religion worships in its' own way and that's the way it should be.

They are not "destroying" anything
"True Catholicism"?????????????????????
What, like "refusing to marry" therefore destroying thousands and thousands of lives!!!!!!!!
Let's go back to the good old days then shall we.
English churches replacing hymns with U2 songs

English Churches Replacing Hymns With U2 Songs

LONDON (Reuters) - For Anglicans who still haven't found what they're looking for, the Church of England is staging its first "U2-charist" communion service -- replacing hymns with hit songs by the Irish supergroup.

"Rock music can be a vehicle of immense spirituality," said Bishop of Grantham Timothy Ellis, announcing plans for the unique service in the central English town of Lincoln in May.

A live band is to play U2 classics like "Beautiful Day" and "Mysterious Ways" with special singalong lyrics displayed on a giant screen. Seating for the 500-strong congregation is to be re-arranged so everyone can dance and wave their hands.

The service is to focus on the Millennium development goals -- U2's lead singer Bono is a leading promoter of the targets to alleviate world poverty.
Vertigo USA - The U2 tribute band is involved in a U2 Eucharist in Carol Stream Illinois on February 11th 7pm, FREE admission, all ages welcome.
More info can be found at
I wonder what the band thinks, especially Bono. :scratch:

In their early days I think this would have been problematic for them since they didn't want to be boxed in to a particualar music category. That's why I wondering how they feel now since in recent years they have been much more open about their faith, especially the B man. But I understand why people cringe, it takes the mystery away from the songs.
But for those of us who really do use their music as a spiritual vehicle I think this is kinda cool! :cool:
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It's not my style (I prefer a more traditional service style), but if it introduces people to the Lord Jesus, more power to `em.
There was a church in Tucson, AZ doing this last March... I was so tempted to want to go just to see what it would be like, but I was heading back to Charlotte that Sunday morning after a nice golf trip. I remember the banner reading "Worship to the Music of U2" or something like that
Jeannieco said:
I wonder what the band thinks, especially Bono. :scratch:

In their early days I think this would have been problematic for them since they didn't want to be boxed in to a particualar music category. That's why I wondering how they feel now since in recent years they have been much more open about their faith, especially the B man. But I understand why people cringe, it takes the mystery away from the songs.
But for those of us who really do use their music as a spiritual vehicle I think this is kinda cool! :cool:

Since these services are also about raising awareness of Africa and take collections for aid to Africa the record company policy is that as long as it is a live event and accompanying the African awareness theme it is allowed. This started after Bono started lobbying the churches to get more involved in the AIDS in Africa issues. As far as I know Bono has not officially acknowledged these events but anything that gets the church moving on Africa is going to be good in his book.

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