It's Official: It's could NOT care less

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

No spoken words

Blue Crack Supplier
Apr 3, 2005
Where do YOU live?
Not "I could care less".

If you could care less, then, well, you could possibly care less.

If you could NOT care less, then the topic at hand is obviously of no consequence to you.

For example:

NSW - "I like to post about Powerjuice and Confirmations and Torch Bearers and teaching people to speak english with this knife and the Steelers and Gene Wolfe books"

Most of interference - "Hey, NSW, we here at interference could NOT care less about what you babble about. Could not possibly care less. It's not possible."

NSW - " :( "

There you have it.
All in the same broader category called linguists... and linguists fit in an even broader one called philologists...
Our chant rolls on and on!
Thousands strong
Join heart and song
In alma mater's praise
Of campus beautiful both day and night
Of colors proudly gleaming red and white
'Neath a western sky
OU's chant will never die
Live on University!

Choir boy, bitches. :wink:
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:drool: I appraise of this thread!

I'm a grammar/spelling nazi, and English isn't even my first language!

what most annoys me is your and you're, I mean, it's just a friggin apostrophe, doesn't take much time nor energy to hit ONE FRIGGIN BUTTON eh?
Galeongirl said:
:drool: I appraise of this thread!

I'm a grammar/spelling nazi, and English isn't even my first language!

what most annoys me is your and you're, I mean, it's just a friggin apostrophe, doesn't take much time nor energy to hit ONE FRIGGIN BUTTON eh?

The problem is that people confusing your and you're don't know the difference....
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