IO: The roommate from HELL

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Blue Crack Addict
Sep 25, 2010
Washington, DC
Have you ever experienced this? Do tell your stories, please. Although I'm fairly certain I have paralleled or topped most people.

WARNING: Some of this story is not suitable for children. Other parts of the story are indeed gross. Proceed with caution.

Here is my story, a journal-style adventure from day 1 with my roommate(tl;dr):

Fall 2010. I am a freshman here at the University of Central Florida. It's late August, and move in day here at UCF. For most freshmen, it's an experience like no other.
Moving away from my home of South Florida, I knew very few people here. My mother was here to help me move in and say goodbye for good as I become independent and live alone before her very eyes.

For weeks my new roommate who I will live with for the next 8 months has been keeping in contact with me, excited to move away and begin college like most kids are.
Though I never would've admitted it at the time, there was something odd about this boy. I simply shrugged it off, telling myself not to judge people without knowing them.
He seemed like quite the cheap fellow, but upon chatting with him we were able to reach certain agreements previous to moving in.
For example, during the summer he sent me a Facebook message (with awful, awful grammar and spelling that begs the question of how he got into college) declaring 'dibs' on bringing the microwave.
I said okay whatever, sounds like I'll pay for the more expensive mini-fridge. It didn't bother me too much, as obviously it is not my place to be judging one's financial situations or anything of the sort.
Needless to say, it wasn't handled in the best manner. But I made my own 'dibs' agreement with him.
I called the corner of the room that didn't have the door next to it, that way I would benefit with a small bit more of extra space.

So, back to move-in day. It's a blistering hot summer day, and I'm driving in stop-and-go traffic up north to UCF.
I'm stuck on I-4, excited and nervous to get to be at my dorm, see where I'll live for the next year, and meet all of my new roommates and neighbors.
Sometime between a toll booth and arriving on the 408 with further stop-and-go traffic, I receive a text message saying something to the sort of 'bro is it cool if I have the other side of the room?'
Naturally, being the non-confrontational person I am (at least in real life, for those who wouldn't agree with that here), I let it slide.
I said sure. What a shame, he beat me there, and he took my spot.
Not cool, but once again I wasn't coming up there to burn bridges on the first day of move-in.

And then comes meeting the fellow. I'm about an hour ahead of my mom who is coming with some of my stuff to help me move in, so I carry in most of the load and meet him and his mother and brother.
You look head to toe at this kid, and while I know stereotypes are bad, you just say 'what the fuck?'.
He is dressed with a ridiculously large fitted hat slightly rested backwards on his head, just screaming for someone to knock it off.
He has a ridiculously baggy shirt, and green shorts to match his hat.
And the most ridiculous green shoes you've ever seen in your entire life, as well as a big chain.
The worst part of it all? He's the absolute whitest kid you've ever seen in your entire life.
About 6'0", 140 lbs, and bleach white with the most ridiculous outfit. Once again though, I'm not here to burn bridges.
I refuse to judge somebody until I actually know them.

My mother arrives with the remainder of my stuff and comes inside to meet them. The first thing my roommate's mother remarks is how awfully loud my suitemate Carlos sounds, and suggests how it 'wont work out', and even goes to a point where she suggests we shouldn't socialize with him/them.
Since my mother was about an hour behind, my roommate and his family are all finished unpacking by now. They go out for lunch while my mother and I remain in the dorm finishing unpacking some of my stuff.
My mother immediately tells me that she senses something fishy about them. She'd been skeptical about them, especially over something so little as the fridge.
I told her not to worry, and that everything would be fine. Lesson learned: a mother's instinct is absolutely legitimate.
But I didn't know that at the time, nor did I want to believe it because I wanted everything to go perfectly.

It's night, and all of the families are gone now. My roommate and I are getting adjusted to our new home for the next year, and exploring what events are being held for the freshmen living on campus to help assimilate everyone on campus to their new lifestyles.
Night 1, which was rather uneventful but still embedded into my memory, was another stark indicator of who I was really living with. The event was a campus funded party/shopping event at Target to get all of the freshmen to get materials needed for living if they already hadn't.
So we're waiting on the curb for the bus to take us out to the lot, when I get a call from my friend from middle-school, Jill.
Jill, who also just moved into UCF at a different residence hall not too far from the bus stop, was in dire need of someone coming to rescue her from an enormous cockroach she discovered in her dorm.
So, how could I say no? I tell my roommate I'm going to help her, and he simply starts following me.

As I'm on my way over to her dorm, he claims "well that's your first strike. Don't cockblock me like that again." My response was unlike my passive responses earlier in the day.
"Excuse me?" I said.
He responds by saying "there were two cute girls sitting on the bus stop bench and I was going to talk to them".
At that point, I gave him a nice lecture about what a cockblock is and how nothing I did qualified for a cockblock, and furthermore how he didn't have to follow me if he didn't want to.
Anyways, fast-forward to us getting onto the bus. We're on our way to Target and with everyone being new around, we're socializing with all of the people around us on the bus.
Among other people, he is pushing [pathetically] hard at these girls sitting on the bus. You can tell that they're looking at him and his ridiculous outfit and all. And looking back, you can tell how fake of a personality he was putting on as well.
Anyways, it ends with us walking around Target with these girls and them wanting to go and do their own thing.
When they are about to go off he runs up to them and says "wait ladies, we're not even going to get any numbers?"

I've never seen such a thing said, especially in such a disrespectful manner. They all said no, but one of the girls who was in the Honors College like me actually wanted my number which created a chain reaction of giving numbers out between everyone.
Anyways, moving forward to later that night when we're both home after a relatively uneventful night, and we're sitting there getting ready to go to bed. He feels the need to ask me a question.
Something to the sort of "Dude, are you gay?"
And once again, similar to the cockblock question, my answer was somewhat of a 'what the fuck?' answer.
I asked him "and why would that matter?"
His response? "Because I really don't want a gay roommate".
Seriously dude? Seriously? "well, I guess it's your lucky day. No, I'm not gay". The thought in the back of my head? Fuck you asshole, there's nothing wrong with gay people.

Okay, I'll jump out of direct dialogue for now. Anyways, over the next few weeks my two suitemates are extremely reserved and quiet kids.
I wont lie, they were somewhat weird considering they didn't really want to come out of their room. It was the talk around all of my friends, including my roommate.
Some of my friends wanted to screw with them or whatever because they were all still stuck in high school being a bunch of immature children, but with the same treatment that I was giving my roommate, I refused to really judge them before I actually had the chance to know them.

As the weeks go on, they come out of their shell and we assimilate them into the general group of my friends. One of my friends in particular, Mike, has a hard time liking anything about my roommate.
Why? I'd assume it's because of his annoying personality and the fact that everyone from Mike's previous school back home was the same typical tool that my roommate is.
Anyways, my suitemates and I were opposed to the hate that everyone gave my roommate. We stood up for him. Despite him being obnoxiously annoying and relatively cheap, we fought to keep him included, etc.
It's funny, because he [my roommate] was the one talking about not including them, and here they are trying to include him.
Anyways, it gets to a point where I talk to one of the wiser friends I have, Bart. Bart is relatively socially dominant in the respect that if Bart thinks one thing, most people think he's a sharp character and they'll agree with him.
So I basically tell him "well listen, I know he's annoying and a weird character but everyone deserves a second chance ya know?".
And so it was, a second chance.

October's coming around. My roommate and I agreed to go to Monday Night Football 4 hours south in Miami, essentially where I'm from.
He doesn't have a car, and I'm the one who got the tickets off the internet. The agreement is that he will pay me back, and pay me for the money for half of the gas.
Also, all three of my roommates will help contribute to the living room, despite me being the one taking the initiative to spend the money.
The only way we were going to truly have a dorm with some sense of community/family/whatever would be to have a function-able living room.
That was a decision I made within myself, and so I took the initiative, assuming people would pay me back.

I refuse to let him in my car until he pays me for at least his ticket, and he does. Or most of it, at least. Either way, I got my money for the ticket.
Judging his history already, I could tell the cheapness was a trend with him. In Miami, he tried to give me 10 dollars for gas.
A joke, considering it cost me about $90 worth of gas, plus sticking about 600 miles on my leased car. I promptly denied it and told him to pay me the full cost when we get back.
Yeah, that never happened. Just to add to the whole gas tidbit, a friend of ours by the name of Chase did something so incredibly nice for that bastard. Something that I would never have done, and I would never imagine anyone doing.
He drove that bastard half way to Tallahassee, FL. A six hour round trip, solely beneficial for my roommate and nobody else.
It was a very very nice, stupid thing to do. So his tab increased an extra $50 or so to Chase.

Meanwhile, in our dorm, he continued to mooch off of my suitemates food, use my Xbox 360, and leech life off of everyone else as we continued to stand up for him through his harsh time when his uncle died.
Sensitive time lead to calm measures. Winter break came and he got a PS3 for 'Christmas' despite him being Jewish.
He's not really even Jewish though, the hypocrisy will kill you. He's what we like to call in Boca Raton a 'Just Jew It' because his religion is not an actual religion but rather a sports team.
He reps Judaism while knowing nothing about it. He had a Bar Mitzvah simply to get money and have a party.
He aspires to getting a tattoo of the Star of David on his back, which screams hypocrisy considering Jews cant get tattoos or they will not be permitted burial in a Jewish cemetery.
He also gets sensitive over Der Untergang YouTube comedy videos. Why? Because he can.
He has no reason to, especially because the videos have nothing to do with the Holocaust, nor does he know anybody who was involved in the Holocaust. But I digress, he comes home from winter break with a PS3.
After four months of mooching on my Xbox, he places his PS3 inside his room with his TV. None of us are allowed to touch it at all.
What a slap to the face. It's around now that we all officially determine that we hate this kid and admit it amongst one another.

And then comes the fraternity. Yes, buy your friends when you've officially pissed everyone off with around you that you don't fit in with.
And so he did. Fine, great, get out of my hair and out of my life. That should make things better. WELL.
This is where the story shifts from being a trashy person socially to being a trashy person both socially and physically! The trash starts to pile up. And pile up. And pile up. You cant see anything on his side of the room.
He hasn't washed his bedsheets once since moving in. Five months.
There are mounds of trash and clothing all over the floor. Worst of all, my friend Bart is over one day and they're mocking his desk while he's not there. "Dude, these are moving".
What? What the hell is he talking about? I go over to inspect what he's pointing at. Maggots. Hundreds of them. Crawling all around, inside a reusable see-through to-go box. Almost makes you want to vomit.
I was wondering where the awful smell was coming from, and none of knew of the source of all of these flies. Apparently, my roommate was growing them.
This to-go box had not been touched in FOUR MONTHS. I ripped that kid a new asshole over the issue. To this day, we still have a fly problem, one month later. That's right, I can no longer use my computer freely in the dark or else flies start to hang around my computer screen.

In my yelling at him, I also made it a strong point that he had until after Spring Break to pay me back the money he owes me, in one week. I'd warned him several times to no success.
But, seeing as that ties with the current day story, lets leave that until the end. Pause for a previous break story.
That Hilarious Night
My roommate and his newly joined frat are out for a night at the club. Said roommate texts me "hey bro what do we do if we're bringing home a girl? Because I might be bringing one home tonight".
"Well, despite if that's true or not it's two a.m. and I've got nowhere to be so don't expect me to leave. I'll be in the living room."
And so he shows up a bit later with this sorry, sorry drunk off her ass girl. It was most certainly date-rape. He was basically dragging her into the bedroom because she was so drunk.
And the door shut. And it lasted for maybe a minute. And he comes back out a minute later with his clothes back on, opening the door.
So here's this naked rather large girl balling her eyes out. Crying hysterically. Must've been short and pleasurable.
Anyways, for some odd reason or another he's extremely proud of himself for essentially date raping a really big girl for 20 seconds who is now crying on his bed naked. He tries to come and high five me.
"Don't touch me" would be my appropriate response. Anyways, as the night goes on, she's crying. On the phone with her boyfriend! But it gets better. Much better.
Eventually she stops crying and I'm just not willing to go into my own room just yet until she's asleep. I don't even know why she's still there, but she is.
So it's about 4 a.m. and I'm in my living room probably on Interference and various other message boards trying to kill time until it's deemed calm enough to go to my own bed. Suddenly, my door opens.
Here is the still clearly drunk girl, butt naked in my living room. She comes and sits staring over my shoulder watching me on my computer.
I ask her politely, "can I help you?"
She slips off the side of the sofa and cracks her head against the wall. I ask her if she's okay, and she is.
So my dumbass roommate finally realizes that his disgusting mess is sitting on my living room floor butt naked. He tries to convince her to get back into bed.
She calls him a pussy. She gets on the sofa and tries to sleep with her feet on me. Not gonna happen bitch.
Fast-forward. It's 9 a.m. I'm sleeping in my bed and they're sleeping in his bed.
I wake up to their whispers, of her claiming "I cant believe I had sex with you. I have a boyfriend anyways!"

And the dumbass opens his mouth. "I know". What an idiot, who says that?
So yeah, she recognizes me but doesn't recognize the fact that I'm awake. She says "Oh my god is that your roommate? Hurry, get me some clothes I don't want him to see me naked!!"
Wait for it... wait for it... I BREAK OUT IN LAUGHTER! Then get up, and leave them speechless.
/end story

Okay so now to present day. Still owes me and my friend Chase a combined total of almost $150.
Today, I have absolutely no compassion. He brought home another girl even though I told him not to because he still owed me money and I don't owe him the right to throw me out of the bedroom.
He asked me, and luckily I wasn't home but I still told him to fuck himself. I texted him today and told him that he's a cheap, greedy, selfish asshole.
I set an ultimatum for him, a final one. If he doesn't pay both me and Chase back in about an hour from now, 12 a.m., his life will slowly become a living hell. First is mediation with him and Student Conduct.
If that doesn't work (and I already know it wont, because he has no intentions of paying us back), I get to call the police.
But there's a twist, not only am I going to use the law to our advantage, I'm going to fuck his day up so badly he'll wish he never tried to take advantage of me.
I'm gonna report his ass for possession of illicit drugs. Despite that being a dick move, he deserves it more than any person, and I'd hardly even call it equal.
He'll hopefully get thrown out of housing, and we can all celebrate. The end for now!!!
Oh god, wow, seriously. I'm quite surprised you haven't thrown his belongings out of the window yet. Just wow. You have amazing willpower.

Admittedly, in your position I would've either thrown out his shit or built a wall around the bed area ...
I seriously expected not a single person to respond to this for fear of a wall of text.

You sir, get mad props. Reminding me of building a wall, I kinda did that last night! I moved my desk into my corner and my dresser into the middle of the room lol.
Has he done something about the cleanliness problems, because if not you really need to definitely contact the RA about at least that, because that's some serious health risks there.
Has he? Well... somewhat. More like I made him. Through means of yelling at him. I told the RAs and they all hate him now. They're essentially trying to find ways to get him in trouble. I basically handled all of the Health and Safety issues... the flies... I want to get them in on that although I don't know how I could.

Funny, he just walked into the room. Ignored all of my text messages about paying me. I confronted him and told him to pay me. His response? "Don't got your money".

"Well congratulations, you now have a meeting with UCF Student Conduct on Tuesday."
"I have stuff to do on Tuesday."
"Funny, I didn't even say a time. Guess you're shit outta luck then."
"I don't see why this is my problem."
"After five months it's most definitely your problem."

That unfolded much quicker than I thought it would. Better that way though, I can get on with my life.
Might as well just deal with it now so it doesn't have to keep building into something. I know there's only two more months left, but finals time can be stressful enough without having to deal with this kind of stuff.
I seriously expected not a single person to respond to this for fear of a wall of text.

You sir, get mad props. Reminding me of building a wall, I kinda did that last night! I moved my desk into my corner and my dresser into the middle of the room lol.

"Build it up, build it up, build it higher." :D

Seriously, that was a very entertaining read. I don't give a shit on how long it is, it provided genuine entertainment and I do feel sympathetic for you.

Has he? Well... somewhat. More like I made him. Through means of yelling at him. I told the RAs and they all hate him now. They're essentially trying to find ways to get him in trouble. I basically handled all of the Health and Safety issues... the flies... I want to get them in on that although I don't know how I could.

Funny, he just walked into the room. Ignored all of my text messages about paying me. I confronted him and told him to pay me. His response? "Don't got your money".

"Well congratulations, you now have a meeting with UCF Student Conduct on Tuesday."
"I have stuff to do on Tuesday."
"Funny, I didn't even say a time. Guess you're shit outta luck then."
"I don't see why this is my problem."
"After five months it's most definitely your problem."

That unfolded much quicker than I thought it would. Better that way though, I can get on with my life.


Way too many words for IO.

Seems more like a Zoo Confessionals thread. It's brilliant, nonetheless.
Very entertaining you say? I'm glad you enjoyed it. Most people's favorite part is the hilarious night portion.

Might as well just deal with it now so it doesn't have to keep building into something. I know there's only two more months left, but finals time can be stressful enough without having to deal with this kind of stuff.

Yeah, I'm not shocked that he rejected the mediation from UCF Student Conduct but it's going to be his most regrettable mistake. He genuinely thinks that he can just beat around the bush until the semester ends and run off with my money. Maybe some other slouch, but I am the kind of person who will exhaust every resource I have in such a situation. And the further you push me the further you will get pushed back. I know, it sounds vengeful, but I haven't talked to a single person who thinks he doesn't deserve everything that's headed his way so far.

Way too many words for IO.

Well people can share their horrible, less lengthy roommate stories as well :slant: Plus, the forum title does say beware :D
For those who are interested:

The mess...


The nasty...


The barricade...
Hey look... no bedsheets... 13 days now without them. They're turning yellow.
Good on you on buying so many bottles of water. I assume you need it really badly to try and stay healthy among the stench.
I read all this as I also have arsehole flatmates. Im in a uni flat of 4 rooms, inc mine. 1 flatmate is fairly ok, worst she does is steal my food and is pretty stingy about repaying the favour. The other two...1 turned up pretty late when moving in and made NO attempt WHATSOEVER to socialise with the 3 of us. I mean WTF? why live in shared accom? She also slams the fucking door EVERY TIME. I've spoken to her about this, she hasnt stopped. She makes an unholy mess in the kitchen, doesnt take out rubbish and broke my toaster.

Fucking skank whore bitch *grumble grumble*.

The other guy is david. Hes sociable but a pain in the arse. He also makes an unholy mess in the kitchen, but give him his due, he sometimes cleans up. My main gripe with him is his fucking hi-fi and shit music I have to put up with EVERY DAY. Blasting though my paper thin walls. >_< Him and the other one have a habit of coming in VERY late and making a LOT of noise. My ok flatmate got revenge on David for coming in at 3am and playing 1 million decibel music until about 6am by putting chilli in his Crusha (milkshake mix). I felt a bit bad about this (even though I didnt do it), but she was there when he drank it, and it was a moment of lulz.

TL;DR, I hate everything about my uni flat and can't wait to move into my student house next year. Found a really good, cheap spot with a nice girl and ??? other person. Theres a yard so I can have plants. :hyper:
Noboy ought to mess with your fucking toaster...not when you're repping the brave little one.
Good on you on buying so many bottles of water. I assume you need it really badly to try and stay healthy among the stench.

FEMA dropped me a care package :D

definitely a zoo confesh thread, but what a douche!

do you get to pick and choose your roommate in college or do you just get who you get?

Completely random assignment. You had the option to pair up with somebody but I came to a school where I knew 3 people, 2 of whom paired up together and 1 who I hadn't seen in 4 years, so it never really crossed my mind.

I read all this as I also have arsehole flatmates. Im in a uni flat of 4 rooms, inc mine. 1 flatmate is fairly ok, worst she does is steal my food and is pretty stingy about repaying the favour. The other two...1 turned up pretty late when moving in and made NO attempt WHATSOEVER to socialise with the 3 of us. I mean WTF? why live in shared accom? She also slams the fucking door EVERY TIME. I've spoken to her about this, she hasnt stopped. She makes an unholy mess in the kitchen, doesnt take out rubbish and broke my toaster.

Fucking skank whore bitch *grumble grumble*.

The other guy is david. Hes sociable but a pain in the arse. He also makes an unholy mess in the kitchen, but give him his due, he sometimes cleans up. My main gripe with him is his fucking hi-fi and shit music I have to put up with EVERY DAY. Blasting though my paper thin walls. >_< Him and the other one have a habit of coming in VERY late and making a LOT of noise. My ok flatmate got revenge on David for coming in at 3am and playing 1 million decibel music until about 6am by putting chilli in his Crusha (milkshake mix). I felt a bit bad about this (even though I didnt do it), but she was there when he drank it, and it was a moment of lulz.

TL;DR, I hate everything about my uni flat and can't wait to move into my student house next year. Found a really good, cheap spot with a nice girl and ??? other person. Theres a yard so I can have plants. :hyper:

Ugh the door is such a pet peeve of mine. Is it that hard to just close it properly? All 3 of them do it here... it's not the end of the world for me but it sure is annoying.
After reading this I must applaud you for putting up with such shit. What a total douchebag! Won't pay you back, doesn't clean up, has meaningless sex with some girl, takes up your spot, and doesn't seem to give a shit for anyone else. I don't know how you've made it without ripping up into one giant angry beast. This is one of those things that scares me about rooming with people in college. Having some asshole room-mate takes away from the college experience I'm sure. I wouldn't have it. And I read that you noticed how to go along with your mother's instincts, I have learned to do that too. My mom is always right about every person when we first meet. She can tell if there's something about them. I have it a little but I'm nowhere near as good as my mom. I am the same as you and give people a fair chance before calling them out on anything. Some people just aren't ready to go off alone yet. Or in this guy's case I don't think he'd ever be ready to.
Yeah he's about to have a rude awakening to reality. His mommy might not have a problem babying him and obviously would never throw him out of the house for doing all of these bad things but regular every day people don't let you walk right over them.

Really though, while there's always a chance of getting a bad roommate, I know plenty of people who got some decent roommates, and at the very worst they simply don't have to deal with or socialize with their roommates. They just live with them. If you can, try and find a friend to room with you. Beware though, rooming with a friend can just as easily make them no longer your friend. I've seen that happen too.

And the RA just made his round in our room. Exciting stuff.
LuckyNumber7 said:
Ugh the door is such a pet peeve of mine. Is it that hard to just close it properly? All 3 of them do it here... it's not the end of the world for me but it sure is annoying.

god, seriously. it's also a huge pet peeve of mine. like you said. don't get why it's so hard to make the effort to not have it slam. if your hands are full and it's the kind of door that naturally slams when you close it, fine. but if you just lazily pull it closed and make no effort to slow it down when it's about to close or something...fuck you.
And so the second and hopefully last installment of this story goes a little like this...

- - -

Out of all of that anger and rage, my roommate still refused to pay up. Unfortunately, that left me with little option other than to commence with the action.
As I said, the next action was the police. Now, I knew there was a fair chance that the police wouldn't help, but I was convinced by someone at the school
that UCF Police aren't like the other police. So, I tried to give him one last chance by scaring him (and compiling evidence at the same time).
I decided to record one last confrontational conversation between him and I. I made it abundantly obvious in the recording, "You owe me money, are you denying that?".
Perfect recording, he confessed to everything. I visited the police, and shocker! They wanted nothing to do with it. They told me to sue him, in which case I have better things to be doing.
Like perhaps kicking his ass instead. I believe someone brought it up before though, it's not as though our Student Legal Services would fight student v. student anyways (I was indeed lied to about that initially).
I almost hit a low at that point - there was nothing I could possibly do to stop this bastard from running away with my money. I paid one more visit to my RA.
Now, my RA, Jeff, really doesn't like my roommate after I showed him his side of the room, his maggot pictures, etc.
So, being the awesome RA Jeff is, he suggested that my roommate could be in violation of the UCF Creed, and that I should perhaps file a report with UCF Student Conduct.
And so I did, detailing everything I've told you guys earlier. Now, I had the option of ruining his life or just getting my money back. I decided that I'm a better person than he is, and that I just want my money back.
So, lucky for him, the Student Conduct report did not include his potential date-rape or possession of illicit drugs.
But it did include outstanding debts and an official Housing complaint on all of his nonsense. I was told to wait for a certain time period to get a response on the matter.

The very next day was an enjoyable bit. Chase, the previously mentioned friend of mine who was also owed money by my roommate, was in my dorm along with my other roommate, Carlos.
My roommate was not home, and for some odd reason or another, they had a ton of packing peanuts.
They decided to take all of the packing peanuts they had leftover and throw them on my roommates side of the room to further dirty it, despite me suggesting against it.
It was indeed hilarious, although I figured it would only cause more problems. And so I went to the gym just following that, and when I came back my roommate was no longer there,
but there was a nice big pile of packing peanuts all over my side of the room. To which I sent him a text message, declaring that I am not the only one who doesn't like him and that he should take a hint.
And that being passive-aggressive is the lowest quality one can portray, and that I had absolutely zero interest in making any bit of his room any messier than it already is.
No response, typical.

On that very night, I was enjoying the presence of my not-so-douchey roommates in the room next door when I overheard my roommate talking to his now-leaving friend in the common room.
I quieted everyone so I could get an eavesdrop in because I thought I heard something in relation to myself. Apparently his friend has a very big mouth, because he said
"so, this is the infamous $75 TV stand that your roommate made you buy?" I shut everyone up. Once his friend left, I got up, went into my room and said
"So... $75 eh?"
"Hah, you can't even admit you're a fucking liar when confronted about it right now. Have a good night you selfish piece of shit. I knew you were selfish, but I didn't really think you were a pathological liar."
For the record people, the TV stand was $35, and he knew it. Almost like he had to lie to himself to justify not paying for it. So, moving on one week later. Chase is finally starting to get some fire in his blood.
I don't understand why he was following on my lead for so long, but now he wanted into the problem just as much as I was already in it. And so he decided,
lets sneak his mother's phone number off his phone while he was in the shower. And so he did, and copied it down. When he left, he called her up on the phone.
"Hello, Mrs. (my roommates Mom), I am a friend of your son's roommate and I just wanted to know if you knew he owed us nearly $150?"
"I am aware of him owing his roommate money, however we have agreed that the sum is incorrect." (at this point I am furious but I don't say anything, I know it's my roommates lying, not her fault)
"Well he owes me roughly $60 as well."
"Oh well if you produce the receipts I will be more than happy to write you a check."
And so that was that. His mother was now in the mix, creating so many more potential problems but hopefully a solution.

And then comes the twist. This was about 10 days ago. Two of my friends, as well as my two suitemates John and Carlos, were hanging out in their part of the dorm.
Some of them were, in effect, smoking weed in their dorm. This night was far from the abnormal though, until a thunderous knock happened at my door. I was closest to the door, so I walked up to it and my heart SANK.
There, out of my window, was three police officers, as well as the graduate assistant and area coordinator. All staring right at me. I opened the door, and the police officer said
"Hello sir, may we come inside?"
Naturally, I didn't have much else to say other than "uhh, yeah...".
And so he came inside. My suitemate, out of desperation, tried to close his door to his room. And the cop reached his arm out and said "not so fast".
At this point, everyone is shitting their pants I'm sure. They were only interested in those who lived here though, and somehow the other two friends were able to walk out the front door.
Prompting nobody to follow them, however the cop did exclaim "who said I said anyone could leave?!".
And so they had the three of us in the living room, my douchebag roommate was not home at the time. Confronting us, with dead silence in the room, one of the officers asked "so, why do you think we are here?"
And of course, it was silent. I had nothing to do with why they were here, because I don't smoke. Finally, one of the police officers said "Littering".
We were all confused... and then he said "Littering... and?". Apparently it was some reference to some movie.
It wasn't funny, nor did anyone in the room get the joke either. My roommate Carlos finally said "the smell?".
The cop was just like, cut the crap, either tell us or it'll only get worse for you. And so finally one of them admitted to having people smoking marijuana in our room.
One of the officers took me into my room to pretty much interrogate me. The first thing he said was "Oh wow, your room looks much cleaner then your neighbor over there."
I kinda chuckled, until he went further on to say "I see you're a Dolphins fan. Got a poster of Ricky Williams on your wall. Where's your marijuana? Been getting high with your roommates tonight?"
And that's when I aggressively said "EXCUSE me? No. I don't smoke."
Effectively what came out of that was him being somewhat turned off by me and leaving me alone.
I guess eventually they figured I had nothing to do with it. So I started eavesdropping on the conversation in the other room.
Let me tell you this, they were the most racist, unlawful police I have seen in my life.
They were making burrito jokes at my roommate, exclaiming that "we have weed now guys!" to the other police in the room. And even at one point said "what is that?"
"It's a kitchen knife.."
"Oh good because that's the difference between you getting shot or walking out of here alive."
I was shocked. Are you fucking kidding me? I should have that assholes badge.

Anyways, my douchebag roommate came back while the cops were still there. They questioned him, etc. and he came into my room and I shut the door and I sat his ass down.
I gave him a good talking to once the cops left. I told him "You listen to me and you listen good. That should have been you tonight.
You should be the one getting busted for possession, and you should be the one being kicked out of Housing. You're a bad person, it's simple as that.
Now, I'm not here to keep on telling you to give me my money. I'm putting it straight forward. I don't like you, and you probably don't like me.
But consider the fact that I could've ruined your life, and I chose not to. I'm done delivering all of my attention and hate towards you.
There is a month left here, and I plan on making it out of here without anybody losing a leg. I just want to live my life, and let you live yours.
I hope you can digest that and realize where your priorities are and how lucky of a person you are."
And so that was that. One of my roommates essentially took the fall for the other and was thrown out of Housing.
We all took care of him by supplying him with somewhere to stay, etc. for the rest of the semester so he's all good. Anyways, back to the story.
About five days later my roommate grows some balls and gives me SOME money. $45.

It's just about all of it, although not quite. Quite honestly, like I said before, I'm done diverting my attention, hate, and anger towards him.
And so I took it. And he asked me about one little bit extra. He showed me the letter from Student Conduct, and asked me if I was the one who reported him.
(I did tell him that I reported him to Student Conduct in the whole 'you're lucky' bit, by the way.
I set everything down to him.). I read the letter, and it said "Grand Larceny/Property Damage". I laughed a bit on the inside,
but told him exactly what he was reported for. I told him if he were to repay me the remainder of the money I would have them off his tail.
And so thus ends the story, minus some $15 that he still owes me that I'm not too worried about.
a) Should have reported your deadbeat roomie and his drugs to campus po po a long time ago. Means to an end and life is too short.

b) Never trust or talk to the police; they are assholes. You could have been slapped with a drug charge on your record because of your idiot roommates' stupidity. You can be a perfect person but if your roommate (who wasn't dealt with earlier) happens to have a baggie or two (or a cute little pot plant in his closet), you're fucked.

College is a shitshow and a learning experience, but at the end of the day you have to look out for yourself.
There's no way I can be charged with possession of marijuana if I have no possession of marijuana.
If a roommate in the same apartment / suite has drugs found in their room, or, even worse, drugs are found in a common area, you can be arrested for possession.

I wish it wasn't that way, but them's the breaks in the U.S., and many cops are assholes.
That is indeed the case for the common room, but not the case for their own private room, which is behind a locked door which I have no access to.

Trust me, I was in no potential danger from their actions or decisions. Besides, I'm close with them. They'd have no reason to say that it's theirs and I had no doing in the matter, even though they didn't have to.
Thank goodness your year is almost over.:crack: What are your plans for next year??
Living with a family friend that I've known since I was young, off campus. Not in a doghouse!

Good to hear! You don't deserve to live in that hell-hole. Although your experience was not in any way entertaining, I found these two reads to be entertaining and somewhat of a lesson if ever I come to face similar situations. Great that he got back some of your money, even if you still didn't really care. A debt is a debt and I think he should pay all of it back. But most is better than none. Hope your experience gets better.
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