IO: I never want to hear or read the name "Jon Gosselin" again

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iron yuppie

ONE love, blood, life
May 31, 2009
Seriously, no person in human history has ever been less deserving of fame than this man. And now at least five times a week I find a story about him on the front-page of my Yahoo news service, typically dealing with some banal emotional conflict he's enduring concerning his ex-wife or kids.

Apologies to anyone who enjoys Jon & Kate.


I would have no problem hearing or reading the name Kate Gosselin ever again, either.

But yes, Jon's name should disappear from the public first.
I never want to see or hear that s#!t program again! Well, could be worse, like The Hills for example!:wink:

Bottom level programs like that on Discovery Channel :rambosmileyshootingamachinegun:
As long as people watch that godawful show and read whatever magazine his face turns up on, he and his disgusting wife will linger in the collective consciousness like a stale fart.
This whole Gosselin saga makes me stabby. Somebody pleeease make them go away. Poor kids.
The airwaves and Press are having a field day making money off these idiots. TLC would be wise to take the show of their network as well but they love the PR. It's all a sadistic circus. The kids are already damaged.:doh:
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