IO - I am visiting the US

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ONE love, blood, life
Nov 22, 2004
Canberra, Australia
Hey all, never posted in IO before, but wanted to let some people know/get adivce as in a year or so my partner and I will be visiting the US.

We will be spending 3-4 weeks, and just wanted ideas of places we HAVE to see (we already have the regulars on the list)

So far she has said we have to visit LA, New York and I have said I don't care as long as I see Boston. (we will probably spend most of our time in the corridor in the northeast and take in Boston, hartford, NY, NJ, Washington, Philly etc..)

Now, from locals, what do you have to see when you visit those places (and hopefully some cool stuff that may not be touristy, more of an authentic feel for life there).

What other places are great to visit and see?
Philly visit all the historic stuff. There is a lot of history in the city. Penn's Landing is a lot of fun in the summer. Also you have to get a Pat's or Geno's cheesesteak. They are located on Passyunk Ave.
I love Boston, it's probably my second favourite US city (after San Fran, and NYC comes in third). It's a great place, and I'd recommend you head out to Cape Cod, at least for a weekend while you are there. It's just lovely, especially if you manage to make it out to the islands (Nantucket is much less packed and touristy than Martha's Vineyard, but there is also almost nothing to do there except chillax).

NYC is a fantastic place, I loved living in Manhattan, and you'll need a good 5 days to see most touristy things there, so make sure you budget at least that amount of time (more is better but you want to see other places too, understandably).

LA is hugely overrated IMO, it's pretty much my least favourite part of CA, but I suppose you have to see it. San Francisco and Napa Valley/Sonoma as well as the Lake Tahoe area is a thousand times better. As are the deserts IMO.
I haven't been to too many places, but San Francisco is a must I do believe. NY is obvious, yet I've never been :sad: Las Vegas could be interesting :shifty: :hmm:
My daughter loved Washington DC earlier this year. Wish I could have gone with her (she went with her school). I'd love to go.
Yeah, Washington is great. It's pretty small, you can see most places on foot. There are also some great galleries and museums if you're into that sort of thing. I really liked the week I spent there when I was finishing high school.
Come to San Fran! Everyone that has come to visit me has thoroughly enjoyed it.. lots of fun stuff to do and see.
^ thanks for all the help guys.

Plenty to go on here!

I spose I only really have Hartford and NJ on there because they are in the corridor, and we'll want to be visiting places either side, and they are big enough names to not go through (maybe just stop for lunch or something!)

Yeah good art galleries would be fantastic to hear about. Actually went to a monet exhibit today, so any good impressionist galleries? Cap Martin, Near Menton is one of my favourite artworks, and it is housed in boston right? (It's in Sydnay at the moment though!)

well cheers guys, any more info, keep it coming!
LA is hugely overrated IMO, it's pretty much my least favourite part of CA, but I suppose you have to see it. San Francisco and Napa Valley/Sonoma as well as the Lake Tahoe area is a thousand times better. As are the deserts IMO.

Agree on being overrated. Disagree on the "I suppose you have to see it." I think you can get a great trip in the US and get a real feel for the country without ever setting foot in Southern California. (spoken like a true NorCal native!)
LA is hugely overrated IMO, it's pretty much my least favourite part of CA, but I suppose you have to see it. San Francisco and Napa Valley/Sonoma as well as the Lake Tahoe area is a thousand times better. As are the deserts IMO.
I agree. If you're going all the way to california, you might want to visit some of the deserts in arizona and new mexico. There are some beautiful sights like the Grand Canyon and Canyon de Chelly. Also, the mountains in colorado are beautiful.
I probably won't be of much help since I've never been to the States, but hold up! My aunt and uncle went to CA last year, LA and SF. I saw the photos and they told me about it, LA looked drab and was a pretty depressing place, whereas SF looked really cool, and they enjoyed it more. Who knows, you might be interested in both - personally, I still am. Just putting this in.
Hey all, never posted in IO before, but wanted to let some people know/get adivce as in a year or so my partner and I will be visiting the US.

We will be spending 3-4 weeks, and just wanted ideas of places we HAVE to see (we already have the regulars on the list)

So far she has said we have to visit LA, New York and I have said I don't care as long as I see Boston. (we will probably spend most of our time in the corridor in the northeast and take in Boston, hartford, NY, NJ, Washington, Philly etc..)

Now, from locals, what do you have to see when you visit those places (and hopefully some cool stuff that may not be touristy, more of an authentic feel for life there).

What other places are great to visit and see?

I lived in LA for 10 years, and dated someone in SF for a while, so I have spent much time in both areas. LA is insanely spread out, so no one area can possibly represent the entire place, or even give you a feel for it. There are areas of LA that are insanely gorgeous, you just need to know where to go. Anyone that has actually lived there can attest to this, people that have merely visited will have no clue. SF is gorgeous, too, but like any big city, has areas that are less than picturesque. I love it up there, though.

Boston is great, and would be perfect if Bostonians did not live there.

As for NYC, I could talk about the things you should see for days.....

Whatever you do, wherever you visit, have a great trip!
No, don't give up, ever! I'm finally going to Ireland this summer, after wanting to go my whole damn life!

And Dan, if you are into such things, Disney World in Florida is lots of fun! :D
Like someone has already said, Cape Cod is wonderfully relaxing. Got some family down there and me and my parents love to visit!

If you wanna take a quick trip upwards to Maine, it's got some great places to look at great scenery. In the fall, we've got gorgeous scenery when the trees all turn colors. Just a little stop on your way. Maybe you could go to Maine and work your way down to Mass.

Boston is very cool. You should take a trip to the Prudential building if you can. Great view of almost all of Boston up there! :up: I suggest a Red Sox game if you can fit it in. :wink: Bostonians love sports but especially the Sox. :)

Times Square in NYC is pretty cool. Driven through it once with a school trip.

Definitely get a Philly cheese steak. :drool:

If you can, you must go to Arizona! BEAUTIFUL red rocks and you've got the Grand Canyon! :up: One of my favorite states. Just gorgeous all around.

Disney World/Universal/Sea World in Florida are also very fun if you're looking for that kind of thing too. :D

Yellowstone Natl. Park is also great. Went there one or two years ago and it's awesome. :)

Hope you have a fun trip here! :wave: :D
I probably won't be of much help since I've never been to the States, but hold up! My aunt and uncle went to CA last year, LA and SF. I saw the photos and they told me about it, LA looked drab and was a pretty depressing place, whereas SF looked really cool, and they enjoyed it more. Who knows, you might be interested in both - personally, I still am. Just putting this in.
but la has an in n out right next to the airport, so you know.
someone we know is back from first visit to NYC, now she could be exaggerating a little or just likes to create verbally a huge firework explosion from lighting a little match - but talked about trips to and round Boston and how things are on limited time or transport wise its crazy, its hard to see many places, etc.
Just her and mates went ya see. but I reckon you would need to go to NYC for 2 weeks or 2 trips to fit things in.

must get more info from her, but its possible out of the two she enjoyed Australia a LOT better. :wave:
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