IO: About time this forum had a theme song.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Jun 3, 2005
East Point to Shaolin
I nominate The National's Conversation 16.

‪The National - Conversation 16‬‏ - YouTube

I think the kids are in trouble
Do not know what all the troubles are for
Give them ice for their fevers
You're the only thing I ever want anymore
Live on coffee and flowers
Try not to worry what the weather will be
I figured out what we're missing
I tell you miserable things after you are asleep

Now we'll leave the silver city 'cause all the silver girls
Gave us black dreams
Leave the silver city 'cause all the silver girls
Everything means everything

It's a Hollywood summer
You never believe the shitty thoughts I think
Meet our friends out for dinner
When I said what I said I didn't mean anything
We belong in a movie
Try to hold it together 'til our friends are gone
We should swim in a fountain
Do not want to disappoint anyone

Now we'll leave the silver city 'cause all the silver girls
Gave us black dreams
Leave the silver city to all the silver girls
Everything means everything

I was afraid, I'd eat your brains
I was afraid, I'd eat your brains

'Cause I'm evil
'Cause I'm evil

I'm a confident liar
Had my head in the oven so you'd know where I'll be
I'll try to be more romantic
I want to believe in everything you believe
I was less than amazing
Do not know what all the troubles are for
Fall asleep in your branches
You're the only thing I ever want anymore

Now we'll leave the silver city 'cause all the silver girls
Gave us black dreams
Leave the silver city to all the silver girls
Everything means everything

I was afraid, I'd eat your brains
I was afraid, I'd eat your brains

'Cause I'm evil
'Cause I'm evil
'Cause I'm evil
I thought you meant we'd make one up, lyrics and all. :sigh: I was really hoping we could record the posters constantly whining and use it as the background atmospherics in the song with the sound of the mods and admins banging their heads against the wall as a form of percussion?
One of us did make one up.

As the sun sets over the ocean blue
My thoughts tend to turn towards you
As the moon signals the end of another day
I remind myself that you have to pay

So I ride my steed north and east
Stopping only for water, there's no time to feast
As I draw nearer, your future becomes bleak
Jive Turkey it is you of whom I speak

Yes Jive Turkey your time has finally arrived
You are wanted dead or alive
Get your affairs in order if you can
God I wish you lived on Alderaan

No more videos involving dogs who race
No more babbling about MMA (close enough)
No more posting about your game console
No more whining about Interpol

So take your last water taxi ride
Cos there's no place for you to run and hide
Your punishment: To listen to the singing of Scott Weiland
As you're incarcerated in the dungeons of Toronto Island

Canada, we're jailing all your sons
We won't stop until the annexing is done
Elfa you scum you're fucking next
Bare Naked Ladies suck
I just laughed really hard during my lunch break at work. No odd stares, phew. That was an excellent reference friggin' one.
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