The Rhyme Man (Second Edition)

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 25, 2004

…all that had lay, laid placidly bestirred, for all that had laid, in laying had remained…

Low tic abreast reams award, fathom there’s a pound, yet ne’er untoward, relativity of fate, the fate of relativity; as any other, as any bother… leans spuriouslyinclined, rear to thatch. Grandestassumption; rectify distichal egoism… leans spuriouslyinclined, rear to thatch. If one was least arsed, nay not at all, does he not afford avoidance…? Dependant on pacifying gogglerhyme… that is…that is as it was…now; there is no distinction(s). For if the wakean lent voice o’er hope itself, was it not applicable to the aforementioned…? Of little that is reasonable, wore little that was… born, or even so conspicuous as racial slanderous-ness…indigestion racketeering… repeat the sentence of no particular repletion: The egotist is not off provincial thought; ignorance about Machia-villian sarcrastination needn’t held crthreedance round’ copious alcoholic antitrade… that is not likely… let aloof simplistically conveying, convergence or no… intermittent insularity… technologic par home… the two hundred letter lighteningword; sought after creation, ill-ogically yarned, tethered by the masochistic epilogists; yet bandied by wilful wistfullnessness… spoke aloud, no matter how derivative; no critischism resolved…:


Senseless sensibility, they eolith dualist monopolies all too sudden… a true contradition; sentries of, as already sated… senseless sensibility… municipally… you-will-seize… day after deign… night after umberellian echoes… aversely cyclic… for if the wakean lent voice o’er hop itself, dost veer cane tray nether realm as well? Neigh… endomorphic; anthropaedophilic lust… steadily endures romantic inflammations… a rash once fought… until the moral ambiguity slides back unto tenuous tense and marathon… as if the end was already soon, or had passed…? For that as it seems is all too rhetorical in rhetoric, and misconstrued by puncture floundered fallacappy… gently top-plead due to intrinsartistic licensing… twenty four hour raffles, tambala sable… twenty four hours O’raisin deter…:

Ceramic rissoles reared rampant resoles… partially curtailed trough curtains and light. Maguire birr still, sat attentively unwashed, draining cigarillo artefacts, taught thoroughly despised, in tandem with bed shot disdain. The day was not as you’d have it, or even as time would have thought… the articulate manner of artillerist hues beckoning ever closer… perturbing Maguire birr shrill sufficiently, as to garner a response;-“The marooning ready… bastard light… maybe I reckoned too soon a solution to the dawn… albeit fare.” Such wisdoom astonished, as ever it did… reasonably hand above crouton pelted pleats; the most transubstantiated of fibres, utterly inconceivable… at least for later… sensitised; as the sun gently leered… pore abacus hearth. Finger needled wark, for the first time:

Nightmare; day hoarse,
Soughed fro’ wane,
Cairned tray wean…
Aisled hay kilocurie…

The brooch of Aloysius… translandered to the land of crystalline soappox, and early marring noise… … … the television… shattered impulse…-“Unified billbugs… local language? Social… benefits… if only her mother new.” Maguire birr bedded… shall we hay nine of the clock, or somewhat to that effect…we shall…stood five foot seven… forty five pence, was pocketed as clothed; regurgitated…-“Employment… much like elegiac logic… is for fools off no rearguard.” Channel toured moored; plantationary being… the words of gestation… dilate, deflate, and perplex sulphate (an authorised compound; oft mistaken for self gratification; though… unusually brokered upon the smock mar-chant: the bibliocartography as follows; reasons as much.)

Financially Reasoned Compounds Logical Elements (As Derived from Correlating Compound)

Perplex Sulphate Sulphur & Nietzsche
Suffix Hydrate Hydrogen & Beckett
Eager Pirate Illegible, Illegal Purchasing Of Unknown Products/ Stolen Goods & Wilde
Dadaist Ingrate A Friend of Mine with A Taciturn Wit & Despicable Chauvinism

(Continuation would prove ostentatious at this stage… The Lyric Theatre… that is… by the loquacious Lagan… purling desire… as if nature rationed… booth fashion required.)

-“Yet more… Telic match…refused tray mast; how can they vegan?” Syntextual ploy… the clanbhoys of the Fells… road… running six... or seven miles; unto-towards-the-town. A rood of awakenings; ponderous; declining; paramount till delve… twelve… midnight soirees. Maguire still bedded… jolted amiably; consorted as megalendmeon.-“Maguire; you’re brokequickly another… food of the marooning!”-“As if I’ve ever woke until this degree of truth! Surely the meal is… noun politely… as supper… breakfast?”-“Of course; all is knot set frail… neither whether nor storm; nourishment flavours the knave; no doubt!” How is one retort; both personable and recognised; as more so less, or less so more? Rhea; six foot two; sixty six pence; ceiled a thyroid thyme-“Hurry up; ewe canflankerous full!” Maguire birr wrote… awake… began.

Fanciful, reasoned Rhea, pore butter upon a toasted reply; seemingly taut, as it were; that all was well.-“The lads reckon a night.” Maguire as ever,-“Well if the lads reckon a night, am I not to reckon without?”-“What?”-“Or so it would seem.” Apparent as always… translucency remains… intermitterand malk… splashed upon the carpetual stratton. –“Always, forever now.” Rhea les fairer, more handsome than he. –“The truth then… are we privy?”-“I believe so.”-“So as the hungrungdraw will pass?” –“Eventually.” Dapples of suzerain… sugar of woe.-“Eventually? As in howe long?” –“A few hours yet, and I’ve to begin the work.”-“The work?”-“For Madden… ale tailed and supple. Though he does… or did pay Wiles well e-nought.” The knife was requested… slit slunk sirloin sup. Maguire…-“He’s not an ineffectual boy is he?”-“Passably so, yet he doesn’t heed much, as to consider the rest… stagnantly.”-“Unconcerned for most…if anything… ‘I’ require a holiday… sun, sea, sand, sex and sangria… stereotypical Costa-De-Sole… low rent truism… bliss…”-“So you’ll be leaven?”-“Soon… though then soon more…” –“That was a strange torn… on your bequarter at least.”-“That it was… that it was… not as it was before.” –“Nor need for the pulpous repetition... neither and… left buy the hour.”-“If all was that simple…”-“It is… it is…” Passive furrowed boroughs; hire the car-ess… effeminate and sleek.-“Holiday or ineffectual then… with whom do you confide?”-“Wholeday… merely out of spite… yet you still warrant the ineffectual; don’t you?” Rhea; serial bowls, lit beneath his eye,-“Not out of choice… determinism has no place in art…”-“So, it’s uselust by any means?”-“Conjuncture… tide best be off… dapper the snap, before noon… in sequential border.”-“I would never have considered otherwise.”-“Craic or no?”-“Indeed.” Rhea strolled tout…shout, squalor without answer; grief; malignant; all that was practical at the time… the mooring son shone on… unto the apteryx… archetypal symmetry; abruptly marred trough RTE… HCE… reports:

-“Tray idée nay fey… radio Kowalski; quarter paste nine of the clock; proceeding utterly fellable prop! The Tussock; Terbie Harne… is too visit the Narth… this afternoun to consult Messer Rergy Madas; in regards to the ‘Piece Process’… a shambles they say; the reaction of the Reverent Ain Leysapi; more so regrettable! Leysapi spoke; ‘All we no of this ‘Piece Process’ are nothing bout negativity and false… Luster trays nay!’ End off license…”

Maguire ejaculates-“Billbug’s… the hole lot of them; masers, misers and mopes.” Go-lilac concussion… startling indeed… uncle petard’s pear shopped shape… biometrical allusion… for the courage to be rung… is no courage at all;-“Subterfuge; the palette parley whom is not liable. Leysapi remains a gibbsite.” Dressed down the aisle, valets, porters, hinders and the lot. Cravatican letches; slowly… albeit languidly… albeit contradictory… soothed the teaspoon pop… a monopoly of idolatry… devising the pittance. The anatomy of man:

Cranial populace… cast loosely; effective hat mange.
Penile appendage… firm; contrary; reflective hat… middling distance?
Actual biological reverence… non-resistant; defective hat ambiguity.

They need not bear the arthritic reproach, neither squat motor nor rambunctious reseppelin cud clamour…hoof end to the wail. Upon the marshal sat recital… as bold as fever still; salient, mahout… propped as to saunter; whilst childer as hung as be fore, lessened attentively… dousing the ushers; muzzled; reflective; embalmed:

Thirst of the ensemble:

Opulent iris… twined round
Snide tweed wires,
Envying fettle,
Dictum-deed devoured,
Lethargically solemn…
Hour blest midst
Pure yeast,
Swill billed and shrill…
Until due nay least.

Secondary talc:

Swallow aghast, sky-ridden lark,
Soled teal twice by council,
Lull-fully taut,
Skewered heed abhor,
Haltered and frayed-
Amber wrought slathers,
Slithered astray…

Maguire fir hire; tire friar mire; polled an paid:


Ala carte for the sake of carte; as it were…
or at least as I believed… until I did not… and was duly scorned…
as it were… as it was… as it had been… at least twice… or was it four times? … does it matter? … whether or not the fourth wall is tore… down… or at least un-towards the slight… masque of faecal façadery… blemished by mascara… masquerading without… any luck… as it were… as it was… as it had been… at least twice... or was it four times? … does it matter? … I said… aloud… in a reasonable tone… will it concern me in the future… will it not? ... will it what? … not… come to this again?
His fingertips, cold and calloused, abruptly reverted to an inanimate state. An author’s mind was never at rest; painfully resigned to clichéd woe and inconsistent tone; for the line between reality and fiction… had yet to blur once more.
Ruth stood before him; carefully removing her satin laced blouse from her curvaceous figure, whispering suggestive nothings into the humid air. He frowned; unsure of his own judgment and digressed from such action, passively removing himself from this languid vision; quoting biblical texts to soothe his wayward lust.
Arse… Sartre for the sake of herpes… there was little difference… genitalia and existentialism… genitalia and humanity; humanity and suite TV… internal rhymes and catastrophes… bound together round… apostrophes… hanging high like… ice wrought stars… selling clues to clueless flowers… shrinking tulips… minuscule cynicism… whereby the cynic… ironically suspect… prostitutes himself without reason… or raison… or any phonemic variant of thereof… thereby… itself… again… as it were… as it was… as it had been… at least twice… or was it four times?
Uncertainty fashioned a fateful rope; tentatively wore round her sensuous semblance, she spoke;
“How could I love him, when all has past, silence still imbued. Whilst tethered grace precipitates midst vagrant amber hues.”
… Poetic justice… the just desserts of the… the deserted man… mainly due to Judaism… or at least Judaeo-Christian… beliefs… easy there… all that has already been said… remains scathing… let alone ignorant… or apt… or beautiful… in regards to perception… in regards to deception… amongst itself. I used to dance… believe it or not… nought but flamenco… ravioli and taciturn… yes… no… possibly… as we retread hallowed ground… derived from… plagiarism… as it were… as it was… as it had been…at least twice… or was it four times?
A typewriter lay silent; decrepit yet constantly agitated by the forlorn mannerisms of an underpaid attendant. Said attendant; solitary, impassioned, proceeded to continue his manuscript; a tale of emotive rapture embellished by escapist prose.

It was four, more so than ever. Little less than it first appeared to be.

Tertiary knell:

Spindless misgivings...
Let ploughed, nether hath,
Moored wreath mar harbour…
Child wraith wrath behalf,
Behest o’er sidle,
Idly enthused…
Girdled beech
Pulpous- phosphorous

Forth poll:

Jounce flounced arrivals;
Toil banderol blasé… siphoned renewal,
Etched flew hallow face…
Seething knit colour, thrown forlorn led stair,
Foreboding abandon… silently
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