The Drowning Man ( Cheers Bono)

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 25, 2004
If I were a rock,
I the middle of a beach,
Would you build your church,
Just out of reach,
Of the savage waves,
That lay siege to my soul,
My heart laid bare,
In need of control,
From some higher power,
That would tear open the skies,
Just to rescue me,
From those I despise,
The tide soon turns,
The water subsides,
The rain pours down,
In front of our eyes,
The sun comes up,
To melt away our fears,
The pain flows away,
In the form of your tears,

The water gives life,
But it can take it away,
Your breathing will stop,
If not you will pay,
For the crimes you have done,
The price is severe,
For the drowning man,
Has little to fear,

The rivers of blood,
Meander through my mind,
They stain the thoughts,
Of all human kind,
The guilt you see,
Is what I love,
The cause of this,
Is God above,
The monster,
Who lets us live our lifes,
Be ashamed, destroy and die,
The streams of terror soon,
Flow downhill,
Their speed increased,
No crevice unfilled,
We run for safety,
In these times of flood,
Because thats what they want,
They think we should,
But one man rises,
And sets himself,
Upon a hill,
With no need of help,
He cried out,
For us to join him,
But noone listened,
Or thought to warn him,

That water gives life,
But it can take it away,
Your breathing will stop,
If not you will pay,
For the crimes you have done,
The price is severe,
For the drowning man,
Has little to fear,

The drowning man has little to fear,
The DROWNING man has little to fear,

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