Soft, Daily Dance

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Jul 25, 2000
Smile, you're reading my post
The child stands to attention,
pain in his eyes,
father walks in
drops his bag,
walks on by.

Child stands with his
face to the wall,
doll gripped tight
little fingers red
with fear,
clouded by another.

TV roar pipe the hall
father's slow motion steps,
child waits for the daily
when the dust starts to fall.
A striking image. You can see it play out in your mind's eye as you read the words.

**Still looking for the
face I had before the
world was made....**

**Work like you don't
need money, love like
you've never been hurt,
and dance like no
one's watching.**
Striking image indeed, got shivers from the last four lines...
very good peace!

"The inner-self is true self, the very essence of who I am. The impulse that drives the vessel. The motive and the reason." - peter j. koskela
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