Confessional Signs

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 25, 2004
Confessional Signs: Day Three
Year: Unspecified

I’m not alone; I’m just failing to see the light, the truth. For every second I waste contemplating my own misery a less well off man falls towards the silenced depths of non existence. I wouldn’t say I was depressed as such but I’m certainly not content. Alas to be contented is to give up hope for something more, something undefined by our meagre grasp of reality, faith. To have faith is to trust without question, to love without regrets, to give without expecting to receive.

At least that’s my take on faith, many wiser and greater souls have come to the conclusion that faith is all but what we make it; religion is the enemy of God.
I would never say that my suffering is more important or greater than anyone else’s, although I oft wonder if it is. Pain is an overused word; I wake to the rhythmic pulsing of bitter lovers tearing at each others hearts, subverting each others will. I watch, not for sadistic pleasure, or out of perverted curiosity but I watch for porosity’s sake, shrouding myself in their fear, pretending I’m a solution.

Unfortunately I’ve never been one for answers. Young children often think of themselves as the centre of their own localised universe, destined for great things, destined for a silver lined existence out of harms reach. I’ve never had the luxury, life comes with needs but to deliberately surpass the basic amenities due to pride or out of a sense of self worth to my mind represents the greatest perversion of all.

The hour is late already man has grown weak, satisfied with his luxuriant ways, proud but never contemplative. As our poets, writers and philosophers become ever more self indulgent we lose another mouth piece for the truth just to gain yet another hypocrite. Conversational conformity and echoed laughter march hand in hand down the path to obscurity, It has always been better to suffer ridicule and scorn than to hide ones true thoughts from themselves, if they show you the cross, nail your own hands to the wood and cry out, not in shame but in joy, tell them God is with us, he lies in the hearts of men shamelessly coaxing the devil into greater deeds of mischief.

Divinity holds sway over our every move, however we need to realise that the divine and the mortal are purposely intertwined performing a dance so complex and reclusive, man alone will never hold the floor. Until we detach ourselves from our petty ways we’ll never come to a masterful realisation. This far we’ve always demonised what we don’t understand.

Zero Dude....I can't keep up with you but will read later......
I've been too busy investigating who is investigating the investigators and will there be yet another investigation into something or other.

And For Honor says The Hobbit is fantasy??

Have to go.....I sense the nearness of a dragon..................


Zero Dude.....have not read your works yet.....but I was correct....
there it was on the front page of the newspaper today......another investigation into the already investigators who are investigating. Yet at the same time there is another investigation going on about an entirely different subject.

You could make a full-time job out of invesitgating the investigators. Perhaps I should consider writing such a book.........{first time Wizard2c :) in a while}......just enjoy watching Mankind.....there is so much wisdom to be learned here.

But......another approaching dragon.....{silently but one can feel the dragon's presence...............}

Re: reply

wizard2c said:
Zero Dude.....have not read your works yet.....but I was correct....
there it was on the front page of the newspaper today......another investigation into the already investigators who are investigating. Yet at the same time there is another investigation going on about an entirely different subject.

You could make a full-time job out of invesitgating the investigators. Perhaps I should consider writing such a book.........{first time Wizard2c :) in a while}......just enjoy watching Mankind.....there is so much wisdom to be learned here.

But......another approaching dragon.....{silently but one can feel the dragon's presence...............}


But would you not become another investigator?

I'm just glad that you seem slightly happier than usual.:hug:

If you did write a book I'll be more than pleased if I had the chance to read it.

Thank you, Zero soon as I investigate your writing further....I will draw my conclusion and report back to you.


or I should say:

wizard2c.....PI {private investigator}
ZeroDude said:
This far we’ve always demonised what we don’t understand.



THis writing also reminds me that I need to more aggressively seek conflicts and chalanges in my life. I'm getting too passive again. I need to be proactive.

I need to live.

Changes, pain..... it's all part of life.....
Let it make me stronger..............

Not directly from you rwriting, ZD, but...... I think I'm one of those people, who is an introvert (but apparently 65%), and that other 45% is certainly reacting to what I see here. It is important for me, I realize, to interact with others.

I've spent enough time in solitde in my days......
I could argue that I actually happen to be a passive person as well.

I write, but a pen stroke is not as dramatic an action as say a demonstration of sorts etc.
I've been too passive.

"solitude is pointless after the first 7 years", I once said.

I realize that part of my duty as a human being is to interact with others as well.....
Well you'll have no problem with that.

I mean what are you doing now?

Maybe I'll pay you a visit in New York one day.:wink:
Yes, this is a step in the right direction.

But sitting in front of a computer isn't quite the same thing. And whether or not that is actually true or not, it doesn't matter because it's true for me........

I'm trying more and more to see my life as an adventure, rather than some boring trip through determined, confromed standards

as in


I've got nothing wrong with those things, I think I just need to have more than that .........

As odd as it is for a "Taurus" like myself to say, I think I need to mix things up. I know I will always have a stability within me, that's my nature. So now it's time to expand, and play off my strengths so that they do not become my weakness........


Personal........ growth ??!!??

That's something that fascinates me.........


thanks for letting me hijack your thread, as usual.
I really am quite conceited :shrug:

........ :laugh:
I'm not bother threads come and go, if what I write some how spurs you on to such thought it's a good thing in my books.

For Honor, that is one good thing about being a wizard, we can immediately bypass all the following which you mention. That is why journey is such a good term....besides out of the journey you can make a journal entry.

"I'm trying more and more to see my life as an adventure, rather than some boring trip through determined, confromed standards

as in


Wizards go through training, then on-the-job mentoring, then the actual journey. We do not seek at all retirement nor death.....that is why wizards remain ageless.


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