I write "Congrats" because I don't know how to spell "Congratulations" correctly

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Like HOW-ston? Or WHO-ston?

Like the street in the City? I've never heard anything but that and "You-ston" and HOW-ston I've never heard in relation to the city in Texas.

Like hhhhhhouston. The city. There's an art to properly pronouncing the "h" at the beginning of that city, and NY'ers, or ex-NY'ers don't do it properly, at least not without some practice. I eventually got there, only because we had technical facilities down there all throughout my career. As for "drawer", though, no amount of practice helps me, I literally cannot pronounce it properly.

The street is HOW-ston.
yes, but there's two problems with this:
1. i could barely say anything out loud
2. i didn't realise at the time you added 500 hs (this is one time where i should capitalise but won't) to the word. or city, i suppose.

1) Cut a hole in a Box

2) True, you had voice issues

3) You should have sensed the "h" situation
I think I can write English quite well, but I cannot pronounce the words well all the time, that's because I'm a little out of practise. Sometimes English speaking people have difficulties understanding what I'm saying even though I talk in coherent, gramatically correct English sentences.

But then again, even German people have difficulties understanding me sometimes because I come from Austria and we have a very different pronounciation of German words. If I'm in Germany I really really try to speak "good" German but it often happens that people ask twice because they didn't understand me the first time around.

And there are certain words in English that I cannot write properly, like: criticize. I have to look that one up, I never know if there's a z or a c or a s in there and what letter comes first. Also, when I'm trying to write as quickly as I'm thinking while writing, stupid mistakes happen to me, like writing "hole" instead of "whole" or "their" instead of "they're" or "there" and so on. Makes me kind of embarrassed because my English isn't bad and it feels ackward making those mistakes.
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