A guy puzzle...

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While I enjoyed reading ~unforgettableFOXfire~'s post (it was so eloquently written/informative!) I think that this explanation gives the guy too much credit--or atleast that's my impression. Chivalrous, honorable? I don't know. I always thought of chivalrousness as synonymous with considerate or courteous, and this guy doesn't really sound like that from what I read. It's not very considerate to lay the charm on real thick and then suddenly turn around with someone else and do the same thing to them, within a 24 hr. period nonetheless. I think it's a matter of timeliness and consistency, his behavior sounds very inconsistent and it's leaving these girls puzzled... I mean, one minute you're exchanging candy/watching movies and the next it's an "oh, you thought I liked you" kind of thing. This is a selfish mindset... which I guess he kind of admitted to having when he said that he "lives in the moment, for the moment, totally for passion."

I don't think this is a double standard situation, because yes, his intentions may be good, but his approach is off. To his credit, he hasn't gotten physical and left it at that. But, if he were really just being "friendly" or "chivalric" then he should still have his honor, which it appears he does not. So, he should take some chivalry lessons perhaps. :hmm:

I think it's also possible that the club setting at which they met, combined with his atypical "bar guy" behavior may be causing some question to his character. What if she were to meet him at work (granted I don't know where she works!) or some other "normal" setting, I wonder if the same impressions would have been formed.

Perhaps he's going through some character development. Maybe he's not sure what he wants or where he wants to go with these girls that he so easily captivates. There's a guy I know who seems similar--this guy I know has a huge ego which he feeds with major female attention, but never commits. He just jumps around feeding his ego (I think he has sealed the deal a few times though).

I hope that I was clear.
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