OMG Canadian TV is C.R.A.Z.Y.

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA
Someone posted a 'WSIB' commercial (youtube) on another forum I'm on and I couldnt believe what I saw! It was like a horror movie! Then I made the mistake of searching WSIB on youtube and watching a few others and I think I'm going to have nightmares tonite!! I cant believe these commercials are actually on every day TV?? WTF! :crazy:
Hahaha, I fucking hate those adverts. They start off completely normal, and then you see spleens and guts hanging out everywhere. (Well, not really, but you know if they could show them, they would.) I find most of them rather lame, actually. I guess I'm desensitised.
Heh. Are you saying we're not subtle? :wink:

The one where the guy gets blown off the building, I can take that, but the one where the girl slips and scalds herself with hot oil? Freaks the bejesus out of me. I can't watch it, I have to turn away from the tv.
Ah, the workplace safety ones? Yeah, I'm pretty surprised we allow it actually...I agree with you VP - the one who gets hot oil on her is way too disturbing. Have yet to see the one about the guy getting blown off the building though.
Sicy said:
Someone posted a 'WSIB' commercial (youtube) on another forum I'm on and I couldnt believe what I saw! It was like a horror movie! Then I made the mistake of searching WSIB on youtube and watching a few others and I think I'm going to have nightmares tonite!! I cant believe these commercials are actually on every day TV?? WTF! :crazy:

What channel is that on? I love that stuff.
You can search WSIB on youtube. I didnt want to post any links in case it is too disturbing for some. The chef/hot oil one was the first one I saw, that was highly disturbing. The guy falling out of the building was pretty bad too but the girl that fell off the ladder made my face go like this: :shocked:

I just cant imagine seeing a commercial like that here in the U.S.
The splashing oil one freaked me out the first time, but that woman hitting the glass display is still the worst, if you ask me.

I guess they're effective if we all remember them?
europop2005 said:
have you seen the one with the poles and the forklift?

Oh god yes that one too. I watched about 5 or so last nite on youtube then I went to bed. Thank god I didnt have nightmares :lol:
europop2005 said:
have you seen the one with the poles and the forklift?

YES YES YES YES YES! I saw that one on Global the other day and my jaw literally dropped. It's the only one that has really shocked me in recent times.
I was talking to my co-worker about the ads and he was saying that since health care is (free?) in Canada they really want to get the message across to be careful and avoid injuries. Which I guess makes sense. But still I cant imagine sitting down to dinner with your family and seeing a commercial like that come on :yikes:
How would one go about getting a job that require writing those ads, cause that would be awesome. :D I'd like to make one about getting eaten by moose, or beaten to a pulp by the Mounties, or maybe something with Bullwinkle and Rocky, or drowning in the snow, or trying to escape across the border and having those lunatics on the ATV shoot you, or the dangers of messing with the Hart Foundation, or going to the Bell Center to root for the Leafs (or vice versa), or ordering poutine and it's so hot you burn your mouth and almost choke to death on the embers that were once your tongue, or wrestling a polar bear, or trying to swim across a lake and a pack of beavers just fuck your shit up, or telling VintagePunk that David Gilmour sucks, or telling locals how you really feel about Nickelback and the Bear Naked Ladies or.... you know. Stuff like that. I think I'd enjoy that.
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We've had quite a bit of shocking ads in recent years. There was one not too long ago about drunk driving. From what I recall, we see a car, hear the crash, and then see the aftermath, with the driver slumped over at the wheel. Quite graphic.

We're no strangers to graphic public service announcements (although I'm sure this is the case in other countries as well)

Check out the warnings we have on our cigarette packs. (Warning, may be graphic for some):




Sicy said:
I was talking to my co-worker about the ads and he was saying that since health care is (free?) in Canada they really want to get the message across to be careful and avoid injuries. Which I guess makes sense. But still I cant imagine sitting down to dinner with your family and seeing a commercial like that come on :yikes:

I don't think it would be due to health care costs, in a broad sense. The WSIB is a separate entity, so they'd be more interested in lowering their claims, paying out injury and disability benefits, etc.

UberBeaver said:
or trying to swim across a lake and a pack of beavers just fuck your shit up

Lol! They should put that in their next series of ads.

or telling VintagePunk that David Gilmour sucks

:angry: Just try it...

I've never seen the forklift ad, and the glass ad, I think I've seen that once, but it was so long ago that I'd forgotten about it.
VintagePunk said:

:angry: Just try it...

Bono's One speeches are more entertaining than On An Island. :wink:

And wait. You guys telling me that graphic pictures are NOT used on American cigarette packs?! I figured it would be a trend across North America, considering the North American attitude towards smoking. I guess Canada's just really fucked up when it comes to graphic advertisements.
GibsonGirl said:

And wait. You guys telling me that graphic pictures are NOT used on American cigarette packs?! I figured it would be a trend across North America, considering the North American attitude towards smoking. I guess Canada's just really fucked up when it comes to graphic advertisements.

In the US we just have a warning. Theres a few different ones, but no photo evidence. A good percentage of the country still thinks it's a myth made up by the liberals that smoking can kill. Same with guns. And evolution.
VintagePunk said:

:ohmy: That's not what you said in your review of the album when it came out!


The One speeches. Good lord. To this day, I can nearly recite them word for word. :crack:


Oh christ, I know. I was lucky at Toronto I, because I had refrained from downloading any bootlegs prior to seeing the show. If I didn't have that willpower, I would have honestly fallen asleep. He just kept going and going and going.
UberBeaver said:

In the US we just have a warning. Theres a few different ones, but no photo evidence. A good percentage of the country still thinks it's a myth made up by the liberals that smoking can kill. Same with guns. And evolution.

Wow. You'd think they'd make more of an effort. The photographs are very effective. I can barely even look at a carton of Canadian cigarettes, let alone think about smoking any.
GibsonGirl said:

Wow. You'd think they'd make more of an effort. The photographs are very effective. I can barely even look at a carton of Canadian cigarettes, let alone think about smoking any.

I always have to laugh at the smokers who are on the corner in blowing snow and it's -45 and there they are, dutifully smoking away, holding the horror pic boxes in their hands. If the weather is no deterrent, the pics probably aren't either.
GibsonGirl said:

Wow. You'd think they'd make more of an effort. The photographs are very effective. I can barely even look at a carton of Canadian cigarettes, let alone think about smoking any.

The tobacco industry in the US makes too much money for them to ever dream of using graphic images to deter people, especially the young'uns, from smoking.

If you ever see a pack of cigarettes here, you'll barely be able to make out the warnings on the side of the pack, the print is so tiny. At least that's what I remember from the last time I looked at one.
anitram said:

I always have to laugh at the smokers who are on the corner in blowing snow and it's -45 and there they are, dutifully smoking away, holding the horror pic boxes in their hands. If the weather is no deterrent, the pics probably aren't either.

No, they're definitely not a deterrent to people who already smoke. My father's a prime example of that (and he's a doctor - he's seen the pictures on the horror boxes in the flesh.) I'm sure they're at least effective in preventing some people from starting up, though.
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:

The tobacco industry in the US makes too much money for them to ever dream of using graphic images to deter people, especially the young'uns, from smoking.

If you ever see a pack of cigarettes here, you'll barely be able to make out the warnings on the side of the pack, the print is so tiny. At least that's what I remember from the last time I looked at one.

This is not an initiative of the Canadian tobacco industry, but rather a requirement by Health Canada, a government department. All packs should have these warnings that take up at least 50% of the pack.
BonoManiac said:

This is not an initiative of the Canadian tobacco industry, but rather a requirement by Health Canada, a government department. All packs should have these warnings that take up at least 50% of the pack.

Yeah, but the thing is that here the tobacco has enough $ to get their way - same with the gun lobby. They have the connections to keep things as they see fit. They were even allowed to write their own report on what smoking does to you....:happy:
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