Roadmap to HELL - One man caught on a barbed wire fence ....

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Reza Aslan, DailyBeast, Dec. 8
...This week, three South American countries took the international community by surprise when they issued separate public statements recognizing a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders; i.e., the territory occupied by Israel in the Six-Day War. The countries—Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay—comprise three of the four nations in the powerful trade group Mercosur; the fourth member, Paraguay, is expected to make a similar declaration soon, along with two other major South American powers, Bolivia and Ecuador.

Ever since the latest round of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks broke down last September, Abbas has been threatening to take his case directly to the United Nations to force a vote on statehood, much as the Israeli government did in 1948-49 following the end of the British Mandate over Palestine. It would be a bold move for an increasingly desperate Palestinian Authority because it would force the world body to act on its many statements in support of Palestinian sovereignty.

There is little doubt in anyone’s mind that should recognition of Palestinian statehood be put to a vote on the floor of the UN, it would win the support of every member country save two: Israel and the United States.
Unfortunately, these are the only two votes that matter, considering that the US has veto power over all UN declarations and has used it consistently to protect Israel from countless resolutions critical of Israeli policy in the Occupied Territories. Indeed, President Obama had explicitly promised Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he would prohibit any UN vote on Palestinian statehood in exchange for a 90-day extension of Israel’s settlement freeze. That deal fell through, primarily because Netanyahu’s right-wing government refused even to consider the possibly of an extension. As Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman told Israel Radio, “It’s clear to most people there will be no more freezes.”

...Not surprisingly, Israel’s Foreign Ministry criticized the statement from the South Americans, saying, “All attempts to bypass negotiations and to unilaterally determine issues in dispute will only harm the trust of the sides and their commitment to agreed upon frameworks for negotiations.” Considering that everyone now knows without a shadow of doubt that there are no such recognizable frameworks in place for negotiations, and absolutely no reason to think that the peace talks will resume any time soon, the Israeli statement must be read either as a cynical joke or as a deliberate ploy to continue pushing peace talks as far into the future as possible while gobbling up enough Palestinian land to make a contiguous state impossible. Just this week, another 625 new settlement units were approved for construction in East Jerusalem, adding to the 1,126 units that have already been constructed in the Occupied Territories since the partial freeze ended in late September.

...Obviously the statements from Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay are merely symbolic. But as Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Maliki noted, their importance lies in the fact that “the more countries that recognize the Palestinian state, the more pressure this will put on countries that are hesitant.” Already, about 100 nations across the world have come out in recognition of an independent Palestinian state, including, most recently, Turkey.

Symbolism aside, if there is one thing the Palestinians have learned in four decades of fruitless peace talks, it is that the only they will ever be allowed to have a state of their own is if they simply seize it for themselves. So then, enough talk. Enough stalling. It’s well past time to declare statehood and force a vote of recognition in the United Nations.

Obama claims the U.S. will veto any such vote. Let’s call his bluff. Let’s find out if this president is ready to stand utterly alone on the world stage as the sole head of state refusing to recognize the existence of a Palestinian state just so he can appease an ally, Israel, that over the last year has repeatedly gone of out its way to embarrass his administration and stifle his attempts at achieving a two-state solution.

Hello Yolland,

I must set the record straight here - this is false:

Ever since the latest round of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks broke down last September, Abbas has been threatening to take his case directly to the United Nations to force a vote on statehood, much as the Israeli government did in 1948-49 following the end of the British Mandate over Palestine. It would be a bold move for an increasingly desperate Palestinian Authority because it would force the world body to act on its many statements in support of Palestinian sovereignty.

Actually, it was the British who turned to the United Nations in 1946/7. A wave of Arab attacks against the Jewish population led to hundreds of Jewish deaths. Not only did the British authorities stand by and do nothing against these atrocities, but they compounded the problem by halting the flow of Jewish immigrants fleeing Europe and clearly adopted an anti-Zionist policy.
This resulted in acts of reprisal on the part of the Jewish resistance forces in Palestine - i.e., the Etzel, Lehi and Hagana groups - against the British authorities (most famously, the blowing-up of the King David hotel in Jerusalem and the storming of the Acre Prison).

The British authorities were ill-equipped to deal with this deadly situation and they decided to call upon the United Nations to deal with the Palestine question.

This led to the famous vote on the 29th of November 1947 in which the general assembly voted for a two-state solution in Palestine - a plan which the Zionist leadership embraced but the Arabs rejected flat out.
This historic vote ultimately led to the end of the British mandate in Palestine and the declaration of the state of Israel in May 1948.

So you see, there was no "out of the blue" declaration like the Palestinians want to do. We have absolutely no objection (well, at least I don't) to an independent Palestinian state living in peace alongside us, but to declare independence in a haphazard way while final status negotiations haven't been concluded yet will only backfire on the Palestinians.

Here is some more information on this subject:

YouTube - November 29, 1947: The Story of a Vote
I believe Aslan's point is that Ben-Gurion declared statehood in the absence of Arab acceptance of the UN partition plan. Obviously, majority international recognition of that declaration did not resolve the territorial conflicts by itself, and neither could Palestine recognition; what it did was affect the political dynamic. But in neither case could the strategy be said to be "out of the blue"; the whole point of the partition plan was for there to be both a Jewish state and an Arab state in mandate Palestine. Clearly the Arab decision to respond with war was self-defeating and changed the geopolitical calculus, hence 1967 becoming the reference point.

I don't know whether enough countries would jump on Abbas' ship to effect the scenario Aslan envisions. But unmistakably part of the reckoning here is that the US government, if forced to choose in such a context, might perhaps be at a point where it would accept a shift in diplomatic "ownership" of the problem towards the UN as the lesser of two evils.
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And I'm surprised THIS hasn't been raised yet....

In Lebanon, angry protests as a new PM is named -

We are now faced with TWO Iranian-backed fronts - Hamas in Gaza and a Hezbollah-backed prime minister in Lebanon. I'm afraid this is only the beginning of a process that will lead to a de-facto Hezbollah takeover in Lebanon - which will lead to the same death, destruction, opression and isolation that Hamas has subjected the Palestinians to.

It's so typical of a terrorist organization.....
The Int'l court was about to publish their report confirming that Hezbollah was responsible for the assasination of former Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri (the father of the deposed PM). So they did what any terrorist group would do....they ran the "Sheriff" out of town (who happens to be the son of their victim) and put their own man in power, thus ensuring that the people responsible for the assasination would be safe from prosecution.

I feel sorry for the Lebanese people who are now on the brink of another civil war. I can only hope that the Lebanese people take the example of the brave people of Tunis and stop this downhill spiral before it destroys their country.
Too late for what? An economic development package is a good thing as far as it goes, but it won't address the sovereignty issues which are far more fundamental. As for the Egyptian coup/revolution/crisis, I'm not optimistic it'll change the Netanyahu government's disdain for negotiations.
I am speechless with grief and seething with rage at these animals who have committed this atrocity.

Itamar massacre: Fogel family butchered while sleeping - Israel News, Ynetnews

I want you all to look at these photographs very carefully, read this story and then tell me what possible justification there can be for this unspeakable act of cold blooded murder:





May they all rest in peace and bask in the glow of God's eternal light and may their murderers burn in hell forever and ever.
Mahmoud Abbas condemns Itamar attack
03/12/2011 19:56

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday condemned the attack on West Bank settlement Itamar in which five Israelis were murdered.

In a statement released by his office, Abbas "stressed his rejection and condemnation of all violence directed against civilians, regardless of who was behind it or the reason for it.”

Abbas added that "violence produces violence and what is needed is to speed up a just and comprehensive solution to the conflict.
So there I was, minding my own business, watching TV, enjoying a nice peacefull night in my hometown of Ashdod - when all of a sudden the siren sounded. I leapt out of my chair, opened the shutters (to prevent the glass from shattering in case of impact) and ran to sit next to my mother in our living room until we heard the faint sound of the missile impact on the ground. A sound that I last heard two years ago and that I'd hoped never to hear again.

So, welcome to round two of Israel Vs. Hamas - I guess they must be jealous of all the attention that Japan and libya are getting so they've decided to start up again.

I'll keep you guys posted.

Rocket explodes in Ashdod - Israel News, Ynetnews
New York Times, Mar. 24

On one side were members of the Israeli Parliament and advocates who argued that there was only one legitimate way to support Israel from abroad—unconditionally. On the other were those who insisted that love and devotion did not mean withholding criticism. For an electric two hours on Wednesday, the sides fought bitterly inside a parliamentary hearing room. As they spoke, tensions on the Gaza border rose and turmoil spread across the Middle East; hours later a bomb went off in Jerusalem, killing one person and wounding dozens. Israelis are feeling increasingly insecure about any criticism they believe could help their enemies.

At the center of the parliamentary debate was a three-year-old American advocacy group, J Street, which calls itself pro-Israel and pro-peace, a left-leaning alternative to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, the pro-Israel lobbying group in the United States. J Street opposes Israeli settlements in the West Bank and urged President Obama not to veto an antisettlement resolution in the United Nations Security Council recently. The conveners of Wednesday’s hearing, a hawkish Likud legislator named Danny Danon and a conservative colleague from the centrist Kadima party, Otniel Schneller, wanted to expose J Street for what they believed it to be—a group of self-doubting American Jews more worried about what their neighbors say than what is good for the state of Israel.

...Jeremy Ben-Ami, J Street’s founder, came from Washington to defend his group, which claims about 170,000 supporters. “We should work through our differences with respect, vibrant discussion and open dialogue,” he told the legislators. “It only weakens Israel and the Jewish people to make differences of opinion into something greater and to accuse those who criticize Israeli policy of being anti-Israel or worse.”

The committee meeting, which drew a crowd and often descended into shouting matches, was unprecedented, according to many Israelis. No one could recall a debate inside Israel’s Parliament examining whether an American group calling itself pro-Israel was living up to the name.

...Shlomo Avineri, a political scientist at Hebrew University who did not attend the hearing, said J Street was in a problematic position because “it is very difficult to be an advocacy group while criticizing the subject of your advocacy. It is difficult to say we are the greatest supporters of Israel but on every issue that arises we are on the other side.” He added that the extreme right in Israel had always insisted that criticism of Israeli policy was unpatriotic. Now, the extreme right has more power than ever in the country’s history, he said, giving its views a greater platform.

Mr. Danon, the Likud chairman of the committee holding the hearing, said he would put to a vote in the coming two weeks a resolution calling J Street pro-Palestinian, asking it to “purge from its ranks” anti-Zionist elements and urging Israeli government officials to refrain from contact with it. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has consistently refused to meet with J Street officials.

Mr. Ben-Ami of J Street said afterward: “This is a time of real uncertainty and threat in Israel, and what we saw at the hearing is part of a larger trend of Israel turning in on itself. It is redefining who is a Jew, redefining who is a citizen and now redefining who is a friend.”
Incidentally, Danny Danon was Sarah Palin's guide on her recent visit to Israel; he has very close ties to Christian Zionists. Otniel Schneller is the former head of the Yesha (settlers') Council.

Ha'aretz editorializes:
This is the worst of times to make friends and family into enemies. Who could possibly see the good in any of this?

Welcome to the new Zionism. Welcome to the new self-hating Jew, the corps of professed lovers of Israel who want Zionism only to themselves. And who hate the Jews who want to see Israel change. Which is, at this point, most Jews. The message of the new self-hating Jew is this: You don't like this the way it is? We don't need you. We don’t need anybody. We don't even need Obama, so what makes you think you've got any place here at all? This is the message: We're one big happy start-up here, and we don't need Debbie Downers to spoil the party. We take our Judaism straight-up frum or none at all. Our neighbors are, regrettably, Nazi scum on two legs, so we'll take our Israel with all of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, thank you very much. No others need apply. We want you gone. And we know how to make it happen:

...Boycott: Take the fastest growing pro-Israel organization in North American Jewish communities and on US campuses, the dovish J Street, and have Israel's ambassador shun it even as he attacks it. Then, despite the threat of imminent war and the specter of renewed terrorism, have a Knesset committee devote an entire session to "investigating" J Street's claims to being Zionist and pro-Israel. For Jews truly interested in alienating most other Jews and having Israel to themselves, the Wednesday Knesset hearings against J Street reached new heights. Said the American Jewish Committee, whose own politics are appreciably to the right of J Street: “In holding hearings on whether a voluntary American Jewish organization is indeed a pro-Israel lobby, the Knesset committee has interfered in an entirely inappropriate way in the internal affairs of the American Jewish community.”

Like it or not, an ancestral homeland sets the tone for an entire people. It may provide cultural and spiritual inspiration, a richness of language and the arts, a calm, profoundly positive sense of self and self-worth which comes of quiet pride in roots. Or it may become a shondeh. This is the message of the new self-hating Jew: There is no place for the likes of Gary Rosenblatt in the new Zionism. Nor J Street. Nor the New Israel Fund. Nor Jews who oppose the occupation. Nor Jews who believe that non-Orthodox Judaism is valid and important. A people which hates its own. A people which dwells alone. We are Zionism, the new article of faith has it. We don't need anyone. And we certainly don't need you. You, you liberal Zionists, you progressive Zionists, you leftists who for some reason still care about Israel, you're the new Palestinians. You have no right to your ancestral homeland, the place your people came from. Because we're here now, and we're not going anywhere.

...Israel, with the self-hating right in the lead, can no longer afford to make war on its own. Not now. It is one war Israel cannot afford to win.
The contrast between what this Knesset committee assumes the motives of American Jewish liberal Zionists to be and what Ha'aretz assumes them to be is really striking.
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Finally......after a year and a half of having to deal with the lies and false accusations of the Goldstone Report, judge Goldstone finally stepped up to the plate and announced to the world that he was wrong in his findings.....Israel did NOT commit war crimes, Israel did NOT target civillians during the war that Hamas started with us, and Israel DID investigate isolated incidents involving improper conduct of soldiers.

In short, judge Goldstone now admits himself what we've been saying all along - we had every right in the world to defend ourselves against the constant rocket attacks that Hamas launched against our civillian population, and we did not commit any war crimes during this campaign.

Not only that, the other committee chaired by Judge Mary McGowan Davis found that: “Israel has dedicated significant resources to investigate over 400 allegations of operational misconduct in Gaza” while “the de facto authorities (i.e., Hamas) have not conducted any investigations into the launching of rocket and mortar attacks against Israel.”

Really?? Hamas didn't investigate their attacks against us?? what a surprise!!

In short, thanks for nothing your honor......your one-sided report did immeasurable damage to Israel, you have accused us falsely of war crimes and tarnished the reputation of the IDF - which is undoubtably one of the most moral armies in their world. I'm glad that you finally realized that we were telling the truth all the time and that our actions were justified and any civillian casualties in Gaza were NOT caused on purpose but rather because Hamas used them as human shields......

Maybe next time the world will listen to us instead of blindly branding us with vicious labels.

...............but who am I kidding......

Here is Judge Goldstone's article in the Washington Post:

Reconsidering the Goldstone Report on Israel and war crimes - The Washington Post
Finally......after a year and a half of having to deal with the lies and false accusations of the Goldstone Report, judge Goldstone finally stepped up to the plate and announced to the world that he was wrong in his findings.....Israel did NOT commit war crimes, Israel did NOT target civillians during the war that Hamas started with us, and Israel DID investigate isolated incidents involving improper conduct of soldiers.

In short, judge Goldstone now admits himself what we've been saying all along - we had every right in the world to defend ourselves against the constant rocket attacks that Hamas launched against our civillian population, and we did not commit any war crimes during this campaign.

Not only that, the other committee chaired by Judge Mary McGowan Davis found that: “Israel has dedicated significant resources to investigate over 400 allegations of operational misconduct in Gaza” while “the de facto authorities (i.e., Hamas) have not conducted any investigations into the launching of rocket and mortar attacks against Israel.”

Really?? Hamas didn't investigate their attacks against us?? what a surprise!!

In short, thanks for nothing your honor......your one-sided report did immeasurable damage to Israel, you have accused us falsely of war crimes and tarnished the reputation of the IDF - which is undoubtably one of the most moral armies in their world. I'm glad that you finally realized that we were telling the truth all the time and that our actions were justified and any civillian casualties in Gaza were NOT caused on purpose but rather because Hamas used them as human shields......

Maybe next time the world will listen to us instead of blindly branding us with vicious labels.

...............but who am I kidding......

Here is Judge Goldstone's article in the Washington Post:

Reconsidering the Goldstone Report on Israel and war crimes - The Washington Post

Can you point to any situation where a member of the IDF has been substantially punished for any action? It seems every investigation comes up with the same answer: nothing to see here Like you know when they pumped 20 bullets into an unarmed 13 year old girl, including two point blank range 'verification' shots. Oh that's right, the soldier involved got a promotion.

Or when they shot my friend James Miller who was holding a white flag at the time, and was again unharmed.

Lots of investigations, always the same answer even when the facts dispute it.
Can you point to any situation where a member of the IDF has been substantially punished for any action? It seems every investigation comes up with the same answer: nothing to see here Like you know when they pumped 20 bullets into an unarmed 13 year old girl, including two point blank range 'verification' shots. Oh that's right, the soldier involved got a promotion.

Or when they shot my friend James Miller who was holding a white flag at the time, and was again unharmed.

Lots of investigations, always the same answer even when the facts dispute it.

Hello Popshopper,

Here is one instance:
IDF soldier convicted of manslaughter of British activist - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

And here is an interview with the deputy military advocate about investigating incidents and prosecution of soldiers:

Home Page - IDF Military Advocate General
Associated Press, April 6
South African jurist Richard Goldstone said Tuesday that he did not plan to seek nullification of his highly critical UN report on Israel's 2008-2009 offensive in the Gaza Strip and asserted that claims to the contrary by Israeli Interior Minister Eli Yishai were false.

The 2009 Goldstone report initially concluded that both Israel and Hamas had committed potential war crimes and possible crimes against humanity during three weeks of fighting. The findings that Israeli forces had intentionally fired at Palestinian civilians triggered outrage in Israel and a personal campaign against Goldstone, who is Jewish.

In the Post article, Goldstone lauded Israel for conducting dozens of investigations into alleged wrongdoing. In particular, he cited evidence that a deadly strike that killed more than 20 members of a Palestinian family resulted from faulty intelligence and was not an intentional attack. Nevertheless, Goldstone said, he did not intend to seek the report's nullification. "As appears from the Washington Post article, information subsequent to publication of the report did meet with the view that one correction should be made with regard to intentionality on the part of Israel," the judge said. "Further information as a result of domestic investigations could lead to further reconsideration, but as presently advised I have no reason to believe any part of the report needs to be reconsidered at this time."
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In their continued quest to defend themselves against the horrible agressors, Hamas launched a deliberate anti-tank missile attack against a clearly marked military target.........

...........a bus full of school children.

This only drives the point home that peace will NEVER come to Israel or the Palestinians, or indeed the middle east in general, until Hamas is routed out of Gaza together with Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and, of course, their mentor Iran.

Two hurt in missile strike on bus carrying students near Gaza - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
13 killed in Israeli strikes in Gaza

By Joel Greenberg, Saturday, April 9, 1:21 AM
JERUSALEM — Israeli strikes in the Gaza Strip on Friday and early Saturday killed 13 Palestinians, including a woman and her daughter, medical officials said, in continuing exchanges of fire a day after a missile attack on an Israeli school bus that wounded two people.

Israeli aircraft and tanks fired at targets in the Palestinian enclave, and militants launched mortar rounds and rockets at Israel, causing no casualties. Seventeen Palestinians, civilians, have been killed and dozens wounded since Thursday’s bus attack, in the worse flare-up of violence since an Israeli offensive in 2009 against the militant Islamic group Hamas, which controls Gaza.

U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged an “immediate end” to rocket fire at Israel and “maximum restraint” by Israel, voicing concern at all the reports of many civilian casualties.

An Israeli drone hit a house east of Khan Younis, killing a 45-year-old woman and her 21-year-old daughter, according to a spokesman for Gaza’s emergency services. He said a 55-year-old farmer was also killed in a separate attack in the same area.

The Israeli army said that it had responded to mortar and rocket fire from a neighborhood in the Khan Younis area and that two launching squads were targeted and hit. A military spokesman acknowledged that “uninvolved civilians” appeared to be the casualties but accused Hamas of using them as human shields by operating inside residential areas.

An 11-year-old boy was killed and 10 other people were injured, most of them children, by Israeli shelling in Shujaiya, east of Gaza City, medical officials and the Islamic Jihad group said.

The army said it had struck from the air and that it was aware of civilian casualties.

The body of another Palestinian, apparently killed in earlier fighting, was recovered in Khan Younis.

The army said that nearly 20 mortar rounds and rockets were fired at Israel on Friday, including three Grad rockets aimed at the southern coastal city of Ashkelon that were intercepted by the military’s new Iron Dome missile defense system.

Israel is a state that has a government that kills civilians.

The Palestinians do not have a state or a government.
Israel is a state that has a government that kills civilians.

The Palestinians do not have a state or a government.

Israel does not delibrately target civilians. There's always going to be high collateral damage in urban warfare. Hamas and Hezbollah, who control Palestine, do.
Hamas makes rare appeal to Israel to halt fighting

JERUSALEM – A senior member of Gaza's ruling Hamas movement on Sunday made a rare appeal to the Israeli public to halt escalating cross-border fighting, telling an Israeli radio station in fluent Hebrew that Hamas is ready to stop its rocket fire if Israel ends its attacks on Gaza.

With fighting continuing early Sunday, Hamas' deputy foreign minister, Ghazi Hamad, delivered the message to state-run Israel Radio. "We are interested in calm but want the Israeli military to stop its operations," Hamad said in Hebrew.

Hamas refuses to recognize Israel, but Hamad and other leaders of the Islamic militant group learned Hebrew during stints in Israeli prisons.

Other Hamas officials said they were in touch with mediators in hopes of restoring calm.

Hamad spoke shortly after Palestinian militants in Gaza fired several mortar shells and rockets into southern Israel. There were no reports of injuries, and Israel did not retaliate for the latest strikes.

Israeli leaders sent mixed messages Sunday.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak said if militants in Hamas-ruled Gaza cease their attacks, so would Israel.

But Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took a more combative tack. "If the attacks on Israeli citizens and soldiers continue, the response will be far harsher" than it has been, Netanyahu told his Cabinet.

The violence escalated a week ago when an Israeli airstrike killed three Hamas militants who Israel said were planning a cross-border kidnapping. On Thursday, Hamas militants fired a guided anti-tank missile at an Israeli school bus, wounding the two people on board, including a teenage boy who was critically hurt.

Since Thursday, Palestinians fired more than 120 rockets and mortars into southern Israel, prompting a series of Israeli reprisals that have killed 19 Palestinians, including six civilians, and wounded 65 others. It has been the most intense fighting between Israel and Gaza militants since a major Israeli offensive in the Palestinian territory ended in January 2009.

While neither side appears interested in all-out war, the fear is that an isolated incident could easily spark an Israeli offensive because of the combustible situation that has developed over the past month.

Mohammed Awad, Hamas' foreign minister, told the group's Al-Quds TV station that there was a "sustained effort" to halt the fighting. "I can say we were in contact with Egypt, Turkey and the United Nations," he said.

Islamic Jihad, a smaller Palestinian militant group, also called for a halt to the violence.

Israel invaded Gaza in December 2008 in an attempt to stop years of persistent rocket fire at Israeli civilians near the Palestinian territory. Some 1,400 Gazans, including hundreds of civilians, and 13 Israelis were killed in the three-week offensive.

Until the recent flareup, cross-border violence remained at a relatively low level.

However, the balance of power has gradually shifted since the war.

On Thursday, Israel first used a new system designed to intercept incoming rockets. The system, Iron Dome, has now successfully shot down eight projectiles aimed at Israeli cities, the military said, though Israeli officials say it cannot provide a complete defense.

Israel says Hamas, meanwhile, has acquired deadlier weapons since the war. It says the group now has rockets capable of striking deep into Israel, anti-aircraft missiles and sophisticated anti-tank weapons like the laser-guided missile that hit the bus on Thursday.

Hamas makes rare appeal to Israel to halt fighting - Yahoo! News

Israel eliminates 3 Hamas militants, so they try and blow up a school bus full of children? I just don't get how some people can judge Israel as harshly as Palestine.

And honestly, I don't trust Hamas motives for a cease-fire. They're probably just really hurting right now, and want time to recover.
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