It's The End Of The World As We Know It

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Blue Crack Addict
Nov 30, 2002
Edge's beanie closet
So today is the end-how are YOU going to spend your last day? I think it might be 6 PM..EST? Not sure. I think it might be 6 wherever you are. So you have until 6.

Think of some good stuff to do

Damn-the Red Sox were on a roll. Oh well, at least I saw the new Pirates movie. The sun is out today too after a week of rain :eyebrow: :uhoh:

It's the moment we've all been waiting for: "Doomsday."

Harold Camping, a radio host and leader of an obscure Christian movement, has proclaimed that the world will end on May 21 based on his interpretation of the Bible
I'll be listening to "Last Night On Earth" and "Until The End Of The World", of course! :rockon:
I plan on waiting until all the good people get taken up and then I'm going to move into their houses and eat their food. I'm kind of hoping it will open up some squattable housing in the Caribbean.
I plan on waiting until all the good people get taken up and then I'm going to move into their houses and eat their food. I'm kind of hoping it will open up some squattable housing in the Caribbean.


Yes I guess it's supposed to be that the "good" (saved) people leave and everyone else is still here. I wonder who will be left.

I hope Johnny Depp is still here and you and I can kidnap him and take him to the Caribbean house. His partner and kids will be gone :wink:
I'm kind of thinking pirates will still be here. But why's the rum gone?

No-I meant Vanessa :evil: He owns an island, so we can just go there.

I just want to make it until I can see the last Oprah show. I know The Rapture would never want to piss off or upstage Oprah, so I think we're all safe.
Well as of now I have 7 hours to live.....I'm going to spend them emptying my fridge and binging.

No way am I going to leave my good food for the alien species that will replace us on earth......
Funny thing is we can all laugh at this, but come the morning of December 21 2012 I think I'll be ever so slightly nervy. Strange how a pagan Mayan prophecy can make you slightly unsure, yet an interpretation on the Bible sounds completely ludricrous.
Funny thing is we can all laugh at this, but come the morning of December 21 2012 I think I'll be ever so slightly nervy. Strange how a pagan Mayan prophecy can make you slightly unsure, yet an interpretation on the Bible sounds completely ludricrous.
If the Mayans really had it all figured out, do you think they would be extinct?
lemonfly said:
Funny thing is we can all laugh at this, but come the morning of December 21 2012 I think I'll be ever so slightly nervy. Strange how a pagan Mayan prophecy can make you slightly unsure, yet an interpretation on the Bible sounds completely ludricrous.

It's not the end of the world even in Mayan eschatology. I think they set the date for hundreds of thousands of years in the future. "2012" was just an arbitrary date set into their distant future for their calendar. I'm pretty sure had their civilisation survived, they'd have just written a new calendar with another distant, but arbitrary end date.
If the Mayans really had it all figured out, do you think they would be extinct?

Haha good point. But I dig the Mayans. Their long count calender ends abruptly next December and (most likely) they thought it would usher in a new age of spiritual enlightenment. The whole "end of the world" thing is a largely Western construct. They studied the heavens and planetary alignments and apparently there's going to be a very rare alignment next year. Interesting shit.
Hey folks, I hate to break it to you but the rapture did happen today. It's just that the rest of us are all doomed to damnation. The sad part is that so very few were saved...... :wink:
You know, what if the Rapture actually happens tonight, and it happens while U2 is onstage in Denver?

What if it takes Bono but nobody else in the band? Aaaaawkward!
Well its 4:30pm EST and the sky is getting dark now. I guess God likes drama and big lead-up to the actual event. :giggle:
You know, what if the Rapture actually happens tonight, and it happens while U2 is onstage in Denver?

What if it takes Bono but nobody else in the band? Aaaaawkward!

You'll get Van Diemen's Land and Numb ("Don't get raptured on stage.") Result!

Now I'm going to start hoping the Rapture really DOES happen about three seconds into the gig.

:lol: OMG totally!!!

The all-Edge show--I'm quitting working and hitting every NA date!
Maybe the Mayans didn't mean for the calendar to end in 2012. Maybe they only got that far because they suddenly became extinct.
The world didn't end today but something just as bad DID happen.

A French-Canadian won the pole for the Indianapolis 500.

Quelle horreur !!
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