U2 video: Recording in Cadiz, Spain

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Italians, please help!
I found this article on u2place.com but I can't really understand it. It's something about new locations for the Corbijn-video and details about the album, I think?

Il giornale Bergueda Actual ha pubblicato nuove indiscrezioni sul nuovo video degli U2 girato nella citt? di Cadice in Spagna tra il 23-27 luglio (Vedi News 1-2).
Il 28 luglio scorso La Cantina di Llinars nelle vicinanze di Sant Llorenç, si è convertita nel set del nuovo video della band diretto dal regista Anton Corbijn. La storia del video è quella citata nelle precedenti news, dove un motociclista parte da Parigi diretto a Cadice in cerca dell’orizzonte e si ferma in questa locanda. Presenti durante le riprese due attori insieme ad una ventina di comparse che hanno riempito la locanda ed hanno creato una 'illusione speciale', secondo quanto detto dal proprietario della locanda.
L'articolo si conclude affermando che tutto questo materiale video sar? inserito in un DVD che uscir? insieme al nuovo album della band, quindi si presume un ipotetica uscita del disco in edizione doppia CD+DVD.
Oltre la locanda sopraindicata e Cadice, sono stati ripresi altri luoghi nelle vicinanze come Coll de Pal e il túnel de la Mina de Solsona.

U2place - Nuova location del prossimo video degli U2! - Le notizie in italiano sugli U2
Italians, please help!
I found this article on u2place.com but I can't really understand it. It's something about new locations for the Corbijn-video and details about the album, I think?


Good find! I'll be waiting patiently :)
I read this one in Spanish, and it tells that they were shooting some scenes for the video in a cantine in Catalunya (Spain) The scene was about the guy in the motorbike stoping to have a rest and have something to eat... (Anton Corbijn love the salads there... :lol: )

They were shooting on 28th of july...
Actual Bergued The newspaper has published new indiscretions on the new U2 video shot in the city of Cadiz in Spain from 23-27 July (See News 1-2).
On July 28 last Winery of Llinars near Sant Llorenç, it was converted into a set of the band's new video directed by film director Anton Corbijn. The history of the video is mentioned in previous news, where a motorcyclist party from Paris to Cadiz searching the horizon and stops at this inn. Present during the shooting two actors with a score of extras who filled the inn and have created an 'illusion special', as told by the owner of the inn.
The article concludes by saying that all this footage will be included in a DVD due out along with the band's new album, and then assumes a hypothetical output disc edition double CD + DVD.
Beyond the inn above and Cadiz, were taken elsewhere in the vicinity as Coll de Pal and túnel de la Mina de Solsona.

google :rockon:
Thanks heaps for the article. I think this still means that No Line On The Horizon will be the first single off the new album. If they are selling the album with a CD + DVD then thats a bonus for me.

I cannot wait too see the new video clip. :up:
I find it quite strange that they have recorded a video for a song even though the album is clearly not finished. I mean the video will have been shot a good 6-9 months before the album is out.

Have U2 ever done this before?
I'm not sure but, I think U2 are just trying to fill the places of the album but NLOTH is ready.
Who says that this is a video for a song off the new record? Maybe it's a video for something else. For a song for something else.
:lol: It's amazing how quickly rumors start in here...

The only mention of an iPod commercial was a poster in here jumping to a conclusion... then someone put it up on wikipedia, and now it's rumor.
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