Next Album Rumours Thread IV - 2 Sing 2 Furious

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Jan 20, 2003
a city with banks and cathedrals
Previous thread was at 1003.

Will THIS be the thread during which a new album is announced? Will it even be the thread during which the JT30 movie is announced? Are U2 even a band anymore?
Previous thread was at 1003.

Will THIS be the thread during which a new album is announced? Will it even be the thread during which the JT30 movie is announced? Are U2 even a band anymore?

Important, valid questions. Hopefully all will be revealed within the next 1,000 posts!!
At least we know Bono and Edge are still making music together...
As cool as it would be to see U2 win an Oscar (especially when their hopes for a Tony failed so miserably), this sure ain’t like winning for a Martin Scorsese film or a film about Mandela.

Oh, the indignity.
I mean, serious acting talent shows up all the time in animated movies, pretty much since Robin Williams in Aladdin. I know rock stars are different, but Prince was on Sesame Street. I don’t see why this has to be an embarrassment.

Hopefully he can shake off the weight in time to perform next spring. Also seems like a good starting point for the return of U2.
Oh are they doing a song for Sing 2 as well?

I'll be honest, Bono's voice in the trailer is cracking me up in a good way. Since I'm a stan, of course I'm going to see it, but I've been to the movie theater so many times in the last two weeks and that trailer has played in front of almost every movie (I think Candyman might be the only one it didn't). I'm seriously going to lose it soon.
Here's to hoping it's not too sugary or cheesy.

Please don't use this as a platform for more food jokes. :D
The one thing Sing 2 might teach the band (if the song is actually good and successful) is that embracing their age is ok, and that a band in their early 60's being known as "Dad Rock" is acceptable. They've been running away from that trying to "Rawk" which is ridiculous to begin with because they've never "Rawked" in the first place.
The one thing Sing 2 might teach the band (if the song is actually good and successful) is that embracing their age is ok, and that a band in their early 60's being known as "Dad Rock" is acceptable. They've been running away from that trying to "Rawk" which is ridiculous to begin with because they've never "Rawked" in the first place.

Let's see who produces it. If it's TeddyBear, then we'll get lots of cheese (albeit probably very catchy).

Bono and Edge need to stop trying so hard to write a Beatles tune.

I'm in the mood for an album full of Velvet Cake...I mean Dress, Velvet Dress. Give me dark and brooding Bono. Edge with the effects.

Bono talked about making a "blue" album way back in the Passenger days, why not give us one while they wait for the tours to kick back in?
They've been running away from that trying to "Rawk" which is ridiculous to begin with because they've never "Rawked" in the first place.

I like to think that in an alternate universe, they got Mutt Lange to produce The Unforgettable Fire, and that universe's U2 got all the rawk. Closest we got is HMTMKMKM, which definitely fucking rocks.

As for the Sing 2 song, something like The Showman would probably be perfect. I like that song (just like I like Wild Honey), and would like to see them embrace and hone that bouncy, exuberant kind of pop rock, if they insist on both popping and rocking.

B&E think they're better at writing pop songs than they actually are.
I honestly had little issue with the style of SOE. My issue was the quasi-laziness of reusing parts of SOI (I get it - it was a companion album, but it was released way too long after SOI, and they didn't lean into the idea that it was a companion album, likely because they didn't want to draw attention to the whole apple thing).

More than anything it was the selection of what to promote. There was plenty of actual "songs of experience", but they went with the vapid "pop crossover' singles instead of the songs that actually fit their age.

The only one they released that was age appropriate was Love Is Bigger Than Anything In It's Way.
What about the laziness of having several other random people playing guitar instead of Edge on the album?

I agree that the single choices (aside from Blackout) were the biggest errors, but this one also had too many cooks in the kitchen.
please resume food puns
I really like SOE, but it definitely hasn't stuck with me the same way that SOI has. Raised By Wolves, The Troubles, EBW, the glorious Sleep Like A Baby, Reach, hell even Volcano are all songs that feel right with their age and position. Miracle would make a fine album cut, but shouldn't have been the lead single.

SOE... I get the construct. Bono writing "letters" to his wife, son, daughter, maybe themselves... So there is a narrative quality that you sort of have to understand to appreciate most of the songs. Obviously Love is All, Lights of Home, Little Things, 13, Love is Bigger (that's a lot of love, sigh) Landlady, Red Flag Day all fit into that box. and are strong songs.
I like Best Thing, I think it's a well done pop song. And Summer of Love (oy more love) but not exactly sure it follows the narrative. Get Out would have been better without the political stuff shoved in, but is just a boring song.

This is where SOE falters. There are songs on it that just don't fit like American Soul and The Blackout. I like the latter, but just is miles off from the vibe of the rest of the album. It feels shoehorned in. The Showman I just downright don't like. SOE could have, and IMO should have been a more meditative album from start to finish.

U2's best albums have always had an "atmosphere." Not referring to atmospheric, but a feeling that permeates through the entire album. UF, AB, Zooropa, JT, War, etc... Somewhat with POP. SOI gets really close as well.

They run into trouble when they have these songs that just veer off. Obviously this is most apparent with No Line. A tremendous album that was just wrecked by three songs. And the funny thing is, lots of U2 albums have 3 or 4 bad songs. But it doesn't take down the whole album if those weak songs still feel like they fit into the albums atmosphere.

Then they also run into trouble when they release lead singles that don't represent the album. POP, SOE, somewhat SOI, and obviously No Line.
What about the laziness of having several other random people playing guitar instead of Edge on the album?

I agree that the single choices (aside from Blackout) were the biggest errors, but this one also had too many cooks in the kitchen.
please resume food puns
Well, yes - it was sad that the most interesting guitar parts on the album were written by One Republic and Haim.

Alas - that's not as high on my list of grievances largely because I actually like both of those songs.
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I really like SOE, but it definitely hasn't stuck with me the same way that SOI has. Raised By Wolves, The Troubles, EBW, the glorious Sleep Like A Baby, Reach, hell even Volcano are all songs that feel right with their age and position. Miracle would make a fine album cut, but shouldn't have been the lead single.

SOE... I get the construct. Bono writing "letters" to his wife, son, daughter, maybe themselves... So there is a narrative quality that you sort of have to understand to appreciate most of the songs. Obviously Love is All, Lights of Home, Little Things, 13, Love is Bigger (that's a lot of love, sigh) Landlady, Red Flag Day all fit into that box. and are strong songs.

I like Best Thing, I think it's a well done pop song. And Summer of Love (oy more love) but not exactly sure it follows the narrative. Get Out would have been better without the political stuff shoved in, but is just a boring song.

This is where SOE falters. There are songs on it that just don't fit like American Soul and The Blackout. I like the latter, but just is miles off from the vibe of the rest of the album. It feels shoehorned in. The Showman I just downright don't like. SOE could have, and IMO should have been a more meditative album from start to finish.

U2's best albums have always had an "atmosphere." Not referring to atmospheric, but a feeling that permeates through the entire album. UF, AB, Zooropa, JT, War, etc... Somewhat with POP. SOI gets really close as well.

They run into trouble when they have these songs that just veer off. Obviously this is most apparent with No Line. A tremendous album that was just wrecked by three songs. And the funny thing is, lots of U2 albums have 3 or 4 bad songs. But it doesn't take down the whole album if those weak songs still feel like they fit into the albums atmosphere.

Then they also run into trouble when they release lead singles that don't represent the album. POP, SOE, somewhat SOI, and obviously No Line.
Honestly it's just Get Out and American Soul.

They're obvious attempts at creating something poppy and mainstream - complete with the rapper du jour bridge between the two songs - and it just failed miserably.

Best Thing? Eh, I can deal with it. Shouldn't have been the lead single, or any single, but it would have made a nice album track.

If one of the above two had to stay it would be Get Out - but NOT as a single or anything that was promoted or given priority placement on the tour setlist. Just as a song.

The rest of the album has a very "we're old now" feel, which is perfectly fine, and they should have just stuck with that instead of trying, again, and failing, again, to be hip and cool with the kids.

The kids don't like you. It's okay. Accept the oldness.
Bring back the dark, atmospheric and experimental U2. Get loose of those poppy songs like Love is bigger.../Get out of....
13 There's a light, would be a nice bridge to that new atmospheric album.
More examples of songs that are in that category: Tomorrow, Drowning Man, Heartland, Unforgettable Fire, Exit, Deep in the heart, Until the end of the world, Gone, Zooropa, Lemon, Velvet dress, Every Breaking wave (album version), Winter, White as snow, Your blue room and ...yes Mercy!!!
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Bring back the dark, atmospheric and experimental U2.

I’m convinced that if they spent their final years as a band making weird, dark, artsy records people would go nuts and they’d win the awards and adoration they crave. Might be time to uncouple album and tour concepts again and let them exist on their own.

360 on the streets. Zooropa in the sheets.
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