U2-related movie mistake

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Feb 13, 2004
watching the Cubs
My fiancée and I went to go see I Can Only Imagine the other night. As it starts, a caption on the screen reads “Greenville, Texas- 1985.” A minute later, you see a young boy (the main character) bike to the local music shop. The guy behind the counter hands him a cassette tape and says something like “Try this one. I think you’ll like it.” The tape he hands the boy is The Joshua Tree. In 1985!

Also, a little bit later, the boy and his mom are in the car listening to Into The Heart.

Just thought it was interesting and something that only people like us would catch :)
I once saw Jim Carrey being interviewed, and he said “there’s a great line from a U2 song that says “a woman needs a man like a fish needs a basketball” “. (Not sure of the proper way to punctuate a quote inside of a quote.)
My fiancée and I went to go see I Can Only Imagine the other night. As it starts, a caption on the screen reads “Greenville, Texas- 1985.” A minute later, you see a young boy (the main character) bike to the local music shop. The guy behind the counter hands him a cassette tape and says something like “Try this one. I think you’ll like it.” The tape he hands the boy is The Joshua Tree. In 1985!

Also, a little bit later, the boy and his mom are in the car listening to Into The Heart.

Just thought it was interesting and something that only people like us would catch :)

That singer of Mercy Me must be a U2 fan. I remember back in 2003 my ex girlfriend and her parents drug me along to a Michael W. Smith concert. Mercy Me were the opening act, and this was when that song was huge. So Mercy Me did a cover of “WTSHNN”, and Michael W. Smith covered “Pride”, so I at least go to hear something I enjoyed!
I once saw Jim Carrey being interviewed, and he said “there’s a great line from a U2 song that says “a woman needs a man like a fish needs a basketball” “. (Not sure of the proper way to punctuate a quote inside of a quote.)
Jim Carrey (mis)quoted TTTYAATW? That's pretty interesting. Any idea when the interview was?

Oh, and the punctuation would work like this: "There’s a great line from a U2 song that says 'a woman needs a man like a fish needs a basketball.' "
I remember back in 2003 my ex girlfriend and her parents drug me along to a Michael W. Smith concert. Mercy Me were the opening act, and this was when that song was huge.

I can see why she is your ex. You poor guy, nobody should have to suffer that.
I can see why she is your ex. You poor guy, nobody should have to suffer that.

Yeah, her family was very religious, and I got drug to many things like that over the 2 years we were together. It was really awful, as I am somebody who grew up in a house where religion was non existent. But I was young and getting laid on the regular, so I just kinda went with it. Never again!
I once saw Jim Carrey being interviewed, and he said “there’s a great line from a U2 song that says “a woman needs a man like a fish needs a basketball” “. (Not sure of the proper way to punctuate a quote inside of a quote.)

That line (although misquoted) isn't even from Bono... he borrowed it from Irina Dunn.
Yeah, her family was very religious, and I got drug to many things like that over the 2 years we were together. It was really awful, as I am somebody who grew up in a house where religion was non existent. But I was young and getting laid on the regular, so I just kinda went with it. Never again!

So I take it she wasn't very religious?
So I take it she wasn't very religious?

She was religious, but by that time we were 19-20, and I had my own apartment. Luckily she was willing to bend those rules. Still, lots of things I'm not proud of today... so many church events.
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