So I've been on a Pop kick the past day or so...

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Aug 15, 2004
Minnesota, USA
And it's still going, as we speak! Just got done with SATS, playing Discotheque again right now, and going right into Mofo after that. This is kinda funny, since even though I've never been a hater towards this album, I haven't played it a whole lot in the past few years.

Anyone else in a similar boat with this (or any other) album today?
i was majorly disappointed with it when it first came out, hating tracks like IGWSHA and finding Last Night on Earth and Staring at the Sun just boring. However I immediately loved Mofo and WUDM and gradually grew to love the others, though it's only quite recent that I'm able to listen to IGWSHA without wanting to fall asleep.
It's a real summertime record which I'd say is unique fora U2 album. It's not one of my faves but it's still an album I have a lot of respect for an as the years go by I like and listen to it more and more.
PookaMacP: I'm in a similar boat with Pop. Not my first U2 album but the second and it has always remained one of my favourites with me.

Dunno why but I always liked the album. I think listening to Pop first helped me get into Zooropa. I think going in chronological order with the albums might have resulted with a dislike for Pop?
I've been writing a list of known internet imbeciles. A recent addition to this list includes a blogger who describes SBS as melodic or that War is too poppy because of piano hooks such as the one in NYD. Haha. I'd say SBS has a gentle dull melody. Oh and if a songs anthemic, that means it's pop music. Hahhaha. They even describe Two Hearts Beat As One as a pop/dance song. HOHOHO.Oh and that it's chorus is too upbeat? How can you be too upbeat? Shall we all jump of the nearest tall building in utter desperation just so we aren't too upbeat?

But I don't think that U2 are really that good in writing dance music. Their best examples have been EBTTRT, Beautiful Day and LMC'c mash up with WOWY's Take Me To The Clouds Above. Two of these have been remixed by Paul Oakinfold and the last one was really a cover version.
I've been writing a list of known internet imbeciles. A recent addition to this list includes a blogger who describes SBS as melodic or that War is too poppy because of piano hooks such as the one in NYD. Haha. I'd say SBS has a gentle dull melody. Oh and if a songs anthemic, that means it's pop music. Hahhaha. They even describe Two Hearts Beat As One as a pop/dance song. HOHOHO.Oh and that it's chorus is too upbeat? How can you be too upbeat? Shall we all jump of the nearest tall building in utter desperation just so we aren't too upbeat?

But I don't think that U2 are really that good in writing dance music. Their best examples have been EBTTRT, Beautiful Day and LMC'c mash up with WOWY's Take Me To The Clouds Above. Two of these have been remixed by Paul Oakinfold and the last one was really a cover version.

I've read this three times...

1. what the hell?

2. What does this have to do with Pop?
Guys, you heard it here first: Two Hearts is decidedly NOT a pop song.


For the love of all things living, of any song from that era that is pure pop, Two Hearts is definitely. And, it's extremely danceable.

It's an album for oppressive summer nights- a real feeling of static in the air! Pop didn't make sense the first time I heard it but repeated listenings won me over to the extent that it makes my blood boil every time U2 apologise for it. Sonically, it's such a rewarding album, perhaps their most rewarding and Bono hasn't probably written a finer set of lyrics. The bad might call it a demo it's a lot better than most of their finished works- "sorry" is not their hardest work but perhaps "stop" is.
whoa, sweet. yesterday I slipped it onto the CD player. the bass on do you feel completely shaked the walls :lol:

Do You Feel Loved will always be on my list of all-time favorite U2 songs. That was the one that stuck out to me immediately when I heard Pop for the first time around 7 years ago.

Gone isn't too far behind either... the new mix and live versions did do it a lot of justice though. Gotta love Edge's backing vocals there as well. Heck, if we're talking live versions of Pop songs, how about Edge's guitar work on the end of Last Night on Earth? :drool:
Pop is and always will be my favourite album by anyone ever, and when I introduce someone to U2 it's always the album I make them listen to.
Welcome, friend, and enjoy the drive through the populace with Discotheque blaring out of the windshield FOR: the "real world" LadyGagas, the baggy black trouser Slayer fans, the soccer moms with their Cher and Celine Dion, the middle age baseball and rolling stone fanboys, the I-HEART INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER hilljacks with grit in their teeth and fake cowboy hats, the theatre queens with their Fallout Boy, and the art teacher that listens to Mozart in the nude:

They all shake their heads for you shame them, and for that you are the outcast. And yet you still dance for Discotheque grips you. It is the antithesis of cool. It is the five and half minute ecstasy. It is attitude. It is POP.
i love pop. i think last night on earth is tremendous. Tracks like mofo, do you feel, please, gone are well crafted. Wake up dead man is NOT 40, but it comes alot closer then anyone wants to admit. I'm really into NLOTH, but i know pop is better.
'Do You Feel Loved' would have been no more successful a single than 'Last Night On Earth' (i.e., not very). It lacks the kind of easy pop hooks radio needs to grab the ear of non-U2 fans. Also, the bass is too high for radio, so they would have had to re-mix it to make it sound more 'pop' (no pun intended), so y'all would have disliked that.

For me, Pop is an album of great songs with great lyrics. The problem with it is that it tries hard to be a "major" U2 album of BIG pleasures (like War, or Joshua Tree, or Achtung), but it really succeeds more as an album of small pleasures. Also, there's no doubt that most of the remixed/re-recorded singles were superior to the LP versions, which makes some of the tracks on it somewhat redundant, for me.

But what do I know? I also think that Passengers Vol. 2 ... Oh, sorry, I mean No Line On The Horizon . . . is the most boring record they've ever made.
Welcome, friend, and enjoy the drive through the populace with Discotheque blaring out of the windshield FOR: the "real world" LadyGagas, the baggy black trouser Slayer fans, the soccer moms with their Cher and Celine Dion, the middle age baseball and rolling stone fanboys, the I-HEART INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER hilljacks with grit in their teeth and fake cowboy hats, the theatre queens with their Fallout Boy, and the art teacher that listens to Mozart in the nude:

They all shake their heads for you shame them, and for that you are the outcast. And yet you still dance for Discotheque grips you. It is the antithesis of cool. It is the five and half minute ecstasy. It is attitude. It is POP.

Nice. :up:

I fucking love Pop. AB has a marginal lead over it as my favorite album, but only by a fraction. The first time I bought and heard the album, in summer 2003, and that crazy Discotheque intro started, I literally remember saying "what the hell is this?" I listened to the entire album beginning to end, and I've loved it ever since. It's the only album that I'm always in the mood to listen to; I'll go through phases with all the others, including AB, but Pop is the only one that I've never said no to.
I think its a very strong album. It may not have the classics quite on the level of "streets", but its album cuts are better and/or more interesting then most albums. It is better then NLOTH. And i am really into NLOTH. I can def say i rank it above october, NLOTH, rattle,boy, htddab, unforgetable fire in my favs off the top of my head.
I find Pop to be overrated and underrated at the same time. I love about 1/2 the album.

Do You Feel Loved is my favorite track from the album (Though Live versions of MOFO are outrageous), but, even with how much I like DYFL, it still feels like it had the potential to be really special but fell just short. Highly subjective take on it, I know, just how I feel about it.
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